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your small boyfriend is very sweet.
but he has a lot of pent up anger.
he hides it really well.
but some activities make it really hard to hide.

"i really don't like how kuroo talks to you."
"what do you mean"
your boyfriend and you standing in his living room after school arguing about how kuroo was being flirty with you.

"it isn't my fault so don't be mad at me"
you could see the twitch in his eye at how annoyed he was by your answer.
"i didn't say it was your fault"
"i'm just saying it annoys me"

his attitude making you have an attitude.
"fine whatever"
you spit out and turn to walk away.
"hey! don't run away from me!"
just out of pure reaction you hiss back
"make me!"
you stopped when you realized what you said.

it was silent for awhile before you head him walk to you as you where to scared to turn around.
"what was that?"
you where so scared to say or turn to him so you stayed still hoping he'll forget it.

"do you really wanna play that game with me?"
you could tell what he was gunning for now.
and you where ok with it
so you played along because you love it.

"i said."
you turned around to face him and you could see the announce rise in him.
you ask confused
"where in the hallway."

you look him up and down and pull the hair tie off your wrist and put your hair up into a tight ponytail.
you drop to you knees and open his pants letting his hard cock pop out.

you kissed him from the top all the way down the base.
his face of announce didn't change.
you wasted no time putting him all in your mouth.
you feel his hand wrap around your short pony tail.

he moved your head for you back and forth.
you gagged as he went faster.
at this point face fucking you.

he pulls your head back and watches as spit runs down your face gasping for air.
he smirked and pulled you up.
"go to my room slut"

you wipe your chin and do as told.
he followed behind and shuts the door behind.
you did as told and stripped completely naked in front of him.

he did the same and pulled a condom out from his nightstand.
"lay down"
you once again did as told and laid down on his bed.
he gripped you thighs and pulled up the edge of the bed.

he ran his hand from your core up gripping your breasts hard.
he leans down to your ear and whisperers,
"tell me if you want me to stop"
you nodded indicating for him to continue.

you felt him breath into your ear and kiss your earlobe gently as he slams all of him into you.
you gasp at his length he shoved in.

he doesn't warm up he immediately slams hard and fast.
this man was ruthless during sex.
he gripped your thighs so hard you felt the bruises he's leaving.

"why c-can't"
"listen to me"
you couldn't respond back as stars filled your vision and nothing but moans rolled off your lips.
"god you're such a filthy slut"

you knew him talking like this meant he was close and so where you.
you grip his arm he has on your thigh squeezing it tight as your back arched.

the feeling of your walls tightening he couldn't hold back anymore and he released right after you.
he pulls out and throws the condom away and lays next you.

he pulls your body to his and kisses your head.
"sorry for being rough."
you chuckled at your boyfriend
and fall asleep on his chest.

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