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you and your boyfriend have been fighting since lunch time at school.
it's now after school and you're at his house.
standing in his room trying not to cry.

he just crosses his arms and tsks at you and turns away.
he kinda pushed the making fun of you line in front of your friends and his team.
he mentioned things that you're very sensitive about and he got mad when you tried to tell him that he upset you.

"it's not a big deal (y/n)"
"i make fun of you all the time why is this different"
you felt a lump in your throat and just turned around.
"what you said made me feel ugly"
"you're suppose to never make me feel that way"

he felt your sadness as you gathered your stuff you had around his room.
you went to grab your purse off his bed when he grabbed your arm.

"ow tsukki, let go"
with his free hand he took his glasses off and set them on his night stand.
you tried to get out of his grip but he pulled you to his chest.
he let go of your arm and wrapped his arms around you.

you began to softly cry.
he pulled you back and scuffed at your red puffy tear filled face.
he whipped your eyes with his thumb.

he leaned down and gently kissed you.
you lifted your hands and cupped his face.
you felt his hands travel to your waist and held it in his large hands.

with out breaking the make out he guided you to his bed.
he sat down and pulled you to straddle him.
his hands traveled around your body.

he moved to your stomach and stopped at your chest.
he pulled his hand back down and pulled your shirt off.
he looked at you, looking around you already eager body.
you got embarrassed and looked away.

he just smirked and began kissing your neck.
his hand grouped your chest, squeezing tightly.
you began to squirm as he got rougher.
he gripped your waist and flipped you over.

he toward over you.
he bit your neck making you give a shaking moan.
you slipped your hands to his pants and began unbuckling them
"eager are we?"

you just looked at him and gave a small smile before sliding under him to you knees.
tsukki stud up straight and let you do what you wanted for a second.

pulling his pants down to see his already hard member outline his boxers, you got excited.
you licked threw his boxers feeling him tense up from your tongue.
pulling his hard dick out, you immediately shoved it down your throat.

after giving him head for awhile he helped you up and laid you back down on your back.
he began measly making out with you again and ripped your underwear off to reveal your wet core.

he pulled his lips back letting the string of saliva between you two break.
he opened his nightstand and pulled out a condom.
he slipped it on and gripped you thighs hard pulling you towards him.

"gotta be decently quite"
"my brother is home remember?"
he gave you a devilish smirk.
you knew immediately this was gonna be hard to be quite for.

he kissed your ear and as you take a deep breath he went all the way in.
you bite your lip hard to hold in your noise.
feeling that familiar pain turn to pleasure you told him to move.
tsukki stud back up and gripped your thighs to pull himself deeper.

you could barley keep quiet the deeper he went.
"f-fuck k-kei"
he loves it when you call him by his first name.
he thrusted into you hard as he rolls his head back.

"g-god you're so f-fucking pretty"
he could barley spit out
what he said making you blush and making everything feel even better hearing him say that to you.
you feel the knot grow as you arch your back.
you hear tsukki moan as he shoves in one more time.
he could feel how close you where so
he pulls out and before you could even open your eyes to question why he stopped,

tsukki shoved his tongue in you.
you gripped his hair trying to get some release as he rubs your clit with his thumb, still shoving his tongue in you.

you could barley hold in your voice.
you kept letting out sounds as you felt that knot grow more and you got tighter.
you felt the high pitch sound come.

just as you went to release you felt two
fingers shove in your mouth.
"told you to be quite"
you breath heavily as you where so close when he pulled back to speak.

he went back and you finally came in his mouth
making your grip on his hair tighter.
he pulled back and took his fingers out of you mouth.
as you slowly come down from your high he shoves himself back in, you moan out almost a scream when he continued to pound your sensitive pussy.

he finished inside you, feeling his liquid fill you up and leak out of your swollen pussy.
he rolled over and laid next to you.
both of you catching you breaths, eyes closed you feel his hand caress your cheek.

you open your eyes a little to look at him.
his eyes where still closed.
you smiled softly and hummed at all that happened.
just as you where about to speak be whispered,
"love you idiot"

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