big baby-tendō

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your roommate dragged you to her brothers game.
it's not that you dislike volleyball you just don't care for crowds very much.

"there he is!"
your roommate says excited to see her brother ushijima.
you smile and roll your eyes at her excitement.
the team came out and this tall lanky red head boy comes out behind ushijima.

you couldn't take your eyes off him.
there was something about him that just made you melt.
your roommate took note of that.

the game ended and you went with your roommate to congratulate the team
"good job ushi!!!"
she yells
"thank you"
he says completely emotionless.
you noticed the red head talking to a bowl cut looking boy.
your eyes glued to him.

he felt your stare and turned around.
he made eye contact and you whipped your head down now red and embarrassed for staring.

"heyyy ushi, who's you're friend"
the red head says in a up beat tone.
"this is my sister's roommate (y/n)"
"(y/n) this is tendō"
you look up to meet his eyes and turn a little red and say a quick quiet hello.

your roommate and ushijima continued there conversation leaving you and tendō awkwardly staring and looking away from each other.

"y-you're really good at blocking b-by the way"
you spit out trying to make the silence disappear
"you think so?"
"it's mainly guessing"
you looked up him now curious
"guess blocking?"
you ask raising a brow

you swear his face lit up
he talked and you listened as he explained guess blocking to you.
the coach yelled for everyone to load up and tendou asked if you had a pen.
you nodded and handed him a pen out of your purse.

he gently grabbed your arm and wrote his number on it.
"don't forget to text me!"
you turn red and nod.
he chuckles and runs to his team giving you a little wave goodbye.

you texted him when you got home.

you: hey, it's (y/n) lol
tendou: hey! i'm happy you texted :)
you: really? lol
tendou: of course! what's your dorm number?!
you: 206
tendou: k!

{knock knock}
you got out of your bed in your pjs and opened your door assuming it's your roommate locking her self out again.
you opened the door to meet face to chest with the red headed middle blocker.
you looked up to see him smile wide
"AHHH! what are you doing here!?"
"it's way past hours!"
you say pulling him into your room.

he chuckled and pinch your cheeks.
"calm down you big baby"
you gave a pout look that made his face turn red.
he shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

"do you wanna go out with me tomorrow?"
you turned red at the question
you shout causing tendou to cup his hand around your mouth and shhing you.

you both look at each other and turn red making him laugh.
threw the laughter you accept his date.
he cups your cheeks and squishes them together.
be leans in and places and gentle kiss on your lips
you loosened up and melted into the kiss

you both whip your head to the door to see the noise to see your roommate in complete shock.
"that was fast!"
she blurts out making you give her a mean look and making tendou leave.
she starts teasing you making kissy noises and being a child

"will you stop it!"
"hey! knock it off!"
"stop that!!"

you annoyed yelling at your roommate and your roommate continuing with her behavior
tendou kissed your check,
"stop being a big baby"
"pick ya up tomorrow at 7"
and he leaves

"he asked you out!!"
"i'm so proud!"
"look at you go!"

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