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you missed your boyfriend.
a lot.
he was at a training camp and has been gone for 3 days.
which isn't a lot.
i mean of course you'll miss him but you can handle it.

but this miss was a different kind.
you haven't felt his hands on you in what felt like a forever.
you where getting needy.

you knew he came home today.
but you weren't gonna spring on him.
you wanted to talk about his games and stuff first.

he texted you saying he was home and he was gonna shower and be at your house when he was done.
you got excited and did the same.

you showered and decided to wear a matching black bra and underwear set.
he wouldn't see it unless he wanted to, but just in case you put it on.

you slide on a big shirt and that's it and went to wait for him on your couch.
about 5 minutes later a knock on your door was heard.

you sprung up from the couch and swung open the door.
there was your grumpy boyfriend.
you've never been so excited to see someone.
you did a little jump into his arms.

he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing tightly.
"hey pup"
you couldn't contain your smile.
"i've missed you"
he squeezed tighter, telling you he missed you too.

he let go and set you back to n your feet.
"how was it?"
he sighed and told you how it went.
you tried to listen.
but when he took his coat off, showing his damp tight shirt tight all the right places it got hard.

you couldn't stop the thoughts.
you stared at his body and lips as he talked.
(god i'm treating him like a piece of meat.)
"you good pup?"

you shook your head out of your thoughts.
"y-yea, sorry i just spaced out"
he was confused but let it go.
you couldn't control yourself.

you crawled into his lap, straddling him.
you rested your hands on his chest.
and leaned to his ear,
"i really missed you"
you kissed his ear.

he smirked,
"oh yea?"
"how much did you miss me?"
he grabbed your chin, pulling you back from his ear and lifted into your face upwards, so your neck was completely exposed to him.

he kissed, sucked, bit and licked all over your neck, leaving dark and light hickeys all over.
you moan a little and started moving your hips, slowly grinding on him.

"needy, needy"
he let go of your chin and helped you off of his lap.
"take the shirt off"
you easily slipped out of the shirt, revealing your matching set.

he looked at you after he took his off.
"d-did you plan to seduce me?"
you turned red and looked away.
not answering his question.

he smiled at your cuteness.
he pulled his pants down, so both of your are just in your underwear.
he walked to you and wrapped his hand around your backside.
he skillfully unclipped your bra, letting it fall to the floor.

you looked at him, and he slammed his lips to yours.
relaxing completely, missing his lips so much you cupped his cheeks and deepened the kiss.

you moaned into the kiss a little when you felt his rough hands message your chest, pinching and rolling your nipple in his fingers.

he guided you to the coach and laid you down.
he didn't break the sloppy kiss as he towers over you.
you felt his hand move to your core.
he pulled your underwear down and slipped a finger in.

you gasp into the kiss and you feel him smirk in it.
your moans got louder when he slipped in another finger.
you moved your hands down and pulled his hard member out of his boxers.

you began to stroke him as he fingered you.
both of you playing with each other and moaning into the kiss you two still shared.

you both pulled each other to your climax.
he groans as he let himself loose on your stomach and yours ran down your thigh and his fingers.

you both took breaths before he grabbed a condom.
slipping it on, he pulls your weak body closer to his cock.
lining up with your entrance,
"keep going?"
you kiss his forehead and say, "please daddy"

that was more then enough for him to slam into you.
you moan and scream at once as the quick pain disappears into the pleasure you've been craving.
he leans down and kisses and bites your neck, while you whine and moan as you claw into his back:

both of you moaning and muffling into each other's skin.
his rough pace making you tear up.
"f-fuck i'm so close"
you hear him say out of breath.

"i-i'm about, about to c-"
you cut yourself off with your orgasm.
the tears flowing down your face as he thrusts a couple more times and then releases into the condom.

he rests his forehead to yours, both eyes closed as you both catch your breath.
he sits up and pulls out, disposing the used condom.

"we should shower."
you smile and nod, he reaches a hand out for you to take.
he helps you to the bathroom and you both help each other wash and talk about your weekend.

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