bokuto kōtarō

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how you meet.
you are childhood friends with akaashi.
you are a year younger then him.
when akaashi was a second year you came up to high school.
akaashi helped you around the school.
he introduced you to his volleyball friends.
the owl looking one was loud you thought.
he had this sparkle in his eyes though every time he talked you.

how you became friends.
since you're akaashi's friend, bokuto kinda came as a package deal.
you didn't mind though.
he was nice and fun to have around.
you 3 watched movies together and went out to eat and walked home together.
you enjoyed his company.
he was louder and moodier then what you are use to but you liked it.

when you realized you liked him.
he and akaashi where at your house.
you guys where just hanging out, talking laughing.
you where cooking dinner.
bokuto went and stood behind you.
you got a chill and looked behind you.
"can i help!?"
he said with wide eyes and a big smile.
"are you useful?"
you asked with a smirk.
"i can be!!"
he helped you cook and it was nice.
he wasn't much help, but he had fun.
he was always so much fun.
he kept complaining that he kept messing up and you found it really cute.

when he realized he liked you.
the 3 of you where at akaashi's house.
you guys where in his room scrolling threw your phones.
it was silent for awhile and then you stared singing.
not loud.
just faintly.
it wasn't great singing but you didn't stop.
bokuto stared at you.
he thought it was unbelievable cute.

how he asked you out.
he was really nervous about asking you out.
he didn't know how and thought you'd say no.
bokuto isn't great with words.
you where helping him practice some extra after practice.
you where sitting on the floor scrolling threw your phone.
a volleyball hit you in the head.
you looked up and around the gym and saw bokuto not facing you by the net.
you picked up the ball.
in not so great handwriting,
"will you go out with me. sometime"
you burst out in laughter.
bokuto flinched at the sound and turned to face you in a sad way ready for hard core emo mode.
you stood up and threw the ball back, hitting his chest.
"duh, i've been waiting for you to ask"

first date.
he took you to a fair.
you ate a lot of cotton candy.
you went on rides.
he even made you do the big scary ones you didn't really wanna do.
but he made you.
you had fun, you where just terrified.
you love the little games where you can win stuffed animals.
you beat him at all of them and he stared to get sad.
so you let him win you the big stuffed animal and he was really happy about it.

first kiss.
you went to one of his games.
he was pumped and ready to play.
he gave you a kiss on the cheek before he ran on to the court.
every time he did something cool or good he would always look for you to make sure you saw.
you smiled and waved and yelled his name.
which made his confidence sky rocket.
after the game they won, he was so pumped and proud of how good he did.
you ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
you let go and took a step back.
you praised him for awhile.
you then stopped, out of breath from talking and running to him.
he out of nowhere grabbed your face squishing your chubby cheeks together.
and he slammed his lips to yours.
it was a quick-ish kiss and he pulled away and gave you a hug and thanked you for supporting him the way you do.
you where absolutely bright ass red trying to stop smiling like an idiot.

when he gets jealous.
he gets kinda sad.
you where having a conversation with a classmate.
he was talking about what he did the weekend before.
you where just listening.
you weren't really invested in what he was saying but you didn't want to just run away from him.
bokuto stared at you from the other side of the classroom.
no expression on his face.
his face soon melted onto a frown when he saw you laugh at whatever the boy had said.
without thinking he just walked up to you and hugged you from behinds
putting almost all his body weight onto you.
making it really hard to stand.
he shoved his face into the crock of your neck and didn't let go till the boy was a uncomfortable and left on his own.

when you get jealous.
sometimes you have to remind yourself that bokuto is just friendly.
he'll take any praise from anyone.
a group of girls where standing around him.
telling him how cute he was, how cool his hair is, how great he is at volleyball, how he's so tall, and blah, blah, blah.
you where annoyed but you didn't want to be the annoying jealous girlfriend type.
so you sat in the gym on the bench annoyed.
the team could feel your attitude surround them.
akaashi obviously felt it first and kept trying to get bokuto's attention.
but he was so caught up in the attention.
you finally had enough and stood up.
you didn't know what you where gonna do.
but you grabbed a volleyball.
and without a thought in your head.
you chucked it at the group.
not really aiming.
you just wanted it to hit someone.
it hit the girl in front of bokuto making her wobble for a minute.
the girls turned around and all they saw was the team staring at all of them, jaws dropped to the floor.
and you turned around not facing the group.
picking your stuff off the floor.
bokuto was confused and pushed threw the girls to ask what had happened.
when akaashi told him,
you turned around and gave him a cold look.
the group of girls just kinda shuffled away.

he walks in on you changing.
you two where at your house.
he came to your house after practice to hang out and spend the night.
he was watching tv and you slipped away to change.
he knew you left but didn't know what for.
after a bit he got up to find you.
he walked to your room and the door was opened.
as he turned to walk inside he saw you.
standing in a bra.
pulling up your pajama pants.
you looked up at him and your face turned very red.
he looked at you, jaw dropped to the floor.
he with out saying a word.
backed up with out turning around or breaking his stare.
left your room.

little things.
he lays on you.
he's a big boy.
it crushes your body.
but you don't complain.
have to remind him of his inside voice.
kisses your cheeks a lot.
your number one cheerleader.
for everything.
anything you do he cheers for you.
boarder line helpless.
"how does this work again?"
"heyyy babe?"
"where are my shoes?"
a child.
he grabs your ass a lot.
and thighs.
just full on palms that shit.
and it hurts.
loves when you run your fingers threw his hair.
sucks at texting.
loses his phone all the time.
never leaves your house.
he'll stay a full week.
talks during movies.
wants you to praise him about anything all day everyday.
loves hugs

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