semi eita

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how you meet
you where at a local record store.
you don't sing and aren't in a band you just really enjoy music.
you walked to your favorite section and saw and tall-ish pretty boy standing
you decided to go for it.
you walked up to the section standing right next to him.
"you have good taste"
you froze as the pretty boy just said that to you.
"t-thank you."
you said shyly.

how you became friends.
you picked your record and turned to leave.
you came to a holt at the sound of the same voice.
you stopped and turned to look at the pretty boy.
he turned red and pinned his arms to his side
"i'm semi!"
he looked everywhere besides you
"i'm (y/n)"
you both giggled at the almost awkward atmosphere
"it was nice to meet you semi-san"
you walked to him and wrote on a small piece of paper your number and stuck it into the record he had in his hands
"you should call me!"
and you waved goodbye and went to leave.

when you realized you liked him.
you guys started hanging out a lot.
he'd come to your house after his practice and take you out to the record store or to a cafe.
you two would run into each other during lunch and talk the whole time.
you always found him cute but when you found out he makes and sings music and he let you hear it your heart completely and utterly melted for him.
he looks so pretty and almost mean but he is so soft and sweet.

when he realized he liked you.
when you spent the night at his house for the first time.
you two where hanging out and blasting music and just having a great time when it got really late you two feel asleep while watching a movie.
he woke up and rolled over in his bed and saw you.
your hair a mess a little drool running from you mouth.
he feel in love right there.
the way you looked in his bed.
he never wanted you to leave it.

how he asked you out.
he wrote a song.
he didn't sing it for you.
he wrote it on a little piece of paper.
it was short, almost like a jingle.
he slipped it into your record when he gave it back from borrowing it.
he dropped it off and told you he'd see you tomorrow.
you went to go listen to it and the paper fell out.
you read it.
your face was 50 shades of red.
you jumped off your bed and grabbed your coat and ran to his house.
you knocked on the door.
when he opened it you where hunched over hands on your knees panting with the paper in your hand.
you looked up and smiled and jumped on him as a hug to tell him yes.

first date.
y'all went to a concert.
not surprising.
you two planed to go together anyways.
you just went as a date instead.
he made you stand in front oh him and his hands where on you the whole time.
on your shoulders, head, hips, back, hand.
it didn't matter.
because concert food is expensive you two went to a diner and talked about the concert.
you shared dessert and he walked you home.
he had his arm around your shoulder the whole time.
when he got to your house he pushed your messed up hair back and kissed your forehead.

first kiss.
he never invites you to his games.
not that he doesn't want you to come he just thinks you wouldn't like it.
he's wrong.
you asked tendō when the game was.
you came and watched him from the stands.
he didn't notice you till the end of the game.
his eyes widened and his cheeks went red.
he was walking off the court.
he stopped when he saw you.
he tried to hold back his smile.
you waved and couldn't stop smiling.
he ran off the court and you ran out of the stands.
when you got to him you stopped in front of him and couldn't stop laughing.
he grabbed your cheeks making you stop your laughter and he slammed his lips to yours.
the force of the kiss pushing your head back.
he pulled back you wrapped you in a hug as you try to cool off your face.

when he gets jealous.
doesn't really, he trusts you.
but will step in if he has to.
but you can usually take care of yourself.
but if he is feeling a little insecure he'll wrapped his arms around your neck
or lean his head on you shoulder.

when you get jealous.
it's usually girls staring and talking from afar not really going to him.
but they do some times.
which makes you insecure because your boyfriend is just way to nice sometimes.
especially to girls who he doesn't see a reason not to be nice to.
you'll stare and glare but you won't get involved just be salty for a little.

he walks in on you changing.
you guys got back from a date and you went up to his room to change and he said he'll grab a snack.
you thought you had time.
he swung open the door with snacks in his hands to meet eyes with yours.
you looked at him standing completely topless.
you turn red and wrap your arms around your chest.
he turned red as well.
you both just stared at each other's till he put the snacks down on the table with out breaking eye contact and turned and left with out a word.
you looked at the snacks and sighed in embarrassment.

little things
he always asks to use your stuff.
he'll never take it.
you embarrass him sometimes.
you're so loud when you wanna be it makes him embarrassed.
gets excited like a child when he sees you at his games.
hits you.
when he sees you walk by in school and walk next to him in public he'll wack the back of your head or cheek softly.
gets red when you call him pretty.
won't let you talk to anyone he doesn't know.
if a boy is talking to you he'll kinda stalk around and listen and if he doesn't like the conversation he'll swoop you up and sit you next to him or ushijima so no boy will approach you.
sleeps with socks on.
cuddle bug.
rubs your head.
you two have yelling matches about everything.
no actually fights just every small augment turns to yelling.
he sticks his tongue out at you like a child.
he had to come to your house to get a shirt because he had none.
you took them all.
his style is *chiefs kiss*
he falls on you a lot.
he'll lean on you till you fall or just full on flop on you if you're laying down.

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