Chapter 49: New Additions

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It has been a while since Jenna and I had hung out, just the two of us. It felt like being dumb teenagers again, window shopping and buying all the things we couldn't when we wanted to. I left Hot Topic with a punk necklace with spikes and matching earrings, then immediately went into Lush to get bath bombs and a coffee face mask. We went into Victoria's Secret and laughed at how skimpy and uncomfortable everything was. By the time we were ready to go home, we were laden with shopping bags.

"Okay, so I have to blindfold you before we go in," Jenna informed me as we pulled into the driveway. "Spencer's orders."

"Since when do you take orders from Spencer?" I teased.

"Since you got pregnant." She offered me the 'blindfold'- a padded sleep mask. "Ready?"

I took it, put it on, and nodded. "Lead the way, darling."

I waited for her to open my door and take my hand. I knew the path to my door almost without looking, so I didn't stumble as we approached the door.

"Ready?" Jenna asked.

"Ready." I confirmed.

The door opened and I walked inside, hearing murmuring voices, but nothing distinct. The blindfold was taken off, I opened my eyes, taking a second to adjust to the light.

"Congratulations!" A chorus of voices yelled.

I looked around registering Hotch, JJ, Garcia, Emily, Morgan, Rossi, Spencer's mum, and Spencer around me. It took a second to register all the decorations on the walls, the balloons and baby-themed decorations covering the walls, and another second to realize what the decorations said.

"Holy-" I gasped, "You're kidding."

Spencer smiled and walked towards me, wrapping one arm around me, "Not kidding."

On the wall, in large, stylized letters, were the words 'You're having twins!'

"Spencer Reid, are you serious?" I turned to him and punched him in the arm, "You didn't tell me about this?"

He was smiling more widely than I'd ever seen before, "And I managed to get the OB/GYN and ultrasound tech to agree not to say anything."

"Is this why we couldn't listen to the heartbeat?" I asked.

He nodded, "Two heartbeats, it would've been obvious."

"You are unbelievable, Spencer," I shook my head, "Absolutely unbelievable."

"But you love me," he kissed me.

"Congratulations," JJ walked forward to hug me, "We're so happy for you."

"Hold up, who knew about this before today?" I asked accusingly. "I want a show of hands."

Jenna, Spencer, and Garcia all raised their hands.

"We just knew there was going to be a baby shower," Morgan shrugged. "At least until we showed up."

"You're lucky I'm so in love with you," I smiled and kissed Spencer.

"Okay, let's celebrate!" Garcia dragged me to a chair covered in blankets, "I've been planning this since your wedding."

I laughed and sat town, taking a glass of (non-alcoholic, of course) sparkling cider. Everyone else took their places around the living room, with Spencer settling on my lap.

"Okay, presents," Jenna said, picking up a package and handing it to me.

I sighed and took it, carefully undoing the wrapping. I handed it to Spencer, who immediately began folding it. It was several bottles, each with tops that could be changed out easily.

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