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it was winter break.
hinata was at your house.
your parents where out for work and it was still kinda early.
hinata came over to spend the night and hang out for the weekend.

he skipped into your room, swinging your door open.
"hey (y/n)!"
he shuts your door and sets his bag down by your bed.

he takes his sweatshirt off, pulling his shit up a bit with it.
you can't lie, shoyo does have a nice body.
you wanted to touch it and you wanted him to touch you.
you'd never say anything though, knowing he most likely hasn't done anything and you weren't that experienced either.

but the idea of it and the need for it didn't leave your mind.
he threw his sweatshirt down and climbed into your bed with you.
he sat behind you, placing your self in between his legs, with your head and back rested on his chest.

he rubbed his hands up and down your arms, relaxing you.
you played a movie and you both sit there and watch it.
half way threw the movie, shoyo's hands are resting on your stomach and waist.

he slipped his hands under your shirt and left them not far from your chest.
he usually does that so it didn't bug you, but you where already a little needy and this simple touch wasn't helping.

you moved one of your hands to his thigh, moving your thumb up and down his inner thigh.
you barley heard it, but his breath hitched.
feeling a little bold you move your hand farther up.

you felt his hands creep up a little, now practically on your bra.
you now know that he is nudging what youre nudging.
you know if you want anything to happen you're gonna have to start it.

you swallow your fear and turn around.
now straddling him, with your hands rested on his shoulders and his hands naturally grab your hips.

"d-do you wanna"
"d-do something"
you could hear him gulp.
you're now nervous that you pushed to far.
"y-you don't have to!"
"i was just asking!"

you begin to panic a little.
before you could move off him, he grabs your face, pulling you into a kiss.
your eyes widened at this kiss.

it wasn't like a normal kiss you two usually share.
you could feel the lust and need in it from him.
you return the same feeling threw the kiss to him.

you feel his tongue run across your bottom lip a couple times and you finally open your mouth enough for him to shove his tongue in.
you feel his tongue run all over your mouth.

both of you not able to breath at this point you pull back with a gasp, feeling the string of saliva fall off his lip.

you both are breathing heavily from the make out.
"i-i wanna do it (y/n)"
you're now completely embarrassed from hearing that from him.

he sits up a little bit and takes his shirt off.
you stare at his well toned yet small chest and waist and just admire it for a second.

you're snapped out of your thoughts when you feel his fingers grip the bottom of your shirt.
"can i take this off?"
you look down and then back at him and nod.

he takes your shirt off, throwing it to the floor, leaving you exposed with just your bra on your upper half.
you blush when you see him starring at your chest.
"k-knock it off sho"

he smiled a little before attaching his lips to your neck.
feeling his lips, tongue and teeth on your neck made you weak.
little straggled moans escaped your lips when he found that soft spot on your neck.

his hands now slowing grabbing your chest, pulling the cup of your bra down.
you felt his cold fingers rub against your nipples, making you shiver.

you feel him struggle to touch you with your bra in the way, so you move your hands to your back and unclip your bra, letting it fall.
you pushed it off his lap and tossed it to the floor with the rest of the clothes.

shoyo moved his head back from your neck and began leaving butterfly kisses down your chest.
he kissed down your boob, all the way to your nipple.

you gasp when you feel him gently kiss your nipple.
you looked down at him to meet eyes with him, already looking up at you.

he doesn't break eye contact when he puts your now hard bud into his mouth.
feeling his tongue play with your bud made you weak.
his free hand played with your other breast.

you close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of tongue on your skin.
slowly grinding your hips on his now full hard member.

feeling him groan on your chest made you wetter.
he released your nipple and did the same things on the other.
he finally released your other nipple and kissed up your chest.

you climbed off of him, taking his shorts and underwear down with you.
pulling his bottoms off completely, throwing them to the floor, you gently take ahold of his member.

you pump him a couple time feeling him so eager in your hands really turned you on.
you leaned down and moved the pre cum around his tip.

"ahhhh (y/n)"
you finally quit your teasing and took him in your mouth.
gaining speed you feel his hands gentle tangle in your hair.

you can feel his member twitch in your mouth.
his grip on your hair now tighter he releases into your mouth.
not wanting to make a mess you swallow all you can.

you set up now panting and wiping the spit and cum off your chin and lips, shoyo grabs your arm and pulls you down on the bed.

you lay on your back on your bed looking at shoyo pulling your sweatpants and underwear down and onto the floor.

you press your thighs together to make some friction.
hinata rummages threw his bag and pulls out a condom.
"why do you have one?"
"tanaka gave me one awhile back when we started dating and said it's for good luck."

you can't help but giggle a little.
he slips the condom on and lines himself up with you.
he leans down and kisses your forehead.
he slowly slips in to you with ease, with how wet you where.
you cringe at the pain, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths.

he doesn't move with out your ok.
you tell him to move and he pulls back.
he starts off slow to not hurt you, but it now feels so good you need him to move faster.

"f-faster sho"
he agrees and now moves faster happily.
both of you moan as the feeling of pleasure takes you over.

the sound of soft moans and skin hitting skin echos the room.
"ahhh, sho, f-fuck"
he doesn't stop his pace or power as he begins kissing all over your face.

he sits up a little to look at all of you, and plays and squeezes your breasts adding to the pleasure.
feeling that knot get tighter to let out a deep moan.
"sho, i'm-gonna c-cu"
you let out another moan of pure pleasure as you release.

he doesn't stop.
a couple more thrust and he cums into the condom.
he leans over you, both breathing heavily, with your eyes closed you take a second to breath.

he sits up and carefully pulls out, tying and throwing away the condom.
before you could even sit up, he comes back with a warm wet towel and cleans you and him up.

he pulls you up and holds you in his arms.
"i love you (y/n)"
you're still tired but say it back, wrapping your arms around him.

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