ushijima wakatoshi

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how you meet.
you where moving into the dorms.
it was your first year
you where so tired from moving boxes you kinda just gave up in the middle of your door.
half of your body hanging into the hall way.
your roommate wouldn't dare move you.
her brother came down to greet her.
he got to the dorm.
your roommate wasn't there it was just you.
practically passed out in the door way.
"are you ok"
a deep voice asked sending chills down your body
you wiped your head up and turned it around to meet eyes, well chest with a very tall man and your eyes couldn't look up that far.
he held out a hand to help you and your face of embarrassment came flooding out in red shades.
he helped you up and once again asked if you where ok as you frantically try to explain yourself.

how y'all became friends.
you where playing volleyball after practice with your roommate.
you both where completely done.
you both have taken your shirts off and where laying on the floor in your sports bras.
completely hot and exhausted.
you heard the door open but didn't have the energy to look at who it was.
"hey !"
your roommate said in a friendly tone making you turn your head in wonder.
your face turned 50 shades of red when you saw the same boy who found you laying on the floor find you laying on the floor again.
you flipped up and on to your feet frantically trying to put your shirt on.
the boy didn't even notice you.
"hey (y/n) this is my brother ushijima"
you screamed in your head.
you smiled and gave him an embarrassed awkward smile wave.
"and this is (y/n)"
you got embarrassed and turned to your bag to leave.
"i saw you practice earlier"
"if you put more power into your spike it would be more effective"
you turned your head slowly to look at the tall boy who just told you that
you gave a very confused thank you.
he nodded and walked away.
you broke out in laughter at how unbelievably awkward he is and how awkward this situation was and you didn't see but it made him kinda smile

when you realized you liked him.
you where practicing by yourself at the gym.
you where pushing your self way over your limit.
it was beginning hard to stand.
you heard the door open and you bent over and put your hands on your knees.
you looked over and saw him
"i noticed you don't have water"
"it's a bit unsanitary but you can have mine"
"you are obviously pushing yourself and you should go back to your dorm"
you just stared at him still puzzling why he is in here.
you took his water and thanked him.
you told him you where gonna practice some more but he told you no.
you didn't know how to argue with him so you just agreed and began to pack up your stuff.
you stood up to leave and realized he was still there.
"you don't have to stay here"
"it's quite late"
you said with an awkward chuckle
you could feel your face turn red for no reason
"i can't let you walk by yourself"
"it's late"
it was probably him just being nice but all his actions made your heart flutter

when he realized he liked you
he's always thought you where cute.
but one time your roommate made you come with her to ushijima's dorm with her
you really didn't want to but you couldn't tell her why because he is her brother.
you two got there and ended up staying later then planned.
tendou talked and talked about so many different things with you.
you actually liked talking to him.
you eventually passed out.
your roommate was passed out too but tendou was playing a video game.
ushijima put his blanket around you and stared at your sleeping face for a minute turing his face soft
"your such a softie for her ushi"
ushijima ignored tendou's comment and kept looking at you.
you looked so sweet and peaceful

how he asked you out.
"do you wanna go out"
"i'd love to"
it was during lunch.
he found you to ask.
tendou and your roommate weren't far behind listening.
you answered with a sweet smile and rose cheeks all cute and happy.
he simply nodded and walked away.

first date
he was nervous but obviously didn't show it.
you two got ice cream and had little conversations.
he told you he wanted to show you something.
he took you to a little bridge over a little pound.
there where ducks swimming in the pound and somehow ushijima pulled bread out of his pocket and handed it to you.
you gave a delighted very confused look and took the pocket bread.
he didn't hold your hand he rested his hand on your back though.
you liked it, it was sweet.
he walked you back to your dorm and you told him you had a lot of fun.

first kiss.
you two just got back from one of his games.
tendou wasn't there he was still out celebrating.
you two where in his dorm getting out of your coats.
you where telling him how good he did but you noticed he wasn't really listening.
he just kept saying thanks or would hum a tone to show he was "listening"
you stopped talking and turned to look at him.
you can't really analyze his face due to the fact he has one facial expression.
he noticed you stopped and looked at you.
you two stared each other down for a second.
you took a big sigh and grabbed his face pulling it down to you.
you could see the small look of confusing in your boyfriends face.
you gave him a soft gentle kiss and pulled away.
his cheeks turned a light pink.
you let go grabbed your coat and told him good night and that he looks tired.

when he gets jealous.
a boy from the opposite team was talking to you.
you came down from the stands to tell ushijima goood luck when this boy started talking to you.
he was starting to get annoying as he talked and talked.
he finally asked for your name and you told him you got to go you where in a hurry.
you sped walked to your boyfriend and stopped in front of the tall boy.
he looked down at your now flustered and tired face
"who was that"
your eyes widened a little and gave a small smile
"i honestly have no idea, he was nice but he asked for my name so i left"
he gave you a grunt and kissed your forehead and walked off
you could tell it bugged him but he'd wouldn't tell ya.

when you get jealous.
you don't really.
it's not that he's clueless he honestly just doesn't give notice to other girls.
he barley gave notice to you.
some girls find him after game who have the guts to talk to him and tell him how amazing he did.
it make you a little insecure but you don't want to show that side of you to ushijima so you usually ignore it and walk to him kinda standing off or getting behind him
till he ignores the girls or they leave.
he can't tell it bugs you because you need to tell him things straight up or he won't notice or know.

he walks in on you changing.
he said he was coming over to your dorm.
you two plan to watch movies tonight.
you spilt something on your shirt and got up to change it.
you didn't go to your room to change you just grabbed a clean shirt out of the laundry and took off your dirty one.
you walked back into the living room and as soon as you turned the corner back into the living room ushijima opened the door.
he looked at you and you looked at him as you stood in your bra and pajama bottoms.
"i thought we where just watching movies"
you got embarrassed and turned around and wiped your shirt in
"we are !"
"i got muck on my shirt and needed to change"
"you.. perv"

little things.
he reads.
you lay in his lap and he'll sometimes read to you.
you come watch him practice sometimes.
he doesn't really have a opinion on it.
he just likes to see you.
he doesn't really cuddle you.
it's you holding him or laying on him.
he loves movies about real people or real things that happened.
brushes your hair.
"did you eat?"
"why not?"
"you should"
but then won't feed you.
you two have practice 'dates' a lot.
doesn't talk unless needed,
if you ask a question or ask for an input.
picks you up a lot.
if you're being loud, cranky, mean, sad, happy.
it don't matter.
he'll pick you up like a purse dog.
or throw you over his shoulder if youre refusing to listen to him.
puts his hand behind your head like he's babysitting a small child.
no one ever thinks you two are dating.
you can tell when he's jealous when he ask questions.
"who was that?"
"what did you talk about?"
"did he ask for anything"
"was he mean?"
"what did you say in response?"
you have to be blunt and upfront with him to get him to understand.

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