kyoutani kentarou

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how you meet.
you're kinda like the manager for the volleyball team.
you just do paper work and clean up when they leave.
you needed to join a club but you're independent and prefer to work alone.
you had a stack of papers in your hand as you made your way to the gym to do it because you needed coach's help and couldn't hide in the class room.
you weren't watching where you were going and bumped into someone's shoulder.
you feel back from the wall like person you ran into and the papers fell.
(good thing it wasn't windy)
you growled to yourself and began picking up the papers.
"sorry for running into you"
you grumpily said.
you didn't hear anything but say a hand reach down and help you pick up the papers.
you looked up to see who you ran into and saw
you never talked to him but you knew he was on the volleyball team.

how you became friends.
he silently helped you pick up the papers.
when they where back in your hands you thanked him with a small smile.
he just stared at you.
face blank.
you began to walk past him when he spoke.
"h-here let me take those for you"
you stopped and turned around surprised.
you grew a small blush and told you where fine.
he gave a annoyed look and took the stack from you.
"where you going"
your blush still there and now a little frightened.
"t-to the gym"
he growled and let you lead the way.
after he set the papers down on the bench, you use for a desk.
he saw you about to sit on the gym floor with nothing on you, when he growled and threw you his jacket.
"the floor is gross"
"you shouldn't sit your ass on it"
and he walked away.

when you realized you liked him.
you always thought he was attractive.
but you realized you liked him, was when you started going to the gym more.
instead of hiding in your class you would bring your work to the gym.
you could catch yourself glancing at him a lot.
you where cleaning the gym after practice assuming everyone was gone.
you where struggling to take down the neat because the step latter broke.
you growled and kinda yelled as you couldn't reach the pole to take it down.
you got angry and kicked the pole out of anger and sat on the floor thinking of what to do.
you heard a familiar voice speak,
"i told you the floor is dirty"
you looked up to see kentarou reaching his hand out for you to take.
your blush grew and you took his hand as he helped you up.
you dusted yourself off and thanked him.
  as you where dusting yourself off you saw him take the pole down for you.
he asked if you needed anymore help.
you became embarrassed and told him no thank you while also thanking him again with a small bow.
he grunted and left.
he was always so helpful towards you.

when he realized he liked you.
he also thought you where attractive.
he would see you around school and just stare at you.
when he found out you where the manager he kinda got happy.
even though he only really saw you at games sitting by coach.
he realized he actually liked you, when you began showing up to practices more.
he really liked having you around like that.
but when oikawa the one and only kept approaching you and flirting it made his blood boil.
he wanted to kick his face but he couldn't because that'd be sus.
but oikawa went to wrap his arm around you while flirting, you flicked his forehead hard and told him to piss off.
he loved your independence and the way you just treated him like a bug.

how he asked you out.
he was a mess.
he's never liked a girl enough to ask her out.
he had no idea how.
he kept over thinking it.
he eventually asked iwaizumi.
"d-do you know to ask a girl out?"
he asked so quietly iwa had to ask him to repeat it.
which made kentarou growl in announce.
iwa told him to ask her when they are alone and to be straight forward and gently as he could.
he waited till after practice when he knows you stay behind and everyone leaves.
he saw you picking the volleyballs up to put away and he approached you.
you turned to see kentarou's red soft face looking everywhere besides you.
you ask in a sweet tone.
"w-would you like to"
"you don't have to"
"but go out with me"
you couldn't control your smile.
you couldn't stop smiling so you nodded your head rapidly to agree.
his eyes widened in surprise, that you didn't turn him down.
you ran to your backpack and pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen and wrote your number down on it.
you gave it to him and told him to call you.
he also couldn't control his smile now.
he cleared his throat and left.

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