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"locked out"
you slam your head onto your dorm room door.
you forgot your key and your roommate was at her boyfriends dorm.

you take a deep breath and call her.
"just come get it from me"
"i'm in room 210"
and she hung up.

you where now angry, hungry and anxious.
you gather your courage and walk to the boys dorms across the way.
you got to room 210.
{knock knock}

a tall olive-brown haired boy opened the door.
he looked down with a cold face.
"may i help you?"
you shiver at his deep voice and your embarrassment.

"i'm looking for (friends name)?"
"s-she said she is with her boyfriend in room 210"
his expression didn't change.
"sorry there is no (friends name) here"

you turn red at how embarrassed you are to have the wrong room and slam your hand to your forehead and pull out your phone to call your friend back.

"you said room 210!"
you said in a very snarky angry tone.
"shit sorry (y/n)!"
"i'm actually in room 220!"
you felt like your head was gonna explode from anger.
"will you 100% check and be 100% sure"
you heard her open the door and say she is 100% positive.

you hang up the phone and turn back to the tall boy who has his door still open.
"i'm so so so sorry for bothering you"
you give him a small bow and begin to walk off.
he just watched you.
he stood in the hall watching till he couldn't see you anymore.

you get the key from your roommate and walk back down the hall.
you got to the exit to walk across the way to the building across from the boys with a small garden and walk ways in between.
you noticed it was pitch black already.

you growled to yourself and pulled out your phone for a flash light to see your phone was dead.
you sighed very loudly very annoyed.

"you shouldn't walk back by yourself"
you jumped at the voice that had just appeared behind you.
"w-what-OH, i should be fine, i can see the entrench light from here"
the tall boy from room 210 shock his head and handed you his coat that he had on.

you looked at his face that was still the same as before.
you reached out and put on the very large zip up coat.
"t-thank you."
you say looking down embarrassed.

he nodded and opened the door.
the walk to the girls building was silent but oddly enough not awkward.
he walked you down to your dorm.
as you open your dorm room you begin to unzip his jacket off of you.

"keep it"
you freeze and look up at the tall boy
"a-are you sure?!"
when you looked up at him you saw it.
his face, it was softer.
he had a pink tint and his eyes and mouth relaxed giving him a small smile.

your face turned red at the sight.
you stop zipping down the coat and give him a small bow and a thank you.
"i'm (y/n) by the way, thank you very much for walking me back"
"i'm wakatoshi ushijima"

you stiffen as you realize who he is.
is all you could think
"hopefully i can see you again (y/n)"

you look at him as he gives a small bow and a wave before walking away.
he turned back and flashed a very small smile.
making your heart completely melt.
"he's so soft"
is all you could say and think as your whole face was hot and red.

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