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you waited at your house for your boyfriend to hang out for awhile after his practice.
your parents are gone for the weekend so he was gonna stay for the weekend

he was taking a little longer then usually.
you didn't think much of it because he does take care of the team.

it grew later and you stared getting annoyed and worried.
so you texted him.

you: hey just checking in. it's late so i just wanted to know if you're still coming over.
about 10 minutes later.
iwa: yea. sorry.

that answer made you gasp.
his answer was so dry and boarder line bitchy.
but you tried hard to not over think it.

around 20 minutes later your door opened.
you looked up from the coach and gave him a small inviting smile not knowing his mood.

he took his shoes off and dropped his bag and went to the bathroom with out a word.
now you where pissed.

you swung open the bathroom door
"don't ignore me!"
he growled and sided eyed you.
"not right now (y/n)."
"i had a rough day"

your eye twitched with annoyance.
"fine have a rough day."
"don't be a jerk"
he slammed his hand on the sink and reached for your waist.

your bodies slammed together.
both your hot breaths hitting each other.
he closed the gap and roughly kissed you.
you two began to measly make out in the bathroom.

he gripped your thighs and lifted you to the sink.
he continued to roughly make out with you and took off his shirt.
he gripped the bottom of your shirt and pulled away from your rough make out.

both of you breathing heavily.
"tell me if you want me to stop"
iwa says with a his hand still at your shirt.
you softly lifted his chin and gently kissed him.
you pulled away and went to his ear

"yes sir"
those words made iwa shiver.
he ripped your shirt off and began to suck on your neck.
his hand gripped your chest as you weren't wearing a bra.
he pinched your nipples hard causing you to moan loudly.

you could feel him smile as he pulled away from your neck.
he kissed you gently and didn't break eye contact as he went to your nipple.
he began to suck on your nipple.

you gripped his hair as he slipped his hand down into your pants.
he played and teased you while still sucking on your breast.
you yipped out when iwa bite on your sensitive nipple.

he let go with a pop just to immediately switch to the other nipple repeating his actions.
his hand got rougher and harder on your area and you could barley sit still.

he finally let go of you nipple and looking at his art work.
your chest all red, purple and swollen.
he pulled your pants and underwear off reviling your wet core.

he just smirked as he pulled his track pants down.
he let himself out and shoved his fingers in your mouth.
as he pulled a condom out of the top drawer he made you put the condom on him.

he pulled his fingers out of your mouth and rubbed you making you let out a desperate moan.
you smirked as he kissed your neck gently.
you smile at his gentle gesture.
is all you could say as he shoved himself into you.

you held on for dear life as he fucked you on the bathroom sink.
you couldn't even hold your voice back as he didn't slow down or give a second to stop.

he panted into your neck and he went in and out
the knot in your stomach tightened hard and you let out a high pitched moan.
iwa could feel you tighten and he was there too.

you came before him
scratching his back as you moaned loud.
a few more thrust and he finished.
you both stayed like that for a minute before he pulled out and threw the condom away.

he kissed you so gently.
he helped you off the sink and turned the shower on.
"can i wash your hair?"
how can a man be so ruthless and turn to a angel so fast.

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