daichi sawamura

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how you meet.
you're in the library to study.
you have a test coming up.
you're not very good at studying, you keep getting distracted.
you walk threw the shelf's of book, trying to find the one you need.
just your luck.
top shelf.
"this is ridiculous!"
"no one can reach that."
you curse under your breath as you try to at least jump for the book, hoping you can knock it down.
you try a couple times, but no luck, it's not coming down.
you're to embarrassed to ask for help so you just stare at the book.
like it's gonna fall for you.
as you are having a staring contest with a book, a big hand reaches up with ease and grabs that same book.
you whisper, you turn to see who took the book.
when you turn around you are greeted with a tallish boy with a awkward yet comforting smile on his face.
"i saw you try and grab this"
"i decided to help when i saw you give up"
embarrassing, is all you thought.
"thank you"
you say as the boy hands you the book.
"im daichi by the way"
"have a good rest of your day"
and he walked away.

how you two became friends.
you saw him in the library a couple times, but all you two passed was a small smile.
he was really attractive, you couldn't lie.
but you didn't try and approach him, assuming he's just the type to be nice to everyone.
you lift your head from the table and see a taller bald boy ? and a short boy with a odd blonde scruff ?
"shhh, you two this is a library"
the two boy sit at daichi's table and begin talking.
you weren't looking but you could hear them talking.
"that's a cute girl!"
you relaxed, thinking there was no way they where talking about you.
"yea she is!"
you hear a set of footprints come near your table.
"hello mama!"
you hesitatingly look up, to see the two boys.
"i'm nishinoya!"
"but you can call me noya-senpai"
that's all you felt.
why on earth are they talking to me you thought.
"i'm (y/n)"
you see behind them an annoyed daichi, now standing behind them.
"leave the cute girl alone and either leave or study"
the two boys salute,
and the two boys leave
"i'm very sorry about them"
daichi gives you a little bow and you shake your hands and tell him it's really not a problem.
"i never got your name?"
you didn't think he cared enough to ask, but i guess it's the polite thing to do,
"i'm (y/n)"

when you realized you liked him.
you actually became friends with the bald and short boy.
they where really fun to be around.
you would eat lunch with them and do dumb stuff on the weekends.
you've meet the team, because the two get along with everyone.
you where going to hang out with them after practice but they didn't want you walking home alone.
so the made you come to practice, you didn't want to though.
you felt awkward sitting in there.
but you can't argue with them.
you walk in, late, into the practice
"hey captain"
"you're late tanaka and noya"
the two boys sit there stuff down with you and do practice.
you sigh and decide to pull out some school work to keep busy.
every time you heard daichi's voice you couldn't help but look up.
he has such a nice voice, just watching you be a leader and help his team was just so, so, what's the word.
i guess attractive... and kinda really hot.
why where you thinking that?
you realized you liked him, just watching him being him.

when he realized he liked you.
he thought you where cute, but he never really thinks about relationship.
but he couldn't help but get a tiny bit jealous when he saw you and tanaka and noya having fun and being close.
he loved the way you find the humor in everything, yet you're not reckless.
you got done what you needed but you always find the fun in things.
it was after practice and tanaka and noya have convinced you to practice with them.
you try and protest but you lose.
noya tries and teaches you have to receive but it kept hurting your wrist.
tanka tried to teach you have to spike but you kept missing.
you couldn't lie it was fun.
you hear the locker room door opening and you turn to see daichi.
"what are you guys still doing here ?
tanka and noya not wanting to get yelled at start thinking of excuses
"i asked them to teach me volleyball, sorry"
you smile and bow to the captain
when you stood back up, your eyes immediately connected to him.
he stared at you while you stared at him
he felt like the whole world stopped just for the two of you.
tanaka and noya seeing what's going on start making jokes to each other on how to tease you later

when he asked you out.
he wanted to do it right.
but didn't know how.
he didn't want to ask anyone, so he guessed what he thought was the best way.
he decided simple and easy
he found you in the library after class, you sitting in your normal seat, reading out of a class book.
"hey (y/n)?"
you knowing the voice look up at him with a smile already on your face.
"hey daichi!"
his face was already red and he pulled his hand out from behind his back to show one rose.
"here, this is for you"
you blinked a couple times and hesitantly took the rose.
"what's thi-"
"i wanted to ask you, if you wanted to go on a date with me"
your whole head was hot and and red and you swore you'd pass out.
you happily agreed and he got your number and left you all red and fan girling over the one rose.

first date.
he couldn't decided if he wanted to have a picnic or take you to a restaurant.
he eventually decided and picked the picnic, thinking a restaurant is to basic and didn't wanna come off that way.
he took you to a park for brunch.
he laid a blanket down and held your hand when you sat down.
he told you what he wanted to do for the date so you could make some food as well.
his sisters helped him with the food and ideas on what to do or talk about.
he asked you all types of questions about yourself and what you like to do.
you asked him about volleyball and what else he likes besides volleyball.
he asked your friends what your favorite food and drink was and he made/packed it for you.
you couldn't believe how utterly sweet he was

first kiss.
he's a gentlemen.
he didn't want to just kiss you, or ruin it.
he wanted it to be perfect.
you two where on a date.
you two sat on a bench and ate some ice cream.
he pulled you so close to him, you practically where sitting on his lap.
you obviously didn't mind.
you where talking about random things and daichi just listened.
you finished what you where talking about and looked at daichi already looking at you.
he gave a soft smile and gently put his hand on your cheek and pulled you to him, connecting your lips in a soft passionate kiss.

when he gets jealous.
he likes to show whoever you're talking to, who you belong to.
so he'll see a boy talking to you and stand behind you, giving the boy a terrifying smile.
he gets a scary aura.
or he'll step in and introduce himself , giving the boy a passive aggressive hand shake with a friendly smile.
depending on the guy he'll ask you what the boy wanted, but he really doesn't care, he just doesn't want you around him.

when you get jealous.
he's very friendly and means no harm to anything he says.
but girls obviously find him as attractive as you do.
girls will flirt with him, but you have no worries.
he makes it very clear he is all about you.

he walks in on you changing
you just got out of the shower and went to your room to change.
daichi was downstairs cooking dinner.
you dropped your towel and slipped on a pair of underwear when your bedroom door opened,
"hey bub do yo-"
you turned red out of embarrassment of the sudden extra person in the room.
you turned around so he couldn't see you.
he chuckled and walked to you, and turned you around to face him.
"what are you embarrassed of?"
"nothing i haven't seen before"
and he kissed your forehead and left the room.

little things.
you have never opened your own door.
he opens every door for you.
has been mad if he catches you open a door and not wait for him.
will never hurt you, even if you ask.
likes to play fight.
it's still super sweet and he won't hurt you.
it just him tackling you to a bed or couch and laying on top of you while you try to get him off.
he goes to bed early and wakes up early.
makes you go to bed if he feels like you are up to late, and will wake you up if he feels you've slept to long.
he cleans you room when he comes over, even if it's clean. he'll still nit pick.
you've checked for a pulse when he sleeps before.
he doesn't move.
he sleeps in the same position the whole night.
you take his clothes all the time.
you had to bring him a pair of sweats before because he had none at his house.
won't let you watch tv, cuddle or use your phone till you study for at least 30 minutes to an hour if you're behind.
he calls you 'bub'
doesn't care for PDA, he'll hold your hand and give you a kiss but that's it.
he LOVES seeing you at his games.
he gets so happy and wants to do his best for you.
and you like watching him acting like a captain on the court.
he doesn't really listen to a lot of music.
doesn't really have a music taste, he just listens to whatever you're listening too.

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