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"hurry up"
you rush around your room trying to get ready for your date.
"5 more minutes"
that was a lie.

makki told you to dress nice.
and that's all.
he said that you two are going out and to dress nice.
makki doesn't really care for going out, i mean if you ask he'll go but he doesn't really invite you out.

so you're pretty excited for what's to come.
you rush down the stairs in a cute little skirt and nice sweater and some shoes to match.
your boyfriend is sitting on the couch scrolling threw his phone.

"i'm ready, let's go"
you grab your purse off the hanger and wait at the door for you boyfriend who is now just staring at you.
"you look awful pretty tonight"
"what's the reason?"
you frown at his teasing ways.

"leeeettttssss gggggooooo"
he finally gets off the couch and grabs his coat.
"my lady"
he opens the door for you to walk out.
"what are we doing?"

makki shuts the door and walks down the short steps to where you stood, wrapping his arm around your neck.
"i don't know"
you where now confused and honestly a little worried.

you two begin walking.
it's a little chilly but not that bad.
you walk with makki's arm guiding you.
you stared at your feet the whole time, avoiding all cracks and rocks on the sidewalk.

"look up"
you do what he says and see a restaurant.
it wasn't super fancy or anything but it was ridiculously cute.
you chuckle and look at your now proud boyfriend.

"let's go in"
your smile gets bigger and you nod your head in agreement.
you two take your seats by a window, closer to the back.

you pick up your menu and begin to read what your choices are.
"how was your day"
you look up at makki who was also looking at you.

you tell him about your day and he does the same.
you two finally order and continue to talk while waiting for your food.

your food came and you both started eating.
you whispered shouted at makki who had just flicked a piece of food at you.

he didn't even look at you, acting like nothing happened.
you return the favor a flick a slightly bigger piece of food at him.
it hit him in the forehead and you covered your mouth so the whole restaurant wouldn't be able to hear your laugh.

makki tried so hard not to laugh at you trying not to laugh.
the muffled laughs just as loud as regular laughs attracted a small audience.
the people who sat close smiled at the young couple out having fun.

you both finished your food and left the nice restaurant.
hand in hand now, you two walk outside to the now dark sky.
you can feel him guide you, and when you look up you see a little ice cream shop.

you both got ice cream and you paid when he wasn't looking because he paid for dinner and never lets you pay.
"oh yea!"
you stop eating your ice cream and look up at makki's almost excited looking face.

you hum in a way to ask what he is talking about.
he takes your hand again and drags you along.
you don't question his actions and continue to eat your ice cream.

he dragged you to a little stream of water that had a cute small bridge above it.
to get to the water you had to walk down a hill, but it wasn't steep.

you two got to the bottom of the hill and he laid down.
you did the same and laid next to him.
"what are we doing?"
he snakes his arm under your head and pulls you closer to him.
"look up"

you looked at him once more before looking up, to see the most beautiful sky you've ever seen.
you've seen so many stars at once.
the sky was dark dark blue from the light the stars gave off.
the sound of the moving water made your heart melt.

you couldn't believe you didn't see this sky when you left the restaurant.
all the lights in town block it.
laying here in the almost pitch black, with no other light then the stars and the single street light on the top of the hill.

"youre so cheesy"
you didn't look at him but you heard his laughter which made this moment, if even possible so much better.
his arm under your head pulls you into his chest, and wraps his other arm around you, giving you a hug.

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