futakuchi kenji

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how you meet.
you where up in a tree.
you saw a cat run up the tree and was meowing kinda loud.
you wanted to save the cat so you climbed the tree.
the tree was pretty high but you didn't care.
you couldn't get any higher, the cat was barley out of reach.
you could hear the boys volleyball team underneath you but you ignored it.
you reached a little farther then.
you came falling down.
lucky you.
you landed on someone.
the boy you fell on fell on his butt and you fell on him.
you where laying on your back and sat up and looked at the boy.
he was rubbing his back and gave you a wide open angry look.
"what the fuck"
"how did you just fall from the sky"
you looked at him and looked back up.
you saw the cat come down from the tree and begin to walk away.
you grabbed you bags you left by the tree and ran off and apologized to the boy while running away.

how you became friends.
kenji was walking home after practice by himself.
when you came out of nowhere not looking where you were going.
you ran right into him.
you landed on top of him.
you looked down and he looked up.
he was obviously confused and annoyed.
you jumped up off of him and put your hand out to help him up.
he grabbed your hand and you helped him up.
"what on earth could be so scary you're running from it?"
he said in a very snarky tone.
"i really wanted to pet the raccoon."
and that was it.
he looked you up and down and saw the cuts that where still bleeding on your legs and arms and the one on your face.
how dirty your uniform was.
he sighed and asked you to come to his house so someone can clean you up.
and since then you two have been friends.
even if he feels more like a mean mum more then a friend most times.

when you realized you liked him.
you where locked out of your house.
you couldn't get in with out a key.
is what kenji thought standing next to you now annoyed that you guys have to walk to his house to study which was farther down the road.
he sighed and began to walk away.
but stopped and turned around when he head you struggle.
there you where climbing your fence to get to the open window on the second story.
you where not one to take the easy way.
you don't think much you just do.
you where almost up to the window and you began to slip.
you could feel your foot begin to give up.
just as you where about to jump for the window hoping you'd grab the window and pull yourself up.
you fell.
you closed your eyes tight for impact.
kenji caught you.
he caught you bridle style and huffed at your actions.
"don't you ever learn"
"did you just fall constantly before me?"
you didn't know what it was but you looked at him and began to blush.
he was always there and you really liked having him there.

when he realized he liked you.
the same time you realized.
he honestly but never will admit it, loves being there for you and catching you when you fall.
it made him feel strong.
when he saw you blush and the little fear turn into comfort when he caught you was enough for him to realize what he felt about you.

how he asked you out.
he had no idea how to ask you out.
he thought about it for a little then pushed the idea aside.
he was to nervous to ask you because he didn't want to ruin your friendship.
he was acting odd when you two where studying together and you could tell.
he was moving around a lot and kept looking at you.
it was really throwing you off.
you had enough.
you looked at him till he looked at you.
"what's wrong with you"
you said in a very confused voice.
he shook his head and looked back down at his book.
you didn't take your eyes off of him.
"do you wanna go out?"
"like on a real date?"
"if it's to weird you can tell me"
you said now embarrassed and looking down.
his head shot up and looked at you.
mouth dropped to the floor.
"i was planning on asking !"
"but i mean, sure i guess.."

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