ukai keishin

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how you meet.
you just moved.
you moved down the street of ukai's store.
you've been here for a week and needed food.
you remembered seeing a little store not far from you house.
you walk into the store letting the bell ring.
a bleach blonde man was singing a little and dusting the shelf's.
he didn't turn around just said that.
you walked past him to get to the aisle you needed letting your perfume blow past him.
he stopped his dusting and looked up to see who had that wonderful smell.
he looked at you and you looked at him.
letting your eyes meet.
neither of you could look away.
or wanted to.
you blushed at his handsome face and turned your head quickly and left.
he just stared at you walking away with a deep blush on his face.

how you two became friends.
after that blush fest you couldn't stop thinking about him.
he was so hot.
you continued going to the store.
the first couple of trips you two shared awkward small conversations.
you two where having a small conversation at the counter when the bell rang.
you both turned your head at the door to see a short spiky haired boy and taller bald boy.
"hey coach!!"
the say together.
he just frowned and hummed at them.
"you're a very pretty women ma'am!"
you looked at the shorter boy who wasn't much shorter then you and gave him a small giggle and thank you.
"you better sweep this one up coach"
the bald one says throwing a arm around ukai.
"get out of my store you littl-"
you couldn't help but laugh.
the boy left pushing each other out of the door.
"i'm so sorry about them"
you just smiled and shook your head with no problems.
"so what do you coach?"
he leans his arm on the table resting his hand on his face.
"boys volleyball"
your face lit up
he looked up at you confused by your excitement
"i love volleyball!"
"i was a setter in high school"
and that started a long conversation

when you realized you liked him.
you came in later then usual because you where just busy
he gave a almost worried look at you because of how late it was and it was dark.
"you walked in the dark?"
"by yourself?"
you nodded and leaned on the contour like you usually do to talk.
you talked about each other's days and so on.
you paid for your food and went to leave.
"i can't let you walk back by yourself"
"it's pitch black"
"i'm closing in about 5 minutes"
"just sit back here and i'll walk ya home"
he said before putting out his cigarette.
you blushed a little and agreed and look a seat behind the counter while he closes up.
he walked you home and didn't leave till you where in your house with the door locked.
it made your heart flutter how he cared.

when he realized he liked you.
he was having a rough day.
you came in the store and your jaw dropped at how busy he was.
his extra helper called in sick and he had to work by himself.
you turned to look at a flustered and angry ukai with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
you sighed and went behind the counter catching his attention.
he watched in confusion as you hung your purse and coat up in the back.
you came up to the front and opened the other register and started another line.
"w-what are you doing!?"
you tied you hair up while looking at him.
you have a big smile and stared helping people.
he turned pink at you helping him with his store.
"excuse me"
ukai's thoughts where interrupted by the customers.
he realized he wanted you back here all the time.

when he asked you out.
you came to the store like you do always.
you sat behind the counter with ukai as he listened to you talk taking a drag off his cigarette.
you told him how boring tomorrow was going to be for you.
you have tomorrow off from your job and have nothing to do.
no shopping no errands.
a thought popped up in his head.
"w-well i um i have have tomorrow off too."
"so if you, i don't know wanna hang out or something tomorrow"
your eyes went wide as his words.
your checks went red and you slapped your face to cover it up.
you looked down with your face bared into your hands.
"i'd love too"
you kinda yelled into your hands.
making him blush and face the other way so you couldn't see.

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