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you live not to far from ukai's store.
so you're there often.
you had your headphones on as you walked threw the door.
you waved to ukai and he waved back.
you began your adventure on deciding what you're hungry for.

the door opens.
you didn't hear but you looked back at ukai and saw him wave towards the door.
from the aisle you are in your can't see the door
you took note that someone else is in the store.

as you did little dances in the aisles picking out snacks you didn't see the tall dark haired boy watching you dance.
he watched as you moved not so gracefully threw the aisles.
his face and ears got hot and it kinda annoyed him.

you finally picked your snacks and now it was time for something to drink.
as you slide to the back where the drinks are you stood in front of the door and realized the (flavor milk) was higher up then you remember.

you laid your head on the door slamming it a bit.
"god fuc-, jesus chri-GRRRrrrr"
you snarled to yourself.
you took a big breath and opened the fridge door

you looked up to the milk.
you got on your tippy toes and it was just barley out of reach.
you growled to yourself now annoyed.
you jumped a couple times, now able to touch it but can't get a grip on it.

you suddenly felt a presence behind you, just barley leaning on you.
you completely froze scared to move.
you looked up and saw him grab two of your (favorite milks)

once he had both he leaned back down.
you turned your head around to see who it was to meet eyes with a tall dark haired boy with beautiful blue eyes and a expressionless face meet eyes with you.

you didn't really know why but your face began to heat up.
you stared at each other for a little longer before you got nervous and whipped your head forward

you tried to calm yourself down and get rid of this blush with the cold fridge air.
you felt a soft tap on your shoulder and you turned around
"i saw you trying to reach this "
the boy handed you one of the milks.

your face heated up again and when you looked at him to thank him his face was just as red.
"t-thank y-you"
you gave him a light embarrassed giggle.

"i'm k-kageyama b-by the way!"
you flinched at that name realizing you where talking to the setter of the boys volleyball team.
you where now embarrassed.
"i-i'm (y/n)"

"hey! stop flirting at in my store!"
you both flinched at ukai's rash words making you both sick of embarrassment.

you gave kageyama a small bow and thanked him again for getting your milk.
you ran to the front of the store before he could even try to say something.

"what is wrong with you!"
"you're so embarrassing!"
"can't you not be an old man for once!"

you said still all red and embarrassed.
ukai could only chuckle at your flustered embarrassed self.

you bought your stuff and left the store
kageyama walked up the contour,
"what are you doing you don't like (your favorite milk)?"
kageyama turned back to red at ukai's observation.
"w-well maybe i do!"
kageyama spitted back.

"real smooth setter boy"
ukai snickers as he pushes the milk towards kageyama.
"her name is (y/n) she lives down the street and also plays volleyball."
"she also comes in to the store almost every other day"
"now you have something to talk to her about instead of awkwardly staring"

kageyama's face gave ukai and shocked face.
"i-i d-don't, i-i-thank you coach."

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