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you and your boyfriend where laying in your bed watching movies.
you where cuddled up in his chest while his arm wrapped around your waist.

as you guys got farther into the movie a sex scene popped up.
nothing graphic but you both knew what was going on.
the atmosphere in the room changed.

your brain started thinking
(god does this make him uncomfortable?)
(is that why we haven't done it!)
(maybe he doesn't want to do it with me?)
(i definitely don't want to make the first move)
you couldn't stop thinking

"(y/n) you're awful quiet, what's wrong?"
his voice startled you out of your thoughts
"s-sorry, i was just thinking"
you sat in silence for a second before he asked
"about what?"

you wanted to tell him but you didn't want to sound weird.
"j-just stuff"
your stuttering didn't sound convincing.
you felt his arm around your waist loosen.

your heart dropped feeling like you did something wrong.
"do you want to?"
you looked up at your straight faced boyfriend who had just asked you that question.

he didn't look at you, but you could see his flustered face ask again.
"do you wanna do it"
your face got really hot at his words.
you looked back down still buried in his chest

you felt is arm move off of your waist and him sit up under you.
you followed his lead and sat up and turned to face him.

you turned and your face was really close to his.
you both stared at each other for a bit.
he stared at your lips and you stared at his eyes.
he finally yet slowly closed the gap between you two.

the kiss was kinda rough but sweet
you two don't kiss a lot because he likes to saver them and it just doesn't happen a lot.

you felt his hand grab your waist pulling you closer to him till you where on his lap.
you rested your hands on his chest as his other hand
traveled to your lower back.

the kiss got deeper as you felt him slip his tongue in your mouth exploring it.
he began moving your hips while on his leg causing you to moan a little.

you could feel him getting hard under you.
you pulled back to breath
both of you breathing heavily and looking into each other's eyes.

you watched his eyes look down and back up to you as in a way of asking you to go down.
you blinked a couple times and moved your body down.

you looked down and began unbuckling his pants.
you let his large member out.
your eyes widened a little at the size.
you took a big gulp and licked his tip.

you felt him tense a little at the touch but soon relax as you put as much as you could into your mouth.
you could hear him grunt a little and grip your hair.
after gagging and bobbing your head for awhile

you pull back and take deep breaths for air.
his grip on your hair didn't let go though.
he looked down at your sweaty drool covered face and got more turned on

he let go of your hair and got to his knees while on the bed.
he grabbed you and laid you down on the bed where he was.
he pulled his shirt off and threw in on the floor with rest of his clothes.
he leaned over you.
his large body caging you in

he kissed you gently and then reached for his pants on the floor.
he pulled out his wallet and then pulled out a condom.
he slipped it on.

before he leaned back down to you he asked,
"do you want to continue?"
you nodded in response and pull down your shorts and underwear.
he grabbed the rest of your shorts and underwear and threw them off the bed.

he lowered himself back down over you.
he began kissing you again and grabbed the end of your shirt and pulled it up.

without breaking the kiss he grabbed your chest playing with your nipple with his finger while massaging the other.

he moved one of his hands down to your waist to hold you down.
while still kissing he went in.
you opened your mouth and moaned at the pain and pleasure.

he went as slow as he could for your comfort.
"y-you c-an move faster"
your neediness for him being so gentle took over.
he completely stopped for a second.

he looked at you all red and hair sprawled and did as asked.
he moved faster causing you to moan.
you gripped the bed sheets as he went faster and deeper.

you whimpered and moaned under him and he loved it.
he leaned over you gripping the head board to go deeper into you.
luckily your parents weren't home because his power and thrust where making your bed hit the wall.

you arched you back and gripped the bedsheets tightly as you felt a knot in your stomach.
you let out a loud moan
ushijima had both hands now on the head rest and with one final gut wrenching thrust you both hit your limits.

you cried out and he moaned as you came down from your high.
he pulled out and leaned his head against the headboard breathing heavily.

you closed your eyes and tried to catch your breath.
he got up and threw the condom away.
you both cleaned up with no words passed.

you came back from the bathroom with your shorts and one of his shirts and collapses on your bed exhausted.
he came over in his joggers, picked you up and laid you on top of him.

"love you"
"love you too"

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