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"omg kuroo he's in my class"
"it isn't a big deal."
every since you two got to his house after school he has been cranky and annoyed because you where talking to a male classmate threw out the day.

you can't even remember the classmates name.
but kuroo really didn't like you talking to him.
"well when i'm trying to get your attention and you continue to laugh with him."
kuroo grabs your wrist that you had crossed in front of your chest.
he pulled you to him, holding your small wrist above your head.

"i really don't like that"
you turn red and heavy at the dominant personality of your boyfriend.
you look down now red and a little embarrassed in the position you're in.

he grabs your chin and turns and lifts your face to match his.
"don't look away from me kitten"
the sound in his voice changed and you knew where this was going.

you two stare at each other for awhile before he couldn't handle the gap between you two anymore.
with out a word he slams his lips to yours.
he lets go of your wrist and cups your face.
you pull your body to his by grabbing his shirt.

he pulls back letting a string of saliva hit the floor that rolled off your lips.
he grabs you and pushes you in front of him and pushed you towards his room.

he walks you in and shuts the door behind.
immediately turning around grabbing the bottom line of your shirt while continuing to roughly make out with you.

he pulls your shirt off dropping it by your feet.
he squeezes your chest while sucking on your neck causing you to moan.
you can't stop letting out heavy breathily moans.

kuroo smirked against your skin knowing he can make you feel that way.
he pulls back and slips his hands to your back and unclips your bra, letting it fall in between you two.

kuroo let's go of your neck and goes back to your lips.
shoving his tongue in roughly.
he moves circles around your nipple making you shutter under his touch.

he pulls away and whispers in your ear.
"hey down to your knees."
you blush and a small smirk rises to your face.
you did as you're told.

on your knees you unbuckled his belt and pull his pants down and let his hard cock pop out.
you kiss his tip and all the way down the base.
you heard him breath out satisfied.

you went down on him for awhile before he grabbed your hair pulling you up.
he pushed you on his bed and immediately pulled your skirt down roughly.

he gets on top of you and began making out with you again.
he slipped his hand down to your area.
just barley touching your needy self.

he slipped his hands in your underwear and began playing with you.
you moaned into his mouth making him more turned on.

he inserted a finger slowly into you making your back arch a little with the pressure.
he breaks the kiss and began kissing your cheeks and nibbling your ear.

you gripped his shoulder as he inserted another finger going faster now.
you couldn't hold your breath in anymore and he loved it.

he finally released you letting you take a second to breath as he opens his nightstand pulling out and placing on a condom.
he pulled you closer to the edge of the bed and positioned himself with you.

he looks into your eyes and you both take one deep breath as he slides his whole self into you.
you tense at the pressure that turned into pleasure as he went in and out.

he lowered down and bite and kissed and sucked on your neck some more.
you moaned his name making him go faster.
you gripped the bed sheets as you could barley hold on.

your stomach tightened with a familiar feeling.
kuroo got louder and you both knew you where close.
he rolled his head back and your back arched and you released with him.

as you both took deep breaths in and out thinking you where done.
he pulled out and flipped you over.
you squeaked as he shoved in you again

"other guys"

you could barley hold on as kuroo continued to drill into you again and again and again.

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