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you're a short 3rd year.
you're not necessarily quite you just mind your business.
almost no one knows but the volleyball captain is your brother kuroo.

you two just don't run in the same group at school, so no one see y'all together and you don't really look like him so no one knows you two are siblings.

your brother left his shoes at home and you went and got them for him.
you slide open the door and tried to blend in hoping no one would notice you.

you peak your head up and see your brother wave to you.
you give a small wave back and hand him his shoes.
"dude thank you so much"
"practice would suck with out my shoes"
you giggle when all of a sudden you see the boy you have a small crush on tap on kuroo's shoulder.

"come on kuroo, no just bring girls to the gym and lacking off to talk to them"
your face turns red at the small libero.
kuroo looks at you with disgust and back at yaku with the same face.

"i've never brought a girl to practice!"
"this is my sister (y/n)."

yaku blushes and bowed and apologized to you for assuming you're kuroo's girlfriend.
"i-it's no problem"
you squeak out
that's when kuroo realized you liked yaku.
you're never this quite around people and you can't stop blushing

you told your brother and yaku goodbye as you tried not to trip over your own feet on your way out.
yaku was still blushing and staring at you as you left
"are you just gonna gawk at my sister or are ya gonna at least try and flirt with her?"

yaku now out of his trance,
"i-i don't know what you're talking about!"
kuroo sighs and leaves the embarrassed yaku.

the next day you where at the vending machine getting something to drink
"h-hey (y/n)"
the hello spooked you and you dropped your drink.
"i'm so sorry for scaring you!"
"no no!"
"i'm just very clumsy"

you pick up your drink as you explain you're just a nervous klutz.
"i was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime"
"y-you obviously don't have too!"

your eyes widened and your face turned red.
it was getting hard to stand.
he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and adverts eye contact.
"i-i'd love to!"
you shout out completely red.

he takes out a piece of paper and writes,
"saturday @7:00"
he hands you the paper and leaves.
you read the paper and couldn't help but smile and hop up and down a bit.

saturday rolled around and you realized you didn't tell your brother you had a date.
you didn't really wanna tell him because yaku is his teammate and honestly his friend.
but you had to tell kuroo something to leave your house dressed nice at 7 when yaku knocks on your door.

immediately kuroo looked up at you with his eyebrow raised
"what did you do or want?"
you take a deep breath and blurt out,
you spit out as fast as you can.
you stares at you and you stare at him for what feels like forever.

"well ok, bye"
you say turning on your heels.
kuroo has good aim.
right to the back of the head with a pillow causing you to holt.

"you're an idiot"
"i knew you liked him"
"and i knew he liked you"
"who do you think gave him the confidence boost to ask you out?"

you whipped your head around,
you raise you voice and point at your cocky brother.

"you're that obvious"
"now go get dressed"

you left, took a shower, did your hair, light makeup and got dressed.

{knock knock}
you open the door to see yaku obviously nervous but super adorable.

you both stare at each other turning red at each other's appearance.
yaku chuckles and puts out a hand
you smiled and grabbed his hand.
"you look absolutely stunning"
you turn red and say,
"and so do you"

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