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your boyfriend texted you about 20 minutes ago.
he said he was on his way home
you stretch on his bed waiting for him.
you sit up and look at your reflection in the big mirror he has across from his bed.

you tuck your hair behind your ear when you hear the door open.
you smile and get up to greet your boyfriend you've missed all day.

you come down the hall and see him mope over taking his shoes off.
"hey love!"
"how was your day?"

he takes a deep breath, eyes closed, running his hand threw his hair.
"it was fine"
"how bout you pumpkin?"
you could obviously tell he didn't have a good day.

he opens his eyes and takes a look at your figure leaning against the wall in one of his shirts and your underwear.
all he could do was smile.

"you look extra good tonight"
you laugh at your boyfriend trying to flirt with you.
"you think so?"
you say turning around swaying your butt a little while you walk away.

he knew what you where doing.
he takes off his jacket, hanging it up.
and follows you to his bedroom.
he opens the door and there you are standing in front of his large mirror, looking into the mirror playing with your hair.

he walks up to you wrapping his arms around your waist, leaning his head into your neck.
you rest your hands around his arms wrapped around you.

you feel him begin kissing your neck.
you breathe out and lean your head to the side for him to kiss your neck better.

his hold on your waist gets tighter, pulling you closer to him.
his kissing getting rough as he sucks and bites on your neck, leaving shades of purple.

you lean into him grinding your butt just barley on his crotch.
you could feel him smile on your neck.
he moves his hands to your hips and turns you around.

now facing each other, he gently begins kissing your lips, fully relaxing into it.
he lets his hands rest on your hips as he moves his thumbs up and down on your sides.

you wrap your arms around his neck to hold yourself up.
he moves his hands up a little now gripping the bottom of your shirt.
he pulls back just for a second to pull your shirt off.

letting your bare chest out.
he goes right back to kissing now letting one of his hands grip your breast, squeezing it in an enjoyable way.

you moan a little into the kiss, turning him on even more.
you feel yourself getting wetter every second.
he pulls away and looks at you.
you're now all red and smiley.

he doesn't break eye contact as he lowers his head down to put one of your hardened nipples into his mouth.
you shutter a little at the feeling of his warm tongue move around your nipple.

he pulls away from your nipple with a pop looking for a second at your swollen nipple turning red.
he looks back up at you, meeting eyes with yours already locked on him.

he moves to the other nipple repeating his actions.
he lets go of your nipple and slams his lips to yours.
he turns you around and lays you on his bed.

he leaves butterfly kisses down your body, stopping right at your core.
he kisses over your underwear just to look up at you breathing heavily.

he smirks and pulls your underwear off.
while taking his shirt off.
you don't look but you can feel him wrap his arms under your thighs gripping your waist.

just as you peer down you feel the vibration of his tongue pushing against your sensitive spot.
you arch your back as he moves his tongue all over.

you grab his hair pulling on it as you feel your high.
you moan out as his adds a finger to your pleasure.
you finally release into his mouth and watch him lap up he could.

he stands up and pulls his pants down letting his hard member pop out.
he reaches out a hand and helps you up just to place you in front of the mirror now ass up towards him with you staring at your reflection.

he gets behind you and slaps your ass.
you gasp at the pain that you enjoyed.
he slips a condom on as you watch him from the mirror.

he grips your ass and without warning or letting you adjust he pushes all of him in you.
you moan out at the pain.

he leans down and kisses your back.
"god i love the way you feel"
he pulls back as he can feel you relax.
he begins thrusting into you at a fast pace showing you no mercy.

you grip the bed sheets as he doesn't stop.
you can't keep your sound in.
you put your head down shutting your eyes tightly.

you feel ukai lean back down to your ear.
"don't look away"
"i want you to look at me in the mirror"
"look at how beautiful you look with my dick in you"

you blushed and kinda smirked at your boyfriends words and did as told.
you look up at the mirror looking at him as he looks at you, tears at the corner of your eyes.

he just smiled at your face.
he loves the way you look like during this.
you feel the knot and moan
"f-fuck, i'm gonna cu-"
you cut your self off as you let out your second climax.

you hear him moan out a little and feel him release into the condom still in you.
you both crashed next to each other.
breaths heavy
"my day was good by the way"
he laughed at you and pulled you close to him.

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