oikawa tooru

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how you meet.
you where walking to the gym for volleyball practice
you are the girls team ace.
you're kinda known for being quite and stand off-ish.
you turned the corner for the gym when a heard of girls where in front of the door.
you knew what it was for and it boiled your blood.
you where not in the mood for this.
you shoved your way threw the sea of females.
"wait your turn bitch"
"stop shoving"
you pushed your way threw the girls till your head hit the chest of a tall brown haired boy.
you looked up to meet eyes with him.
"i mean um!"
"no need to shove hun!"
the tall boy said
you gave him a wide closed eyed smile
"you arrogant bastard"
"can you get out of my way"
"your robots and your lanky ass are blocking the gym"
he just slumped over mouth hung  wide.
and you shoved pass him in a stomping angry little way.

how you became friends.
you forgot your house key and needed to get the extra from your brother.
it was pouring rain and you where angry you walked half way before you realized you forgot your key.
you opened the gym door.
dripping wet and angry.
the whole group of boys looked at your small drenched figure.
you heard a muffled giggle to the side of you.
you wiped your head to the sound to meet eyes with non other then oikawa tooru.
you gave him the nastiest look you could make.
your brother iwaizumi standing next to him gave you a very confused look.
you explained your shit day and he gave you the key.
as you turned to leave, oikawa ran up to you and gave you his umbrella.
you stood there holding his umbrella as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head with a smile.
"just give it back whenever i get to see ya again"
a light blush ran across your face
you turned around so he couldn't see and said thank you.
you guys have hung around ever since.

when you realized you liked him.
when he gave you his umbrella.
he was so gentle and sweet.
you weren't even sure if it was oikawa.
he made you blush and you couldn't even stop it or stop thinking how cute he was.

when he realized he liked you.
he was at your house for iwaizumi.
the 3 of you where watching movies.
it was your turn to pick the movie and it took you 30 minutes to pick one.
you sat there and flipped and flipped threw lines of movies.
iwaizumi was annoyed but he won't fight with you anymore because you'll win.
oikawa thought it was the cutest thing ever.
he just stares at you every time.
he thinks it's adorable.
he blushes at you without realizing.

how he asked you out.
oikawa really needed to study but iwaizumi was busy and couldn't help him.
oikawa begged you to help him till you said yes.
you two where studying at your house when you said you wanted pizza.
you stood up in your pjs, grabbed his hand and pulled him out of your room, out of the house and to the store.
you two stood in the frozen food section in your pjs deciding what pizza to buy.
when all of a sudden while you where in deep thought of what pizza you wanted
"hey (y/n)?"
"would you wanna go on a um a um idk a date.."
"with me..?"
you shook your head and looked up at the tall fake confidence the male wore on his face.
"y-you w-wanna go on a date with ME!"
you said jaw dropped to the floor.
he pinched your red cheeks and walked away.

first date.
oikawa is super fancy.
at least he wants you to think so.
he told you to dress super nice.
so you did.
you wore a nice dress and a cute sweater over it.
oikawa knocked on your door.
he was wearing a nice shirt with a long coat over it and his glasses and the biggest smile on his face when he saw you.
he took you out to a nice restaurant and you talked about each other.
things you liked, things you hated.
then you guys walked around town, your arm wrapped around his.
you got ice cream and then he took you to a little hill close by.
it was dry out so you two sat in the grass and watched the stars.

first kiss.
his fan girls where really getting on your nerves that day.
you where already in a shit mood and these loud touchy girls where not helping.
you watched from a far as these girls laughed loud and continued to touch or rub your boyfriends arms.
you where sick and tired of waiting for you him.
you stood up from where you were sitting and began to grab your stuff to walk home alone angrily.
oikawa saw you from a far getting ready to leave and he knew you where annoyed.
he was sick of these fan girls too.
he began to push threw the sea of girls and work his way to you.
the girls followed him.
he got to you with a big smile on his face.
the girls gathered behind him waiting to see what his business with you was.
he leaned down and gave you a long deep love filled kiss.
it took you by surprised but you soon melted into it fast.
his fan girls where surprised, shocked and kinda angry and jealous.

when he gets jealous.
he gets jealous super easily.
you where on your way to class when a boy from your last class caught up to you.
he walked next to you and talked with you.
starting conversation after conversation even when you killed the conversation.
you obviously weren't into him but you did start to enjoy the conversation.
you stopped in front of his class as your a little further down the hall.
you two continued to talk.
you didn't notice your annoyed boyfriend not far behind you staring at you and this boy.
with out a single word out of his mouth besides and sigh of disgust.
he began to walk to you.
and with out stopping.
picked you up and carried you like a purse under his arm and walked to your next class.

when you get jealous.
you know oikawa has fan girls.
and you know he picked you.
but that doesn't really help your insecurities.
you never really do anything about it, you just stare at the sea of girls around your boyfriend and either wait for him or get a pit in your stomach and walk away.
he's tells you all the time how much he cares for you and how he only likes you.
but you can't help the thoughts.
you two where walking around town in the middle of the day on a saturday.
when all of a sudden 3 girls came running up to you guys.
"omg it's oikawa!"
"omg he is so hot"
"who's the rat with him?"
the 3 girls stood in front of your boyfriend, trying to push you out of the picture.
but you weren't gonna deal with this today
"don't you desperate girls have anything better to do then drool over a taken boy?"
you said in your bitchest tone.
oikawa's face lit up with you getting jealous.
he loved it when you got like this.
the girls made nasty faces and turned on there heels and left.
"wow, look at you caring for me"
"shut up trashykawa."

he walks in on you changing.
you just got back from a date and you two where at your house.
you told him quietly that you where gonna go change and he just hummed in response making you think he heard you.
you walked to your room and you where so tired you where taking forever.
oikawa got confused at where you ran off too.
he assumed you went to bed so he went to your room to join.
he opens the door to see you standing in you underwear and your bra on the floor as you where picking up your shit to put on.
he stared at you and you stared at him.
no one was moving.
till you threw a pillow at him hitting him the face causing him to fall back and out the door.
"i should try softball"

little things.
he'll always be touching you.
he plays with your hands, hair, face, ass, boobs, thighs anything.
loves when you fall asleep on him.
he takes way to many pictures.
you catch him staring at you all the time.
like at your face.
he'll stare when you talk or when he talks.
loves eye contact.
he likes when he makes you laugh.
he doesn't think he's necessarily funny so he gets so happy when he makes you laugh.
he always picks the movies.
"that movie sucks"
"i don't really wanna watch that"
"let's watch this!"
sings in the shower.
you won't shower with him anymore.
he sings loud and is to touchy.
he gets along with your mum better then you.
likes it when you take charge.
gets mean and almost crosses the line with his words when he is mad or being just frustrated.
apologizes immediately after seeing your face.
buys you little things all the time.
especially stuffed animals.
his morning hair is adorable.
he was insecure about it when you first saw his lovey lushes locks all messed up and everywhere.
takes HOURS in the bathroom.
his showers are always long.

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