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you two where watching a movie at your house.
you where cuddling and enjoying the movie together.
he began messing with you.
he kept poking your belly and your cheeks.

"knock it off!"
you would giggle and slap his hand away.
he began to tickle you and you squirmed and hit him with a pillow.
you continued to hit him over and over again till he grabbed your wrist causing you to drop the pillow.

while his grip on your wrists didn't change he flipped you over so he was on top of you.
you both blushed as you realized the position you two where in.

with out letting go kageyama leaned down and began kissing you.
you where stiff in the kiss at first but melted into it pretty fast.
he let go of your wrist and cupped your cheeks as the kiss got sloppy.

he pulled back a little as you both caught your breaths.
you stared at him while he stared at your lips.
he let go of your face and slowly leaned back down and kissed your neck.

he dragged his hands down your sides softly, stopping at the bottom on your shirt.
he pulled back again and looked at you.
he got nervous trying to find the words to ask if he can continue.

you giggled to yourself at how soft and cute he can be.
to not make it awkward for him or you, you sat up from under him and told him it was ok.
you gave a soft smile showing him it was alright to continue.

he looked back at you with flushed cheeks and pulled your shirt up.
he tossed it down to the floor by your bed.
you leaned closer to him and pulled his shirt off.

you both stared at each other's bodies for a minute before you got embarrassed and covered yourself with your arms.
he gave a light chuckle and leaned you back down with a kiss.

he continued your make out, but it was rougher, messier, and sloppy.
he slide his knee in between your legs putting pressure on your spot.
you moaned a little into the kiss as the pressure got harder.

he pulled back to breathe and began pulling down your shorts slowly.
he tossed them off the bed and sat you up.
as he sat on the edge of the bed you stood up and pulled his sweatpants down.

you dropped to your knees and took him out.
you looked up at him.
his face was nervous and flushed and you found it cute.
you licked his base up and put him all in your mouth.
bobbing up and down as kageyama let out little breathily moans.

you pulled away and stood back up.
he stood up as well and had you lay on the bed.
he pulled a condom out of his nightstand and watched him slide it on.

he looked at you, his facial expression asking if he can continue.
you simply nodded and he leaned in.
he intertwined his fingers with yours and began to thrust.

he tried to be gentle but it didn't last.
he got more aggressive the longer it went on.
his grip on your hand was tight and his thrust where hard.
you couldn't hold in any sounds as you felt him hit right where he needed too.

the knot in your stomach grew tighter and kageyama could feel it as well.
he threw his head back as he shoved all he could into you letting out and loudish breathily moan as he finished.

you arched your back and gripped his hand tight with the last hard thrust.
he took a couple of breaths and pulled out.
he threw the condom away and immediately put his sweats back on.

you sat up still catching your breath.
"we-we should do that more"
you looked up at his now flushed embarrassed face at the words he said.

is all you could say in response.

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