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this classmate was talking to you, like he does everyday.
you didn't mind him at all, he was nice and always was interesting conversation.

he wasn't important so you never mentioned him to suga.
suga isn't in your last period class with this other classmate, so he didn't know about your friend.
the bell rang and you began packing up.

usually the classmate leaves after the bell and you don't see him till the end of the day the next day.
but he held the conversation as you packed up.

you got lost in conversation, you didn't see your boyfriend standing at the door staring at you and this boy.

suga walked to you and the boy, swallowing his annoyed facial experience and turning it to a friendly one.
"hey darling"
you look up, excited to see your lovely boyfriend.
"hey koshi, you ready?"

suga wrapped his arm around your waist and you knew immediately he was jealous.
the boy told you good day, and he'll see ya tomorrow and left.

suga isn't one to talk about personal stuff outside so he held it in till you two got to his house.
the walk home was silent on his side.
he'd ask you about your day and you told him, but when you asked you got really short answers.

you follow him up to his bedroom, honestly a little nervous for no reason.
you sat down on his bed and waited for him to blow.

"who's the boy?"
you looked up at him, not even facing you.
"hes a classmate."
"he sits behind me in class and just started conversations with me and that's it"
"he's nice but i don't remember his name"
which was true, you really didn't remember his name.

"you've never mentioned him before to me"
you watched as he undid his belt.
"he isn't worth mentioning"

you heard him snicker at your nervous voice.
he turns to face you.
his face was relaxed and he had his normal smile on it.

"ok, i believe you"
you sighed and relaxed your body.

your eyes widened, you look to see suga already crouched down in front of you, with the belt in his hand.
"-i need to punish you"
the mixture of excitement and anxiousness takes over your body.

he's never acted like this before.
what did he mean by punish?
he softly puts his hand on your cheek and moves his thumb up and down.

"of course"
"i really don't like you talking to other boys"
he sighs and stands up.
"take your shirt off for me."
you gulped and unbuttoned your blouse.

letting the shirt fall off your shoulders, suga slips his fingers into the cup of your bra, swaying his fingers side to side, his fingers running across your nipple, making you wetter.

"loose the bra"
you did as told and unclipped your bra.
the weird need to cover yourself, you shyly wrap your arms around your exposed upper half.

"we can't have you blocking your beautiful body can we?"
you look up at him, completely red for no reason.
you and suga have done it plenty of times, but this dominating side was new.

he pulled your arms away, pulling them over your head, laying you down on the bed.
he tied your wrist to the bed and stood up to look at you.

he saw the look of unsure in your face.
"if you want me to stop, or you really don't wanna do this, i'll stop, just tell me"
you honestly didn't want him to stop.
you where just nervous.

"y-you can continue"
you shyly said turning your head away from him.
he smirked and leaned over you.
his hand slides under your chin, and he lifted your face up a bit to look at him.

he pulled your bottom lip down with his thumb, opening your mouth a little.
your breath hitched when he slammed his lips to yours.

his tongue running over your bottom lip, asking for a way in.
you gladly opened your mouth for him to slip his tongue in.
he explored your mouth, while you felt his hand run up and down your sides.

a overwhelming sense of need came over you and you got wetter just thinking about what's about to happen.
you slam your thighs together for some type of friction.

suga notices this and pulls back.
"do you need something darling?"
is he really gonna make you say it?
he pulled your legs apart so you couldn't feel any pressure.

"n-no, koshi, please i need you"
he smirked and got off of you.
he crouched down in front of your needy entrance.
he pulled your skirt and underwear down in one swift motion.

leaving you completely naked.
the cold air making you clench around nothing.
suga takes his shirt off and pants tossing them behind him.

he gets really close to your throbbing opening.
you could feel his hot breath on you.
the feeling alone making you more needy if possible.

suga slides a finger threw your folds, making you shiver.
"so wet just for me"
you eyes roll in the back of your head as you feel one of his soft fingers push into you
a muffled moan escapes your lips.

starting off slow you needed more.
"please koshi, move faster"
"what's that princess?"
you didn't care anymore.
the need was to much.

"please koshi, i need you."
the smirk he had on his face was pure victory.
he slides another finger in you, making you moan.
the feeling of his fingers curling and moving was the best.
but you still wanted more.

your body jolts as you feel his thumb press against your clit.
more moans roll off your lips, as he pushes harder and moves his fingers faster.

feeling the knot in your stomach get tight, you arch your back and moan out and suga knew you where really close.
just as you where about to cum, suga pulled his fingers out.

the feeling of your climax fading was borderline painful.
"k-koshi, please"
suga stands up and drops his boxers.
"only good girls cum"

you couldn't believe this.
but you kinda liked it, you'd never admit it, but this side of him was hot.
"are you gonna be a good girl?"
you looked at him, rolling a condom on his hard member.

"y-yes, i promise"
"i'll believe you princess"
suga hovers over you, feeling his member run up and down your folds was making you numb.

he kisses down your neck, leaving a dark mark in the crock of your neck.
"ready hun?"
you nod, so ready for him to be in you.

he shoves into you, letting you adjust to his size.
he feels you relax and he starts moving.
suga is usually soft and gentle and just caring all the way threw sex.

but the thrusts he was doing now, was nothing like that.
roughly pounding you like you meant nothing, the pain in your wrist from his belt was all so much.

"w-who do you belong to?"
you shut your eyes from the pleasure
"i-i'm ahhh, yours"
his thrust getting sloppy and you feel the knot grow, even tighter then usual.

"who's ?"
"i'm all ahh god, all yours koshi"
"god you make me crazy"
a string of mumbled curse words stray from his mouth and you knew he was close.

"i-i'm gonna cum, k-koshi-"
you moan out as you feel yourself unravel around him.
suga following behind you, cumming in the condom.

he pulls out and throws the condom away and goes to clean you and himself up.
he comes back and cleans you up.

he unties you and sees your red, bruised wrist from his belt.
he helps you up and kisses your writs.
"sorry darling"
he says between kisses.

you out of breath a completely sore, hum to show you forgive him.
not that you really mind.
he wraps you in a hug, you can't lie you will always love the soft gentle side of him like this but the jealous, dominant side of him that you just saw was definitely something you wanted to see more.

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