first day

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It was the night before you started your new job at the agency.
You were so nervous you weren't a very serious person in serious situations.
(I think we all have that bad habit)
You were starting at yourself in the mirror trying to find different ways to put up your hair. You decided to just leave it the way it was. You didn't have much of a choice for clothing so you just picked out a white dress with a tuxedo like collar and selves.
Many questions ran through your mind as you made these decisions. You looked over at the time and it was pretty late. Almost midnight to be exact.
You decided to head off to bed after setting a timer to 7:45. You had to go in at 8:00 so it have you plenty of time to get ready. You didn't have any more energy left to get changed into a night gown or pajamas do you just went to sleep in what you were in at the time.
You woke up to your alarm. It was a very annoying high pitched beeping and you accidentally left it on the other side of the room so you had to get up. You tiredly got up and shut off the alarm. You walked to the bathroom and brushed you hair.
You then made your way into the kitchen grabbing a bagel since you were now in a hurry. You seem the time and it was about 7:50 you had ten minutes to get ready and get there.
You quickly gotten your bleach white dress on and put on your heels that matched. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled noticing the dress only went down half of your thighs.
"Alright (y:n)  can do this" you whispered to yourself tugging at the bottom of your dress. You heard a honking noise outside. It was a black car with tinted windows.
"That must be my ride" you mumbled to yourself you grabbed a pen and clipped it onto the collar finishing your look. You quickly gotten out of your house and hopped into the passenger seat in the car.
You seen the car driver was a ghost henchman.
"Hope I didn't keep you waiting" you said nervously
" You didn't here your gonna need this" he said handing her an ear piece. You took it and placed it in your ear hearing a small beep. You smiled and about five to ten minutes later you were there. You hopped out of the car and thanked the driver. He nodded and drove off. You seem the agency in front of you. You stared at it in awe for a brief moment. You seem the place was heavily guarded by more ghost henchman them looking identical to one another the only difference is that guns and body size. You walked in embracing the moment looking around. You seen the beauty in the building and decided to let everyone know you were there.
You had already had a meeting for the job with Brutus Midas and Tina so you knew them And only expected them.
You pressed a button on your ear piece.
"I'm here and on time" you said happily
"Alright now I need all agents to the meeting room" Midas said on the other end. You walked up into what you thought was the meeting room but it turned out to be and office. In the middle of the small room was a desk with scattered paper work across it and a small window behind the chair. In that chair sat a person. Or what you thought was a person. It turned the chair around and seen you. Your eyes widened at the sight. It was a giant humanoid banana. It was wearing a similar outfit to your own. He looked at you smiling a bit. You awkwardly smiled back and closed the door. You sighed and then found the meeting room.

You entered and seen a very long table with holographic images on it. You also seen many more faces than you were expecting.
You came in and were greeted kindly by a little girl. She looked like she was about 13 to 16 years old max. She was wearing a lot of colorful clothing almost looking like something from adventure time. You sat by her and she smiled.
You turned your attention to midas. Then another person came in. It was the humanoid banana you found earlier. He smiled at you again this time waving. You did the same way back.
Then Midas started to speak.
"So today we have a new recruit for the agency and I would like to introduce her this here is y

a skilled fighter and spy agent would you like to say anything about yourself?" He asked
Everyone's attention turned to you.
"Well I am very quiet when it comes to spying but I can be a very fun person when I'm not required to be doing anything involving that" you said nervously
"Lets introduce ourselves im Midas and you've already met me Tina and Brutus" he said smiling as they all waved. Then a large cat spoke...or meowed.
Then the little girl that sat beside you whispered "he said his name is meowcles and he has traits like a cat"
"I can see that" you said trying to not laugh at yourself.
She giggled cutely and Midas overheard.
"I can see you are already acquainted with skye" he said giving Skye a look.
"I'm Skye and I'm youngest here" she sighed
Then the girl next to her spoke. "I'm Maya and I like to handle blades and stuff" she said flipping a small knife in her hand.
"Then there's me peely I love to talk with people" he said looking over at you. You smiled but then felt your cheeks heat up a bit showing a small pink glow.

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