hinata shoyo

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how you meet.
you ran into him at school.
you where walking and talking with a friend threw the halls.
you weren't looking where you were going and neither was he.
you ran into him and you both wobbled back.
you rubbed your forehead where it meet his and cursed a little under your breath.
the loud voice making you look up.
you bowed and apologized to the tangerine.
"i'm sorry!"
you stood up straight and made eye contact with him.
something about his eyes where so mesmerizing.
you couldn't look away.
he blushed heavily and apologized and sprinted off.
you began to blush a little.
"ohhhh do you like the little dude?!"
your friend teased.
you scuffed and walked off embarrassed, they caught your staring.

how you became friends.
you where walking home after your club activity.
it was later and the sun was going down, you loved the view but you knew you had to get home before dark.
you had your headphones in as you skipped home to your music.
a gust of wind went past you, blowing your hair to your face.
you stopped and looked at the bike now stopped a little farther in front of you.
and none other then the tangerine was on the bike, huffing and puffing.
you blinked a couple times, proceeding what he said.
"i-um yea"
you both once again stared at each other now both mesmerized by each other.
"i'm hinata shoyo"
he gave a very nice smile
(he's so cute)
"i'm (l/n)(f/n)"
you returned his nice smile.
he got off his bike and asked if he could walk you home.
your blush coming back, but hard to see because it's now almost dark.
you nodded and he walked you home.
he talked most of the time, mainly about volleyball, and a tall grouchy setter.

when you realized you liked him.
you both ran into each other after your clubs every day now.
instead of running into him along the way you started just waiting for him.
he would walk you home and talk about his day and you would listen.
you never really thought to much about it, you liked his company and that's all you thought.
he asked you to come to one of his practices.
you where actually kinda excited to go.
you walked into the gym and eyes where on you.
hinata ran to you and began babbling.
the whole team was shocked that someone as pretty as you was there for hinata.
hinata told you how happy he was that you where here and ran back.
you sat down and watched.
actually watching hinata play was so different.
you weren't sure if that was even him.
the baby that talks your ear off and jumps around looked hot!
when you watched his eyes lock and spike, how passionate he was about that sport, it made your heart stop.
he just looked so attractive.

when he realized he liked you.
he wouldn't shut up about you.
every day at practice he would talk about how he walks you home, says hi to you in school, how he liked your hair, your eyes, everything.
the team wanted to kill him for it.
he always thought you where so pretty and amazing but it didn't really cross his mind that he liked you.
till, suga.
hinata was once again talking about you and suga spoke up.
"well hinata you really have a crush on this girl"
the whole team agreed and hinata stopped.
"i-i like her?"
the whole team watched as hinata processes his crush on you.
he finally got it and realized he does in fact like you.

when he asked you out.
he asked suga for help.
suga told him to be nice and calm.
don't jump in her face, just tell her how you feel.
he agreed and went back to practice.
when practice ended, hinata became a mess.
he was now very nervous and doubting himself.
when he walked out of the gym and saw you waiting for him he died a little.
he was so tense as he walked to you.
"h-hey (y/n)"
you greeted him and you two began your walk.
he was silent.
it scared you.
about half way threw the walk the silence was killing you.
"hinata, what's wrong?"
you could hear him gulp.
"n-nothing (y/n)!"
you sighed and continued walking.
you got to your house and you turned to say goodbye but was cut off.
"i-i really like you!"
"and i wanted to know if you'd like to go on a date with me!?"
you where shocked.
never in a million years did you think he'd ask you out.
"i'd love to!"
he turned so red and smiled wide.
you wrote your number down and told him to text you details.

first date.
you two walked around.
he wanted to talk about you and eat food.
so you both went to a food truck and sat in the grass and talked.
he announced that this date was about you and he wanted to know more about you.
you where kinda shocked just because he likes to talk.
he asked you about everything and listened.
you told him all your hobbies and your favorite food and color and just everything.
you asked about more personal things that weren't about volleyball and he told you, but everything leads back to volleyball.
you two talked all the day and sat there till it was almost dark.
he helped you up and walked you home.
on the walk he asked if he could your hand.
you obviously said yes and he held your hand.
he waved you good bye at your house and told you he really wanted to do this again.

first kiss.
he was bummed about training camp.
he really hates losing.
and you knew that.
so when he got home from the training camp you walked to his house to visit.
you said hello to his mother and natsu and went to his room.
you opened his door to see him slumped into his bed.
you knew he would get over it soon but it still sucks to see him like that.
you crawled onto his bed and told him to tell you about it.
he moved over and laid his head on your lap.
he played with you hand as he told you about the camp.
he took a big sigh when he finished his story.
he sat up and stretched and you could see him getting over it.
just then something in you just told you to kiss him.
you didn't even question it.
you leaned in, grabbed his face and kissed his lips.
you could feel him gasp in shock.
you pulled away and stared at him till it hit you.
"omg i'm so sorry!"
"idk what came over me!"
he was r e d.
"t-thank you (y/n)"
you couldn't help it, you laughed at his reaction.

when he gets jealous.
you're a friendly person.
you have plenty of friends.
but one boy really bugs hinata.
he'd never tell you though.
he stares and gets the best view to watch you from afar when the boy approached you.
he grunts and makes dirty and concern faces.
if he starts to get sad he'll
come over and hug you from behind and barriers his face in your neck.
doesn't want you to know he's jealous but can't help himself.
sees the boy as a challenge and gets insecure.
especially if the boy is tall.

when you get jealous.
ya don't.
you're hinata's goddess.
you're everything to him.
you and volleyball are all he thinks about.
girls don't really approach him.
he's so small and jumpy.
he doesn't give anyone attention.
the only way he noticed you was because you two ran into each other.
if he wasn't forced to talk and look at you he'd never notice you.

he walks in on you changing.
he came over.
you took a shower and opened your bedroom door in just a towel.
hinata was not in your room when you left, so you didn't think he'd be in there when you got back.
but there he was on your bed.
you looked at him and he looked at you.
he gasped and covered his eyes.
"(y/n) i'm so so sorry!!"
you told him it wasn't a big deal, you just didn't know he was in here.
he just continued to apologize while all red and still covering his eyes.

little things.
says your name all the time.
even alone.
don't really care for calling you nicknames, he likes your name.
he feels like he needs you to know that he is only talking to you.
has convinced you to help him practice.
he's such a good big brother.
even though he does get into some pretty heated arguments with natsu.
a cuddle bug.
always wants to lay on you.
he plays with your hand a lot.
will rub his thumb up and down when holding your hand.
a s u c k e r when you play with his hair.
such a child.
stares at you all the time.
use to get embarrassed when you caught him, now doesn't care.
he'll stare at you all the time.
compliments all the time.
loves when you compliment him.
loves to show off for you.
pouting all the time.

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