Chapter 39: New Conversations

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"Hey, Spence, I need to talk to you about something." I waited for him to look up, "I have an appointment to get my IUD removed."

"Okay?" he looked confused as he sipped his coffee. "What's the problem?"

"I don't want to have to get it removed before the five-year term," I hesitated, "And I know we've talked about having kids before, and I can go on the pill or something before we want to, I just... I wanted to know how you felt about it."

Spencer's eyes widened with understanding. "Oh. Right."

"You don't have to give me an answer now, and we can talk more later. I just wanted to bring it up sooner rather than later so I can plan." I shrugged, fighting to stay casual, "So that we can plan."

I knew what I wanted: I wanted to get it removed and have kids with him, I wanted to be with him for my entire life and see his smile as we raised children together. I'd seen how he was with kids, he doted on his godson Henry, and I knew he'd love his- our children even more. But I wasn't going to pressure him into it. This was something we had to decide on together.

I wandered back to the bedroom, leaving Spencer alone with his thoughts.

Message to: JJ
911 on a coffee date?

I pulled off my clothes and slowly got dressed, deciding on a casual jean and t-shirt combination.

Message from: JJ
Sure, I'd love to get away for a while. See you soon?

I found a coffee shop between us and texted her the address, then walked back to the kitchen, finding Spencer still sipping his coffee and thinking.

"Hey, I'm going to go out with JJ, unless you want to talk."

He shook his head, seemingly staring off into nothing. "Go ahead, we can talk when you get back."

"Are you sure?" I asked, walking over to him and rubbing one shoulder, "I can stay, and we can talk if you want."

He looked up, smiling at me, "I'm sure. See you when you get back, I love you."

I kissed him, "Love you too."


"Alright, what are we here for?" JJ asked, sliding my coffee to me, "You wouldn't call me on our off day for nothing."

"So... Spence and I have talked about having kids a few times."

"Are you..." her eyes grew wide as she asked, "Are you pregnant?"

I shook my head, "No, I've still got an IUD, but it's coming out soon. And since we've had the conversation before, I know it's a good time to talk about it, but it's hard to approach it with Spencer."

"Okay, you do realize you two are the most open people I know." She rolled her eyes, "How do you expect me to give you any advice?"

"How did you talk to Will about it?"

She shrugged, "It just came up in pillow talk a lot, I guess. The time just felt right."

"Spencer and I don't really have the same kind of, uh, pillow talk." I shifted a little, "It's either a lot of dirty talk or kisses and 'I love you' over and over."

"So, bring it up." She gave me a look that said, 'why do you even have to talk to me about this'. "Talk to him about it, bring it up, even if it is part of dirty talk or whatever. Just bring it into the conversation."

"But are we ready? I don't know if we're ready to have kids. I mean, Spencer's great with Henry, you know that, but I don't know if we'll be good parents." I took a drink, trying to hide my fear.

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