suna rintarou

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how you meet.
you two knew each other but never really had a conversation together.
you're the twin's little sister.
you where also the boys volleyball manager.
they let you be the manager because you aren't a fan girl and you can handle the twins.
so you and suna just knew each other.

how you became friends.
the twins were fighting.
no one even knows why this time.
and every fight goes the same.
atsumu yells and mocks and won't stop yelling.
osamu just kinda ignores him and slips in mean ass insults or comments.
and then you break them up and they forget about the fight.
they broke into the fight and you just stood there your eye twitching from how annoying they are.
suna came up and stood by you.
"do they ever get along"
you two laughed and just kinda became friends.

when you realized you liked him.
it was at one of his games.
suna is pretty quiet so he goes unnoticed.
he was blocking like crazy and you thought it was amazing.
he always has the same boring facial expression when he does anything even when he blocks.
but you know he's enjoying himself.
you just loved watching him play.
you couldn't take your eyes off of him.

when he realized he liked you.
you were cleaning up after practice.
you where picking up the volleyballs and putting them in the cart.
suna was the last to leave.
he saw you dancing and humming in the gym while you picked up the balls.
he thought it was super cute.
he stayed and helped you clean and lock up.
you guys talked the whole time and he really enjoyed it.
he actually talked a lot.

how he asked you out.
you play softball.
and suna came with your brothers to watch you.
you hit the ball and it went flying.
you ran around the bases.
the outfield threw the ball home.
you barley made it in when you slide and won the game.
you and your team celebrated.
at the end when everyone was leaving you where picking your stuff up.
suna and your brothers came over to the dugout to get you.
"wow i didn't know you where good at something runt"
you all giggled and your brothers said they where gonna wait for you over there.
your brothers left and you looked down to finish picking up your stuff.
you looked back up to go to your brothers and you see suna waiting for you.
he looked at you and gave you a weak smile.
you smiled back at him
"hey (y/n) i was wondering if you wanna go out after this?"
your whole face lit up
you where waiting so long for him to ask you out
"omg yes!"
"i mean yea, sure"

first kiss.
your brothers are mean and don't like you dating.
especially there friend.
you have to sneak suna in your room.
good thing you're on the bottom floor.
you pulled suna threw your window and gave him a hug because you missed him.
you looked up and he gave you a long sweet deep kiss.
"hey (y/n) have you seen my..""
you and suna broke apart and looked at your brother standing at the door.
luckily it was osamu.
who isn't as bad about suna as atsuma is.
"i'll tell atsuma you're busy with homework and not to bother if you do my homework"

when he gets jealous.
gets kinda passive aggressive.
since you're the manager of the team you go to the games.
the boys where practicing before a game.
you where talking to the other teams coach.
he walked away to talk to someone else.
you where writing on your clipboard and someone from the opposite team started to hit on you.
you weren't really paying attention but he kept talking.
suna noticed and got cranky.
the team could tell and was to scared to ask why.
soon kita noticed. and told your brothers.
your brothers scared the small boy away till he looked like he was about to cry.
you went to talk to suna and he was still cranky about it.
he made fun of the boy and was mean about it.
he eventually got over it and apologized for being a baby.

when you get jealous.
suna isn't one to flirt.
even with you that much.
but some girls still try for him.
you don't really care because he has almost no interest for anyone.
but a girl from a different school took an interest in him.
you couldn't tell what school because you where at a tournament.
she was laughing and talking nonstop to suna.
she was really bugging you and you tried to hide it but your brothers both saw it.
they could see the frustration in your face as you stare at suna and that girl.
they told you it was harmless, suna isn't even listening to her.
you knew that but like i said there was something about her that made you a little insecure.
as your brothers talked to each other and to you, you walked away.
you walked to the girl and your boyfriend.
"uh yea, see here"
"my boyfriend here is busy and needs to practice for his game."
"so if you could go bug and annoy some other poor guy that'd be great"
you said in a sweet tone with a sweet smile.
suna was shocked at your words and so was the girl when she walked away.

he walks in on you changing.
you two where at his house.
you took a shower there and was in his room about to change.
suna noticed the water was off and assumed you where in his room.
he didn't think that you would be changing.
he opened his bedroom door and looked at you
standing by his bed with only underwear on.
you turned red, covered yourself up and turned around.
"g-get out !"
"you're in my room !!"
he told you to stop being a baby, you're just naked nothing he hasn't seen before and you turned red and died from embarrassment.

little things.
he flicks your forehead a lot.
he left a small bruise.
he stopped and began kissing your forehead instead.
he doesn't really care.
do what ya want, say what ya want.
he don't care.
you never know what he likes.
he just says
"i don't care"
"i don't know"
you'll stop doing stuff so he'll ask for you to do it.
to see if he cares.
you stopped cuddling him first to see if he'll start it.
you laid on his bed and you didn't lay on him and he looked at you a lot.
when you turned your back to him to get comfortable he couldn't take it anymore.
he growled and grabbed you pulling you to his chest.
you smiled happy that you won.
messes your hair up a lot.
he lazy.
but so are you.
so y'all don't do anything.
you'll go out to a date here and there if you really want to.
but that's not often.
plays with your hand when he holds it.
naps are a must.
all the time.
"we should go nap"
"i'm going to nap"
"did you already nap?"
rubs your back.
will scratch it if you ask.
when he naps you'll sit on him and paint his back.
then help him wash it off in the shower.

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