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you're a quiet student with a couple of friends.
you mind your own business and don't like to really participate in anything.
"(y/n), i see you're looking a little better today"
a tall black haired boy said to you.

you said back while turning away from him.
you could hear him tsk and walk away.
kuroo was the tall black haired boys name.
he is the captain of the boys volleyball team and he bugs you. a lot. but you have a crush on him and hate yourself so much that you do.

he teases you and pushes you around.
you don't know why, you don't really talk to him, you have no relations with him or anything, you can't think why he won't leave you alone.
"(y/n) you're so clueless"
you best friend said in a chuckle as kuroo walks away.

you just looked at her in a very annoyed face.
it was the end of the day and you where packing your bag when you got a call from your grandpa.
"hey hun, can you stop by the gym and grab something from me"
"of course"
your grandpa is the boys volleyball teams coach..... of course.

you walked into the gym and you could feel the team stare at you as you walk in.
you kept your head down and walked to your grandpa.
"hey hun, stay right here i'll go grab it"
before you could beg your grandpa to not leave you alone in this gym with all these boys he was gone.
you couldn't believe he left you.
you took a deep breath and sat down on the bench.
you flipped threw your phone waiting for your grandpa.
a ball rolled to you and landed in front of you between your feet.

you looked at the ball for a second and put your phone down and picked it up, you looked up to give the ball back and there right in front of you was him.
kuroo had a small smirk on his face and yours was straight, no expression for the boy who makes school hard for you.
you lifted the ball up to give it to him, he grabbed the ball and palmed your forehead and pushed you down till your butt hit the cold hard gym floor.
he gave a huffed chuckle and left.

you where so embarrassed and angry at him you couldn't even say anything.
your grandpa came back and gave you what he needed to give you, you thanked him and left as fast as you could.

"dude what's your problem"
yaku said to the tall captain.
"she's such a pain, i can never get her attention."
"all she does is give me dirty looks and one word answers"
kuroo huffed and left to go warm up after saying that to yaku.
the next week was terrible.
kuroo shoved you every time he saw you, would say mean things to you, take and hide your stuff, just make your day as horrible as he possibly could.
he finally pushed you.

you where on your phone in class, it was break and you where just scrolling threw your phone.
kuroo walked by with a more then half full water bottle.
he slowly walked past you and spilt the whole bottle of water on you.
you didn't even move as the water spilt all over your uniform.

he gasped along with the class.
you sighed and stood up letting the puddle of water spill to the floor.
you grabbed your stuff and without a word you left.
you went to the bathroom as fast as you could, you tried to clean your self up but couldn't stop the tears rolling down your face.

more and more tears rolled down your face, you took a breathe and grabbed your stuff to go home as it was last class and it was almost over.
you left the bathroom and turned to look and saw kuroo turn out of class looking at you.

you two stared at each other for a minute.
he began to walk towards you and you ran.
you ran threw the hallway and kuroo chased you.
the bell rang and students stormed the hall ways making it hard for kuroo to catch up to you.
you stopped to catch your breath when you got to the bottom of the stairs in front of the school.

you turned your head and saw kuroo breathing hard staring at you.
tears began to cloud your eyes again and they came hard, running down your face.
he began to run down the stairs and you ran away again.

kuroo chased you not letting either of you catch your breath. he was faster then you and got your arm.
he pulled you making you stop from running from him.
he held your arm as both of you took deep shallow breaths.
"why are you so mean to me, can't you just leave me alone."
kuroo lifted his head to look at you, hurt and regret all over his face.
he didn't say a word he just pulled you into a hug.
you felt so warm and safe in him, you shoved you face into his chest wiping your tears on his shirt.

he nuzzled his head on top of yours,
"i really like you."
"i'm just really bad at showing it."
"you don't have any interest in me so i thought making you mad would at least make you talk to me"

your face was still in his chest but you started giggling.
you couldn't stop it, he pulled his head back and pulled you out of his chest to make sure he heard you right. he looked at you hurt and confused for laughing at his confusion.

"you're an idiot!"
"that's how you flirt!?"
"i like you too"

his face lit up and you both stared laughing.
"kuroo tetsuro, you're rude"

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