tendō satori

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how you meet.
your roommate and best friend dragged you to a volleyball game.
it's not that you dislike volleyball you just don't care for going out or being around to many people.
a redhead caught your attention really fast though.
he was really good at blocking and his smug face every time he blocked someone was amazing to you.
you wanted to know who he was, all you knew was he's in your school.
and his look is something you can't miss.
your best friend's older brother is ushijima so after the game you went with her to congratulate and say hello.
you didn't except the redhead to be with ushijima.
you already knew ushijima we'll because of your best friend.
but ushijima introduced you to tendō
tendou didn't take his eyes off of you.
you get embarrassed easily and couldn't make or keep eye contact with him with out turning red.
he was super nice and really liked to talk about volleyball.

how you became friends.
you don't know a lot about tendō besides he plays volleyball, he blocks, he has red hair and he's very sweet.
your best friend needed to borrow something from her brother so you went with her to the boy's dorm.
she knocked on the door and no other then tendou opened the door.
he looked down at you and a open mouth smile crossed his lips.
"hey (y/n) !!!"
you squeaked out a hello before being consumed by blood rushing to your face.
tendō let you two in and you stood there waiting for your friend to finish talking to her brother.
you looked around the room and noticed your favorite manga sitting on the table.
you smiled a little wondering which of the boys it could belong to.
"hey you like (favorite manga) too !"
you jumped at the voice and looked at tendou who had just said that.
you nodded.
he smiled real big and you two began to talk.
you didn't even realize that your friend was done talking to her brother minutes ago.

when you realized you liked him.
you stared seeing him more in school.
he waved at you every time he saw you.
and you started doing that same.
he was so bright and funny.
he was so gentle and caring.
you've heard rumors about him but none of them are true.
he would walk you back to your dorm after classes or practice.
he would show up at your dorm and ask if you wanted to hang out.
you began to find him adorable and you just feel for him.

when he realized he liked you.
you began to open up to him.
you felt comfortable to be yourself with him.
you two where walking around campus and you saw
in one of the food places on campus was selling (favorite food)
you got super excited and grabbed tendō's hand to pull him over to show him.
tendō found your touch soft and nice
and the way you got excited about food made him melt a little.

how he asked you out.
you where in his dorm.
you two where flipping threw mangas together.
he wasn't even reading.
he kept messing around and doing other stuff.
he looked at you to see if you'd pay attention to him.
he saw your nose burred into your book.
he said your name and you didn't even flinch or hum.
he then flicked your forehead.
you said in a snappy tone
his smile just grew.
"ya wanna go on a date with me?"
you felt your heart skip a beat.
you couldn't believe he actually asked you out!
you obviously said yes

first date.
he took you to a cafe.
he told you to dress really nice.
so you did and so did he.
you two sat and talked and ate desserts.
you two laughed so loud people where giving you annoyed looks.
he would stare at you and just take you all in when you would talk, making you all red.
and he'd just smile at you.
you couldn't help but smile when he smiled.
he walked you back to your dorm and kissed your forehead goodnight.

first kiss.
he didn't feel like he did well in a game.
just didn't go the way he wanted it to.
he was kinda down but tried to hide it from you.
you went to him after his game to tell him good job.
you could immediately feel he wasn't happy.
he had a weak smile looking down on you
talking about how good you thought he did.
he tilted his head and just listened to you talk.
you stopped and looked him in the eye.
you could see he was upset.
you grabbed his face squeezing his cheeks together.
you pulled him down so he was face to face with you.
you softly put your lips to his and gave him a gentle kiss.
you pulled away but didn't let go of his face.
he couldn't hold back his smile.
he smiled hard and wide with a pink tint on his cheeks.

when he gets jealous.
he jumps right in.
a boy was flirting with you and stopped you on your way to the gym to watch your boyfriend.
he was in your way and kept talking.
tendō went looking for you.
he turned the corner of the gym and saw the boy.
his normal goofy smile turned to a straight face.
he then smirked and walked towards you.
"hey so um, is this your girlfriend?"
you looked up at your boyfriend who had just asked the random boy who was flirting with you if you where his girlfriend!?
"uh no, i m-mean no"
the poor boy stutters out.
tendō wraps a arm around you.
"oh ok then i'll be taking her"
tendō then pulls you to practice.

when you get jealous.
tendō is a people person.
he talks to everyone.
so you don't really get jealous.
one time a girl was talking to tendou after one of his games.
you don't know how but she got there before you did.
you stopped in your tracks and stared at the female talking to him.
a wave of jealously hit you.
you shook your head and ignored it.
you walked towards your boyfriend and could hear the girl rive on how good he was at blocking.
you stopped again and just stared more waves hitting you.
"HEY (Y/N) !!!"
tendō moved past the girl and made his way to you, embracing you in a big hug.
and all your dumb jealously went away.

he walks in on you changing.
you knew tendō was coming over you just didn't know when.
you went to go change into your pjs in your room.
you had music playing so you didn't hear tendō come into the house.
he followed your loud music and opened your bedroom door.
his eyes widened and his smile was huge at the sight of you swaying your hips and humming to your music.
he leaned on the door and just watched you move in your underwear.
you finally turned around and immediately stopped from embarrassment at the fact your boyfriend caught you like this.
he said you where absolutely beautiful and you turned red.

little things.
but that's ok.
loves watching movies.
you always hold his hands.
you always wear his clothes.
he takes your shorts all the time.
a tease.
"oh come one"
"is something wrong babes"
"don't play hard to get"
he gets frustrated easily.
talks to himself.
sleeps with one pillow and one blanket.
you have to bring your own blanket and pillow because of that.
has fun socks.
buys you matching socks.
loves when you paint his nails.
not much of a napper.
will definitely wake you up when you fall asleep before him.
he hums a lot.
loves to show you off.
tells his team about you all the time.
always takes a photo of you sleeping before he wakes you up.
likes to lay on your lap.
nose kisses
tucks your hair behind your ears.
copy's your homework all the time.
doesn't almost ever get man or angry.
he gets frustrated or annoyed but that's it.
randomly throws things at you.
like a pillow
or a remote
or a shoe.
whatever is around..

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