kenma kozume

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how you meet.
at school.
you have a class with him, right before lunch.
you missed yesterday's lesson and needed the notes.
this pudding head boy sits in front of you.
you tapped his shoulder, he shivered.
he slowly turned around, you could barley see his faces,cause of his hair
"i-i'm sorry to ask"
"but do you um have the notes for yesterday?"
he sighed and turned back around.
you assumed that was his way of saying no.
you looked around the room to see who else you can ask.
you turned back to your table to see the notes from yesterday on them.
in the corner of the page wrote,
"just give them back tomorrow"

how you became friends.
you took his notes home, and copied them down.
he seemed like he didn't really wanna give you them, so you decided to do something nice for him.
you didn't know what to make so you just made a little, almost like a cupcake, apple pie.
it's what popped in your head and you didn't know why.
you brought his notes and the pie to school the next day.
you walked threw school and waited till your 3rd class to see the pudding head boy.
you walked into your 3rd class and saw him, playing on a game boy.
you placed the notes and the pie on his table.
he looked at the pie and his eyes widened and he looked up at you.
"thank you very much for the notes"
you gave a small bow and walked behind him to your seat.
"w-what's your name?"
you couldn't believe he asked you for your name.
"i'm (y/n)"
"oh, i'm kenma"
you couldn't control your smile that you got him to talk to you.

when you realized you liked him.
after that day you and kenma have been a little closer.
you smile and wave when you see him and he gives you a soft shy smile in return.
in class one day you decided you wanted to talk to him more.
you tapped his shoulder
"hey, what are you playing today?"
he didn't remove his eyes from his game, but responded.
"wow i've heard of that game!"
kenma beat the level and turned to face you, without actually looking at you.
"wanna play?"
it felt like your heart skipped a beat.
"i-i can try"
he hands you the game boy and watches you play.
you weren't doing so well, but it was fun.
he softly put his finger on yours and told you to move your finger to the other button.
your face irrupted into blush from the practicality nothing touch.

when he realized he liked you.
he really liked the look on your face when you saw him.
you where happy to see him, and for some reason he liked that.
when he watched you play his game, he really didn't mind letting you play.
he liked helping you.
he wanted to do it more.
kuroo also noticed the very soft smile on kenma s face during lunch, after kenmas class with you.
kuroo kept pointing it out, and asking why.
till it dawned upon kenma why

how he asked you out.
it was kinda almost mutual.
you where watching him play one of his games in class,
you finally decided to go for it and just ask him.
"h-hey kenma"
he, like always, doesn't look at you, but hums to ask what.
you swallow your fear and just say it.
"i-i was wondering, if i um"
you became a mess, trying to get this question out.
"can i ask you a qquestion (y/n)?"
you stopped your ridiculous attempt of asking him out.
"i was wondering if you, idk, wanted to idk, hang out and play some games and get some food or something"
you froze.
how could he just ask.
you spent a good minute trying to spit that out.
"i-i'd love to!"
you said out, louder then you thought.
you couldn't see the blush on kenmas face.

first date.
after school, when he didn't have practice, he came to your last class.
you packed up you stuff and saw him standing at your door.
the smile on your face was ridiculous and you couldn't control it.
you walked up to him and he asked if you where ready to go.
you two walked to a cafe not far from the school.
you two took your seats and talked a little.
he's kinda reserved and doesn't have a lot to say, but he's a good listener to you.
he asked you a lot of questions and it was nice.
after you two ate, he walked you to his house to play some video games,
you got to meet his mum.
when you saw kenmas room, you weren't surprised but it was still shocking.
he has so many games and a whole gaming set up.
he let you sit in his chair when you play, and would just lean on the back of the chair when he played.
you tried to give his seat back, but he told you to stay there.
you didn't know he just liked you in his gaming chair.

first kiss.
you where on your way to his house.
he just got back from practice and you two planed to hang when he got back.
you knocked on his door and his mum let you in.
it was later in the day so she offered to heat you up some dinner and you told her you already ate and made your way to kenmas room.
you knew he'd be gaming on something, but you didn't know he'd be streaming.
you opened his door and he didn't even look at you.
you thought he probably didn't hear you, with the headphones on.
so you just walked to his bed.
you played on your phone till he was done.
an hour passed and he didn't even turn to look at you, or say hi.
you began to get annoyed and impatient.
you sighed rather loudly and said his name to see if he'll even notice you're there.
all you got way a small "hmm"
which made your eye twitch.
you growled and rolled over.
another hour passed, and you where over it.
you where now extremely annoyed.
you got off his bed and grabbed your stuff to go home.
"you're obviously busy, so i'll leave you."
you opened his door to leave when he reached over and grabbed your arm.
when you looked at him, he was facing you, but looking at the ground
"sorry kitten"
you where still annoyed but you sighed, because you didn't wanna leave in the first place.
just as you where about to talk, he pulled your arm down to his level.
you where inches from his face, and he closed the gap.
pressing a soft kiss upon your lips, as an apology for ignoring you.
you accepted his apology.

when he gets jealous.
he gets almost mean.
he won't come and stop it, only if it gets physical.
then he'll just pull you away.
but other then that he's borderline rude.
he doesn't mean to, he just comes off that way.

when you get jealous.
you don't.
at least not in school.
kenma is so quiet and makes it hard to approach him, if you don't already know him.
but some of the gamer girls out there definitely make you a little unsettled,
you can be sitting in kenmas lap while he plays and still get jealous and possessive if a online girl gets a little flirty with him.

walks in on you changing.
gets flustered but gets over it fast.
you got home from after school with him, and went to your room to change.
he said he's getting a snack.
you strip and now you're just standing in your underwear.
he opens your door.
he just kinda stares at you.
his face turns pink.
but clears his throat and walks to your bed.
he'll turn around if you want him to.
but he'll still probably peak.

little things.
loves when you play with his hair.
dry texter.
never texts you back.
he'll call you when he games, but he doesn't talk to you.
forgets you're there.
you like to sit in his lap when he games.
never sleeps.
you've had to drag him to bed a couple of times.
you don't wanna be spending the night with your boyfriend without your boyfriend.
will make you order or ask people stuff for him.
people have told you two you're a cute lesbian couple
his face went flat.
clingy when he's tired.
when he actually sleeps, he doesn't let go of you.
kuroo teases him about you during practice.
he hates it, but let's it go.
unless lev makes those jokes.
feels bad about ignoring you when he streams, so he won't play any games or stream for a day, so you'll have the day just for him.
he doesn't like to share you at all.
he gets jealous easily so he's very possessive.
gets short and snappy when you are around kuroo for to long.
calls you kitten or princess.
HATES pda. you won't get anything from him in public.
he gets extremely happy if you make him apple pie.

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