filthy beginnings

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So furbabiez...

I know we just got done with hitting 700 reads on this book which I still love you for and always will but...

This chapter is gonna be sad

It's because that's the only idea I've got right now ngl

Just warning ya so go get your tissues and blankets along with a few cookies to cheer you up after ok
Here's an extra hug
*virtual hug💗

Luv you all and enjoy💗

You were happier than ever.
Peely was right there by your side just as happy as you were.
"Its positive! " you squealed happily
"Were gonna have a family" Peely said lifting you up into his arms.

You had just taken a pregnancy test and it came out positive.
You couldn't wait for him or her to arrive.
The rest of the crew were just as excited.

You were excited to be a mom and Peely was happy to finally become a dad.

*time skip
(Yeah I did this a little early did I? Im sorry😅)
You were 7 months into your pregnancy.
You became more and more excited to be able to meet your child.

You woke up in a cold sweat.
Another bad dream.
It was about 3 in the morning and you had a small headache.
You thought it was just from the pregnancy so you ignored it and started to wander around out of boredom.

You found the kitchen and decided to try and get rid of the headache that steadily annoyed you.
Grabbing that small container of pills you grabbed one and swallowed it not caring about where you set the container you left it on the cabinet and headed back up to bed.

You crawled back into peelys arms and buried your face in his chest while he held you close. You could feel his calm breath against your neck making you smile faintly.

You woke up the next morning.
Not to nausea but to feeling something damp under your legs.
You looked down and seen blood.
Confused you got up from the bed not seeing Peely anywhere.
You grabbed a new pair of clothes and ran off to the bathrooms.

You cleaned yourself up only to see the blood was coming from your clit.
It scared you.
You then felt painful cramps making you wince and hold your stomach. You switched on the shower and hopped in hoping the blood would stop.

About ten minutes later you seen the blood didn't stop.
"Somethings wrong" you thought.
You grabbed a pad and put on your clothes so the blood wasn't noticeable. You quickly made your way to the kitchen and thankfully ran into nobody on the way.

The small container haven't moved from its place.
You quickly grabbed it and read the label.
Under the name was a small printed note.
It read

"Don't take while pregnant"

You froze dropping the small container.
It fell to the ground and your legs felt weak.
You backed up your back hitting the edge of the counter you sat down on the floor.

Your breaths were shaky and your heart was racing.
Crying you covered your mouth in disbelief.
Skye then walked in seeing you staring at the container that stood on the floor.

She also seen the state you were in and immediately helped.
"Y:n what's wrong?" She asked sitting next to you.
You couldn't speak.
she started to worry.
"Do you want me to go get Peely?" she asked

you didn't move.
Breaths still shaky and your heart still racing.

The worst possible things came to mind.
Skye took that as a yes and quickly ran out of the room.
"PEELY?! I need you! Now!" You could hear her calling from the hallway.

Not long after Peely was there by your side.
You snapped out of thought and hugged him tightly.
Still not knowing what was wrong he hugged you back.
You cried hard still clinging onto him.
He carried you to the lounge room sitting you on the couch next to him.

"Y:n you need to tell me what's wrong" he told you quietly.
"I think it has something to do with these" skye said handing him the container.
He read the label and looked at you with a feared expression.
You buried your face in your hands still crying.

"A-am I going to die?" You asked shaking.
Peely wrapped his arms around you tightly comforting you.
"No y:n your not going to die" he whispered.

Skye left the room still not knowing what was going on.
"I-i k-killed them d-didnt I?" You asked stammering
"Them?" He asked confused
"Yeah the-they were twins" you told him wiping away your tears.

"I don't know y:n" he responded letting you curl up next to him.
"do We need to call a doctor?" You asked calming down slightly.

"Yeah I will call one" he said kissing your cheek before getting up and leaving the room. Tina came in the room startling you when you seen her and Skye.

She sat next to you and comforted you while Peely was outside the room. You were grateful for their attempts to comfort you but you still were shaking of fear.

"Ok I called remedy she said that she would come over and check everything out before we just jump to conclusions" Peely explained.

You snuggled up against him as he sat next to you.
He ran his fingers through your hair calming you. Skye and Tina were just as concerned as Peely was about this.

Terrible things ran through your mind as you waited for remedy to arrive.

*time skip

You were in your room sitting on the end of your bed worried.
Remedy had taken a few blood tests and a few scans over you to try and figure out was hat was wrong.

She first had to tell Peely.
You could hear soft murmurs from outside the room.
You started to worry again.

Remedy came in the room but ahe didn't look too happy.
"Y:n I'm sorry but...they aren't going to make it were going to have to do surgery to help you get any better from this" remedy sighed.

You immediately bursted into tears grabbing your pillow and burying your face deep into it muffling your cries.
Remedy left the room inviting Peely in to help you.

Peely sat beside you and you hugged him tightly crying non-stop.
He was crying for quite a bit as well.
You sat in your room all day.
You eventually couldn't cry anymore.

For the next few days you waited for your surgery day to come.
Scared saddened and hopeless you waited.
Peely stayed by your side everyday making sure nothing else happened to you.

The day finally came.

You were already at the medical unit and Peely waited for you patiently outside.


Like I said
It was gonna be sad
Here's a few cookies🍪🍪🍪🍪
And a hug💗

There will be a part two and maybe something could happen to make all this up
Luv you all have a great day and most importantly a happy one💗

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