Chapter 55: A Bad Situation

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I slept on the plane ride home, not wanting to interact with anyone. I drifted in and out of dreams, waking up enough to hear muted voices a few times and feel Spencer's hand in mt hair, but nothing else. When we touched down, Spencer carried me to the car and buckled me into the front seat, driving to Jenna and Elle's house to pick up the kids before driving home. Tobias and Maeve were already asleep, so he laid them down quietly in their cribs before guiding me to our bedroom, helping me out of my clothes and into a sweater.

"Spencer?" I murmured as he guided me to bed, "Why are you doing this for me?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Taking care of me, making sure I'm okay," I tried to stop myself from continuing, but all my filters were gone, "Why do you do that for me?"

"Because you're my wife and I care about you." He answered, "Why wouldn't I?"

"I was being dramatic during the case, I made it worse for the team... I got in the way."

"Stop. Don't do that." Spencer said firmly. "You were doing what you thought was best. I couldn't be mad at you for that."

"But..." I curled up into his chest, "I just feel awful..."

"I know, but it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." He pulled me close, "Just try to sleep, okay? We can talk about this in the morning."

I nodded, breathing until I finally managed to relax and fall asleep.


I woke up to Spencer's off-key singing floating down the hall. I smiled and rolled over, enjoying it for a few minutes before pulling myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes and walking out of the bedroom.

"Spence, babe?" I asked, peeking into the nursery.

He stopped and turned to me. Tobias was on his hip, sucking on a pacifier, while his other hand was in Maeve's crib, letting her grip his fingers tightly.

"Morning, darling," he smiled, "How did you sleep?"

"Really well," I walked forward and took Tobias, who immediately pulled on my shirt, gurling. "Thank you for taking care of me yesterday."

He leaned forward to kiss me, "Of course, my love."

I looked down into Maeve's crib. She was standing up, supporting herself on the railing. Spencer picked her up, making her coo and lean against his shoulder.

"Such a daddy's girl," I teased, "She's got you wrapped around her tiny pinky."

He nodded, "So do you, darling."

We had a lazy morning, playing with the kids and cuddling. By lunchtime, they'd tired themselves out and been put down for a nap, while Spencer and I curled up ourselves, cuddling and just enjoying being together.

"Spence," I murmured, "Can we just stay like this forever?"

He nodded, "Let's just pause the universe forever."

"Um, actually, pausing the universe would-" I started, already smiling.

"Shut up," he pulled me into a kiss, "Don't give me that sass."

I smiled against his lips. "Make me, darling."

He rolled over to try and pin me down, but put too much of his weight into it and rolled off the bed, narrowly missing the bedside table.

"Shit, Spence!" I scrambled off the bed, but he was laughing. "You scared me!"

"I'm okay, I just messed up," he pulled himself up, eyes sparling.

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