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it was a normal day.
you two decided to hang out like always.
he came to your house
"hey, i didn't know your mum was gone today"
he shut the door behind him.
"yea she'll be gone awhile, she got called in for work"

he hummed and set his stuff down.
you got off your bed to give your boyfriend and nice hug.
since it was a lazy day you where only wearing one of semi's shirts and a pair of underwear.

you didn't do it to start anything, honestly.
he watched you get up and walk to him in awe.
when you got closer he noticed your face.

he could tell you where crying.
he looked around the room and saw no food or anything to drink.
"hey did you eat today?"
you stopped and looked around your room.

"n-no, i wasn't hungry"
he gave a unsatisfied face.
you sighed and crossed your arms and gazed at the floor.
"it doesn't matter"
"i wasn't hungry"

"why where you crying?"
you where shocked how well your boyfriend knows you.
"i watched a sad video."
you replied back coldly.

all of a sudden all these sad emotions came bubbling up.
tears began to form in the corner of your eyes and it was to late to stop them.
"i-i just don't feel pretty right now, that's all"

semi was shocked at your words.
"what?, why?"
you couldn't stop the tears
"i-i don't know"
you sniffle and wipe your tears away.

he pulls you into a tight hug.
he pulls back a little and lifts your head up to look at him.
tears stain your red tinted face.

he gives a small smile and starts kissing your cheek.
he stopped right before your lips.
he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
you're stiff for a second still feeling sad

you soon melted into it.
he deepens the kiss sliding his tongue into your mouth.
his tongue moves all over the inside of your mouth.

he pulls back to let you both breath.
he stares into your eyes for a second before going to your neck.
leaving small light hickeys all over your neck.

you moan a little when he sucks on the soft spot of your neck.
he leans you down onto your bed letting you hit the bed softly.

he lets his hands move around your body, squeezing your thighs, rubbing your sides.
you let your hands rest on his checks.

he pulls back and pulls your shirt off, dropping it on the floor.
you still feeling insecure covered your body.
he gently pulls your hands away from your naked chest and lays them on the bed

he leaned to your ear and kisses it
"you're absolutely beautiful"
"and stunning"
"i like the way your skin feels on mine"
"i love the way your body moves."

his words making you blush.
you couldn't take it anymore you wanted him to touch you.
but you loved the way he made you feel.
in anyway.
sexual or not

he made you feel beautiful.
you tugged at the end of his shirt and he let you take it off of him.
dropping it on the floor with your shirt.

he began to kiss down your body.
softly massaging your chest.
you moaned under his touch.

he lead butterfly kisses down your body all the way down to your ankle.
he moves back up and begin kissing you again.
he pulls your underwear down throwing the clothing on the floor.

you feel his soft fingers run along your entrance.
the soft touch tickling you.
he ever so gentle slides two fingers into you
causing you to moan in the kiss

after he pumps his fingers for awhile and pulls his harder pre-cum cock out of his pants.
pulling a condom out of your nightstand he slips it on.

he leans over you and kisses your neck, while interlocking your fingers with his.
you could barley feel his tip at your entrance
he shoved himself into you all the way.

you jump of the pressure the turned to pleasure soon.
"you're so pretty"
"so f-fucking pretty"
you could feel the knot in your stomach as he fills you up.

"i'm gonna cu-"
cutting yourself off with your own climax
semi thrust one more hard time releasing into the condom.

he pulls out still breathing heavily
and throws the condom away.
he crashes on the bed next to you.
you catching your breath, eyes closed as semi watched your chest rise up and down.

he leans over and plays with your hair
"you're absolutely beautiful"

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