kuroo tetsuro

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when you first meet.
you where late for class.
running down the hall trying not to be later then you already where.
"whoa, whoa"
a tall bed headed boy said, looking down at your small figure.
"i'm so so sorry!"
"but i got to go!"
you said as you picked up your bag and ran past him.

how you became friends.
you felt like you needed to properly apologize to that tall boy for running into him like that.
you asked around and described him to someone and they told you that he is the captain of the boys volleyball team.
embarrassment bubbled inside you.
after school you very slowly and awkwardly walked to the gym.
you entered the door and asked for kuroo.
he slithered over fast.
"well, well"
"isn't it mrs track star herself"
kuroo said with a smirk, that kinda pissed you off.
"i wanted to properly apologize for the way i ran into you earlier"
you said with a slight bow.
"ha, no problem kitten"
kuroo slapped your back and laughed at you.
and y'all have just been friends since.

when you realized you liked him.
you always walk with him after practice because he refuses to let you walk home by yourself because it isn't safe.
you guys didn't have much to say this time and the walk was silent but not awkward.
you finally got to your house and you turned to look at him and thank him once again for walking you home.
you began to say thank you when he started playing with you hair.
just rolling and running his fingers threw the strand of hair that wasn't pushed behind your ear.
he then pushed the hair behind you ear and apologized for touching you randomly like that.
the touch was so gentle and pure.

when he realized he likes you.
he was at your house to study and you got bored and didn't want to study anymore.
you laid on your back and with your feet pushed yourself out of your bedroom and to the kitchen.
you didn't get up you just slithered around on the floor like a dummy.
he thought it was really cute and funny.
all he could think was how stupid and random you are and he honestly loves it.

how he asked you out.
it was one night after his practice.
you where in a good mood and was practically skipping in front of him.
you kept stopping every time something caught your eye.
(which was a lot)
he just couldn't take his eyes off of you.
you stopped in front of him and turned around
"what are you staring at?"
"did you see something cool!?"
you said with a smile on you face bringing your hands to a clasp in front of you.
"no, just saw something cute"
he then walked up to you, till he was towering over you.
you turned bright red on how close your friend was to you.
you always liked him, but he was kuroo.
every girl wanted him.
there wasn't a thought in your head that he would like you.
"will you go out with me?"
"on a date?"
the tall bed headed boy said really quietly.
but you still head him.
you smiled big and looked him in the eyes
you said with red cheeks.

first date.
he took you to the movies.
he didn't tell you what type of movie.
little did you know it was a horror movie.
and you hate horror movies.
you won't admit it but you're a bit of a scaredy-cat.
he was super excited to see this movie so you pushed all your fears down.
you two took you seat, closer to the back.
the movie began you where already spooked.
you held you breathe, looked away, covered your eyes.
kuroo saw you all freaked out and thought it was cute.
he felt kinda bad though.
he didn't know you where a big baby.
he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close to him.
"don't worry, it's just a movie"
"im right here, if ya need me"
his deep voice whispered in your ear sending chills down your body.
you felt better as you held on to kuroo.
he made fun of you the rest of the night for not telling him for being a scaredy-cat.

first kiss.
he was at your house and you two where once again studying.
kuroo is the smart one in the relationship so he always helped you when you needed it even though you just used this as time to hang out.
you lost all motivation and where so done with it.
kuroo was obviously tired and didn't want to go on.
you tried talking to him to get him to drop it and pay attention to your board ass.
he didn't.
he continued to read from the giant red book in front of him.
you threw things at him.
called his cellphone.
poked him.
you even yelled his name.
you finally had enough.
you where leaning on his back at this point and you turned to face him.
grabbed his face to make him face you.
and with out hesitation.
you slammed your lips to his.
you felt you face get red when he pushed hard into the kiss.
he bite your bottom lip for you to let his tongue in.
but you didn't want to make this easy and pulled away, leaving a string of saliva behind.
his face winded at your actions.
with out anyone saying a word you stood up.
as a smirk appeared and left the flushed boy on the floor.

when he gets jealous.
gets super possessive.
you where talking to one of your classmates.
you had zero interest in him.
you didn't even remember his name he just told you.
he was just blabbing about something.
but you're nice and didn't want to leave or stop him.
you didn't notice it yet but kuroo was staring at you two the whole time.
the moment he saw the boy approach you.
the boy grabbed your shoulder in a playful manner.
which boiled kuroo's blood.
you giggled nervously brushed the weird contact off.
kuroo couldn't do it anymore.
he walked over to you stated playing with you hair and squishing you cheeks and hugging you.
you realized he was jealous of the boy and it made you happy.

when you get jealous.
girls love kuroo.
he pretty popular at your school.
for being the captain of the popular boys volleyball and being attractive really made girls love him.
you didn't realize how many girls actually try and talk to him, touch him or confess to him weekly.
it was crazy.
you're not the jealous type, you knew kuroo was popular and you didn't let it get to you.
but one annoying bitch was crossing the line.
she is known for being one the most prettiest girls in school.
she reminded you of doll.
she was fake and almost robotic.
you noticed her a couple times talking to kuroo at lunch but that about it.
you where getting back from the vending machine when you saw her sitting at kuroo's table with his team mates.
you don't usually sit with him, you sit with your friends and he sits with his.
y'all like it like that.
but this bitch was rubbing his shoulder, and just way to close for your liking.
you got flustered and didn't know what to do.
you took the apple that is in your hand looked at it.
looked at her and without thinking.
you chucked it at her.
it hit her right in the head.
you turned around as soon as you head her words
and tried not to laugh.
you began to walk off and didn't notice kuroo staring at you with a giant smile on his face knowing you just got jealous and threw a apple at a girls head.

walks in on you changing.
you two where at his house and where getting ready to watch movies all night.
you wanted to change out of your uniform so you without saying anything you just walked to his room to steal one of his shirts.
he got confused on where you went and started to check the house.
he got to his room and opened the door to see a half naked you standing in front of him.
your bra on the floor and standing in your underwear.
the shirt you had over your arms, ready to throw over you head blocking him from being able to see.
he stood there.
mouth hung to the floor.
he walked in and shut the door behind him.

little things.
tells you science jokes.
whispers dirty jokes or just dirty anything in your ear in public.
pulls your hair when he sees you.
you walk past him he'll yank your hair.
laying down.
he'll pull your hair.
gives giant bear hugs.
all the time.
likes to hug you and spin you around.
loves watching you talk.
he'll just stare while you talk.
makes you jealous on purpose.
he always wants to go out.
"let's go to the movies"
"i'm hungry let's go out"
"we haven't been shopping in awhile"
"that's boring, let's go out"
complements you all the time.
you just woke up.
"hey beautiful"
just got done with practice
"god you're pretty"
you gets angry or annoyed
"you're such a cutie"
takes all the pillows.
the way he sleeps he takes all of them.
you have to have your own set on your side of the bed.

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