sugawara koshi

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how you meet.
you went to one of his games.
your friend wanted to go but not alone and you don't mind.
you thought the grey haired boy was really attractive.
after the game your friend wanted to tell them good job.
she dragged you to the locker room to say good job.
you saw suga and almost couldn't contain your blush when he looked at you.
he gave a soft smile and you looked away to hide your red face.
your friend was talking to daichi so suga was next to him.
"hi i'm sugawara"
you looked at the grey haired boy who still wore the kind smile and he gave you a small wave.
"i'm (y/n)"
and you returned the same small wave.

how you became friends.
now that you two meet you kept seeing him way more at school.
you'd pass him in the hall, see him at lunch, you even saw him outside of school walking on the street.
it was kinda odd but you definitely didn't mind.
you where taking some things in a box to the office for your teacher.
the box was heavier then you thought.
you felt it began to slip from your fingers.
you lifted your leg to push it back into your hands but the box was taken from your grasp
you look up to see suga taking the box from you.
"this looks heavy"
"where are you going?"
you feel the wave of heat run threw your body and the blush cover your cheeks.
"t-the office!"
you get in front of him to direct him, but mainly to cover your red face.
you couldn't see it but suga was laughing at you.
he dropped the box off, and he walked you to your class.
you two talked and laughed and ended up forgetting about class because you two stopped in the hallway to talk more.
you exchanged numbers and went to your next classes

when you realized you liked him.
you always thought he was cute.
but when you where talking to him on the way to class is when you realized.
he was so charming and funny.
he was just great to be around.
the feeling of loosing track of time with him felt right and you liked it, and him.

when he realized he liked you.
he was walking to the park on the weekend.
he was just about there when he saw you.
he stopped in his tracks when he saw you sitting in the grass with what looks like two stray cats around you.
you sat there petting them and just enjoying the day.
he thought it was adorable to see you out in your street wear and these two random cats with you.
it made his heart flutter when you noticed him and waved.
he felt like his heart was gonna leave his chest.

how he asked you out.
he was nervous but not to bad.
the bell rang for last period and you grab your stuff to leave.
you got to the exit when someone grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
you squeaked at the force and turned your head to see suga out of breath holding your wrist.
"what's wrong suga?"
he pullls your wrist to him so youre now fully facing him and now youre closer to him.
"do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?"
your face has never turned red so fast.
you thought you'd pass out.
you shook your head yes.
he sighed in relief and let go of your wrist.

first date.
an aquarium.
he took you to an aquarium, he picked you up and took you there, he didn't tell you what it was till you got there.
you swear you've never had so much fun with another person.
he told you that the color of one of the fish reminds him of you.
and you told him the light grey fish reminded you of him.
you two laughed and ate food and went to the gift shop.
you two bought those matching zero waste bracelets.
he took you home after eating some more, and when he dropped you off he got red and super flustered when you kissed him on the cheek.

first kiss.
after your first date when you kissed him on the cheek, he was so flustered and you just giggled and began to walk away from him.
he grabbed your shoulder and pulled you to him and he softly kissed your lips.
the kiss was super soft, you couldn't believe how soft his lips where.
you cupped his cheeks and deepened the kiss a little more.
you pulled away and you both where a ridiculous blushing mess.
"w-well see ya tomorrow"
and he left.

when he gets jealous
he honestly doesn't let you go far from him.
when you stand with him, he's always got a hand on you.
usually around your neck or just holding your hand.
but when someone comes off flirty, even a teammate he'll move his hand to your waist.
you can feel him move his thumb up and down your waist or hip.
if he sees a boy talking to you with out him he gets kinda angry but won't let you see.
he'll just walk to you and jump in the conversation with his hand on your waist.

when you get jealous.
girls don't usually go for him and you don't know why.
i mean some girls come up to him and flirt or ask for help with things you know they don't need help with.
a girl one time asked if he'll be her fuck buddy.
you thought you'd kill her.
you'll just get annoyed and walk away.
you'd never be mad at him for something like that but you're definitely annoyed for a bit, but he tells you that he cares for you and teases you for being jealous.

walks in on you changing.
you where in your room changing when suga came over and just busted open your door.
you two just stared at each other.
you got embarrassed and turned around.
he just laughed at you and began complimenting you.
which just made you more embarrassed.
you asked him to turn around or leave and he slapped your ass cheek and told you he'd be in the living room till you're done.

little things.
this man LOVES your ass.
he sleeps on it, slaps it, kisses it, praises it.
you would never guess this man is a little perv.
but a respectful perv.
he'd never do anything with out permission, besides kiss you and smacking your ass.
gets flustered easily.
if he flirts with you and you flirt back he'll be all red after.
has so many pictures of you saved.
most are bad or of your ass on certain outfits, but some are really cute.
loves going out on dates.
he'll use any excuse to show you off to someone.
has never, will never make you feel bad about yourself.
braids your hair when you fall asleep.
kisses your hand all the time.
always makes eye contact while talking to you.
one time he booty bumped you to hard and you feel over.
he's never laughed so hard in his life.
eats your food when you're not looking.
has a habit of ditching you for friends, but makes it up immediately.
you don't really mind, you know how important his friends are to him.
buys you little key chains that reminds him of you.
you have a whole collection of key chains.
collects rocks.
has a little box full in his room of pretty rocks.

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