Chapter 70: Submission

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"Remind me, what are your safewords?" Spencer asked, one finger under my chin making me look up at him.

"Red or kiwi for stop, yellow for check in." I answered confidently.

"Good." Spencer smiled at me, then picked up a blindfold and knelt in front of me. "Can I put this on?"

I nodded. "Yes, Sir."

He gently pulled it over my head, hand trailing down my cheek, then wrapping around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. I gasped a little before relaxing into him.

"Spread your legs, hands behind your back." I heard him move away.

I obeyed, shifting to spread my legs as far as I could, pushing my shoulders back to present, clasping my hands. I waited, focusing on my breathing.

I'm safe.

I heard him walk back. "Such a good slut for me."

I smiled at the praise. I heard him move behind me, felt his hands on my arms. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping one hand around my neck to pull me against him.

"My little pet." He growled. "So good for me."

I smiled and relaxed. My skin pressed against his, I could feel his warmth, his breath against my neck. His other hand ran down my hips and between my legs, barely brushing my clit. I gasped and bucked forward, then relaxed again.

"There you go, let me pleasure you." Spencer praised.

I'm letting Spencer do this. I'm in control.

I heard some movement, then the hum of a vibrator. I tensed in anticipation, moaning when Spencer put it against my clit.

"Good, don't hold back." Spencer's hand tightened a little around my throat.

I whined and moaned, grinding forward. "Fuck, Sir." I was fighting to keep my thighs spread, hands clenching in pleasure.

Spencer's hand left my throat and pulled my hair back, allowing him to mark my neck. I knew the marks he left would be dark and not easy to hide; I didn't care.

"You're feeling this pleasure because I'm letting you," Spencer growled in my ear. "Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" I gasped, unable to stop myself from grinding forward. "Fuck, it feels so good."

"You better ask before you cum, slut."

I nodded desperately. "Fuck, please, Sir, please let me cum. You're making me feel so good, please let me feel good for you, please."

He pulled the vibrator away from me.

"No, please," I whined, "Please, Sir."


"Green, please, please let me cum for you." I groaned.

He put the vibrator against my clit again, and I knew I was close to my orgasm again.

"Please, Sir, please, let me cum," I was grinding forward against the toy, "Oh, fuck, please, Sir."

Spencer leaned forward, biting my ear, voice deep in my ear. "Cum for me."

I almost screamed in pleasure, moaning, unable to even form words. My hips bucked up against the vibrator, body pushing back against Spencer as I moaned. As I slowly came down from the orgasm, muscles twitching with pleasure, breath heavy. I heard Spencer turn the vibrator off and shift, allowing him to kiss me. I smiled and kissed him back between breaths.

"Color?" He asked.


I heard him shift again, felt him wrap his arms around me. "Wrap your legs around me, pet, hold on."

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