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your very pretty, sweet, charming, caring boyfriend sleeps a lot.
you do to, but your sleep schedule almost never matches up.
he's asleep and you just woke up.
he comes to your house hyper and happy to see you, you're asleep.

he cracked to the pressure first.
he had a shitty day at school and practice.
you where jam packed with work so you didn't see him.

he just wanted to see you.
you wanted to sleep.
he got to your house, he walked in said hello to your mum had a small conversation and went to your room.

he stopped when his hand grabbed the door handle.
"i swear if she's asleep"
he swung open your door full force letting it hit your wall making a loud noise.

he peaked his head in the room and looked at your bed.
you sleeping peacefully.
you didn't even flinch at the sound.
his face frowned and he walked into the room.

dramatically slamming the door.
"i swear to go- you two!"
your mother yells.
"i'm sorry mrs!!"
semi yells back loudly.

he looks at your unbothered body.
now he's annoyed.
"what is wrong with you!?"
"i can't be any louder!"

"wait is she-"
he leans down and pokes your face.
no movement.
he pulls the blanket down and looks at your chest.
seeing if rise up and down.
he sighs in relief that you're not dead.

he pulls the blankets completely off you now.
hoping you'll get cold and wake up.
you didn't budge.
he climbed over your body and bed and opens your window to let in the cold air in.

he's getting angry.
he pokes your face, belly, butt, boob, arms, legs.
at this point you're awake.

you actually woke up when you heard him walk up the stairs.
but this was to funny not to play along.
"wake up!!"
"i miss you!!"
"love me!!"

you're starting to feel a little bad at this point.
but you didn't budge.
you heard him sigh and begin to strip to comfortable clothes.

he came back to bed and stood at the end of it.
you knew what was coming.
you braced yourself.
you heard the springs on your bed.
you held back everything not to yell or laugh as your boyfriend fell on you.

he is now completely covering your body with his, squishing you.
you didn't budge.
he sat up in complete shock.
he's hit his limit.

he gets on top of you and grips your shoulders and begins shaking you aggressively.
you couldn't hold back.
you erupted with laughter.

you couldn't stop.
even when he let go.
he got off of you and let you laugh it out.
you explained how long you've been awake and saw how annoyed he was.

"wai-WAIT, you stayed in character even when i fell on you!?"
"damn babe"
"that's impressive"

you sat up and gave a small bow for your preference.
semi crossed his arms and tapped his foot looking like a mum.
you just looked at your pretty annoyed boyfriend with love.

"you owe me"
you just chuckled and scouted over on the bed and patted the bed.
"come tell me how your day was"
he let out a big sigh and shuffled over to the bed and laid on your chest and told you about his shitty day as you played with his hair.

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