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you've had a shit day.
it seemed like everyone wanted to make you angry.
you didn't see your boyfriend at all.
he decided not to go to school today.
not to be dramatic, but you felt your life was falling apart.

you look at your phone at the end of class and see a text from your boyfriend.
kenma: are you coming over ?
you sigh, hoping you'll actually get some time with him.
he forgets you're over when he games a lot.
but you wanted to see him.
you: yea.

kenma read your text, and could tell you weren't in your normal mood.
you arrived at kenmas house.
and to no surprise.
he's gaming.

you don't even try to talk to him.
you're already moody and you don't wanna let it out at him.
you open his door, shutting it behind you.
you set your stuff by his bed, and flop on to his bed.

you open your phone and just scroll threw social media.
about 20 minutes go by.
you take a deep breath,
"yes bub"
"what's wrong" he asks

you roll over and see him not even looking at you.
'how rude', you thought.
'he can't even look at me'
"nothing bub"
you couldn't see it, but that annoyed kenma.
he can obviously tell something is bothering you.
so why not tell him.

"come here kitten"
"i'm not streaming right now"
you didn't want to get up.
but you did.
no need to make his mood sour like yours.

you mope over to your pudding head boyfriend.
you turn to face him as you stand by his gaming chair.
you see him pause his game.
he takes his headphones off, and turns his chair to face you.

"what's wrong kitten?"
you always feel bad for ranting to kenma.
he's a good listener, but he always looks like he's annoyed, or could care less.
"just had a bad day."

kenma can tell just by your body movements, the way you talk, and what your facial expressions are doing, that you're stressed and in a sour mood.

kenma gives a small smirk to himself.
he sits up a little in his gaming chair.
he places his hands on your bare thigh, that's exposed from your skirt.
rubbing his thumbs in little circles on your thighs.

"do you want me to relieve your stress?"
oh god you wanted him to.
you felt like you haven't touched him in weeks.
and for him to offer when you need it, really almost made you cry and ruin it.

you hate how he likes you to answer him, when he asks a question like that.
but you know you won't get shit if you don't.

you feel his hands move further up your thighs.
moving his hands to the sides of your underwear.
wrapping his nimble fingers around the pretty fabric, pulling it down your legs.

the sheer thought of what's to come, making you wet.
you step out of your underwear, when he pulls them down to your ankle.
a small gasp falls from your lips when you feel him softly kiss your thigh.

more gasps and moans fall from your lips when you feel him bite and suck on your thighs.
sure to leave marks for later.
he continues to mark your thigh.
you feel one of his hands movie up to your heat.

his finger runs along your folds, to your clit.
making your body jolt.
little whines and whimpers run from your lips, when he continues to play with your clit.
the feeling of his bite marks and the kisses over the marks, mixed with the vibration on your clit was intoxicating.

he pulls his fingers away, along with his mouth.
you watch as he pulls his sweats and boxers down, just enough to let out his semi hard cock out.

he pats his lap for you to straddle him, with a little smile on his face.
"sit all the way down on me kitten"
your face gets hot when you look back at him, but do as he says.

you grip his shoulders for support, slowly as you can, letting his cock enter you, all the way it can.
you wince at the pain of him stretching you out.

you let out a moan when your thighs meet his, sitting all the way down.
your hold on his shoulders doesn't change, as he unbuttons your school top.

letting it fall from your shoulders, kenma unclasps your bra, also letting it fall.
now the only thing on you is you little school skirt.
kenma rests his arm on your back, pushing your chests to his.

"relax kitten, and just sit like a good girl for me"
you let out a shakily moan, when you feel his member get bigger inside you.
now fully hard.

he draws little circles and words on your back, you finally feel completely relaxed.
sitting on your boyfriends cock, while he games with his friends.
feeling so relaxed, you almost fall asleep.

"tell me about your day kitten"
you finally tell him about your shit day.
the sound of him humming, and the sound of his controller clicking, oddly enough is super satisfying for you.

you accidentally shift your hips a little, to get more comfortable, causing both of you, to moan.
you've been cockwarmimg kenma for about 30 minutes now. he's getting needy, and so are you.

you're so sleepy.
kenma realizes it's getting late, and if he doesn't finish, you'll fall asleep.
"ride me now princess"

you fully open your eyes.
now fully awake.
you sit back, away from his chest to look at him.
his reassuring smile, making you feel better about fucking yourself on his cock.

you grip his shoulders and lift yourself up.
the feeling of emptiness when he isn't fully inside you, makes you feel cold.

you clap back down, causing you both to moan.
you continue to ride him, picking up a rhythm.
tears build up in the corner of your eyes from not moving on him for so long.

his little grunts are music to your ears, as they pull you closer to your climax.
the knot getting tighter, causing you to get louder.
the sound on his controller has changed.
he keeps pausing for longer in between clicks, showing you he's close.
"you're s-such a good girl for me"

he puts down his controller and grabs on to your hips,
"ahh-god- c-cum with me kitten"
slamming you down one more hard aggressive time, making you both moan out to each other.

your climax and his mixing as you both try to relax.
you rests your head on kenmas shoulder, scared you'll fall over.
kenma pushes his chair away from his desk.
he helps you to your feet, he wipes away your tears and sweat sticked hair off your face.

"can you shower with me bubs"
kenma nods,
"course, anything for you princess"
and takes his clothes off to go shower with you.

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