yaku morisuke

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how you meet.
you like to study at the cafe across from the school.
it was a sunday and you where studying and drinking (whatever drink you like)
you where reading a history book sitting in one of the tall spiny chairs.
you didn't hear the door ring when someone walked in.
you are spinning in your chair when you drop your book.
you stopped yourself and let your mind take a minute before you got down and got your book.
you jumped down and before you could reach down and grab your book and blonde-ish boy grabbed your book.
he had a goofy little smile on his face as he handed you the book.
he was cute and you said thanks for grabbing your book and he rubbed his head and nodded and walked away.

how you became friends.
it was late.
and you where at that cafe again.
like you are almost every day.
you where reading a book and drinking
(whatever drink you want)
you don't know why but you had the erge to look up.
when you did you meet eye to eye with that
blonde-ish boy again.
you smiled and turned a light pink.
you looked back down at your book trying to read but couldn't concentrate.
you heard the chair across from you being pulled out and a soft voice ask if they could sit there.
you saw the same boy and nodded yes.
he sat down with his drink and asked what you where reading.
"i'm yaku by the way"
"oh i'm, (y/n)"
he had such a soft sweet smile.
and y'all have been cafe friends.

when you realized you liked him.
he seems so interested in you.
he asks you a lot of questions and listens and remembers your answers.
he got there before you one time and ordered your drink.
it was a small gesture but it made your heart flutter that he did that and remembers your drink.
he just reminds you so much of a puppy.
you really like his company.

when he realized he liked you.
he saw you at school.
you where helping a student with some work.
yaku isn't in your class he was walking by and he saw you.
he just loves the way you move, talk, listen anything.
when you saw him at the door you gave him a closed eye smile and a wave.
it made his heart skip a beat.
you are so kind.

how he asked you out.
you two where at the cafe.
"this place would be cute for a date"
you said while looking at the couple across from you two.
"i agree, but i would take you some where else"
"like a movie or something to switch it up"
you paused and looked at yaku who had just said that but he didn't look up from his math homework.
yaku looked up at you when he realized you haven't said anything in awhile.
your face was bright red and your mouth a little open trying to say something.
yaku got all flustered and shook is hands on front of you and said "i mean not i mean not that i-"
"are you saying you wanna take me to a movie ?"
you said in a very up beat tone.
he nodded and said he'd love to.

first date.
you two went to the movies.
you guys held hands and ate to much and had a lot of fun.
it was still early and you two didn't know what to do.
you watched another movie.
and once again you two ate to much.
you guy then walked around town and talked about the movies you've just watched.
he walked you home which surprisedly isn't far from the cafe.
you told him how fun that was and he said he wanted to do it again and soon.
you kissed him and ran inside.

first kiss.
you kissed him on your first date.
you didn't know why, it just felt right.
it was long but sweet.
nothing sloppy or special but it was sweet.
you pulled away and apologized for just kissing him like that.
he giggled with red cheeks and said he liked it.

when he gets jealous.
a boy was talking to you during lunch, no big deal.
he was in your class.
yaku saw and immediately walked over to you.
he sat behind you and laid his head on your shoulder.
he played with your hair and just listened to your conversation.
the boy left, you sighed and told yaku he's nothing but a big baby.
he got red and told you to knock it off.

when you get jealous.
you only get jealous when some girls are overly nice.
the shoulder touching the laughing loud and the compliments.
girls from different schools will sometimes find him adorable the same way you do.
they talk real sweet and shy like, which always gets yaku's attention.
you sat on the bench waiting for your boyfriend so you could say bye to him before he got on the bus.
the girls finally left and one wrote her number down on a piece of paper and handed it to yaku he just held it in front of him confused.
the girls walked past you to go out the exit.
the one who gave yaku the number was the closest to you.
you sighed loudly and stretched your leg out.
when you put your leg out, out of nowhere you tripped the girl, making her fall on her face.
she growled loudly.
yaku was already walking over to you when he saw the whole thing.
he tried so hard to laugh so he didn't sound rude.
but it was hard.

walks in on you changing.
he was playing video games at his house.
you got board and said you where gonna go shower he hummed in response so you assumed he heard you.
you left to go take a shower and about 20 minutes later yaku realized you where gone.
you have just gotten out of the shower so he didn't hear the water.
he opened his bedroom door and you weren't there.
he turned around to open the bathroom door and the door was unlocked.
he opened the door and saw you drying yourself off with the towel.
you where covering most of your body from the angle of the towel but yaku freaked out slammed the door screamed he was sorry over and over again.

little things.
"when did you eat?"
"what did you eat?"
"who are going with?"
"go to sleep."
"clean your room!"
such a cuddle bug.
for being small he's really dominant
in everyday life.
he likes it when you move your thumb when you hold hands.
you give him puppy dog eyes.
always puts his hand on your lower back when he sees you.
if he comes up behind you, you'll know it's him because where he puts his hand.
he does the same when he hugs you.
does not like being tickled.
might punch you if you do.
always has snacks.
refills your water bottle.
likes to rub his thumb on your cheek.
likes when you lay between his legs

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