too far

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You went out of the room as soon as Skye fell asleep from crying so much. You seen Midas sitting against the wall worried.

His attention perked up to you when he heard the door close. "She alright?" He asked getting up.

"Yeah but your gonna have to talk to her when she feels better it may be a while but you shouldn't worry" you told him as he sighed loudly .

"Ok well thanks" he said Walking back into his office. You decided to take some time filling out files. You walked to your office and sat in your chair turning on the computer in front of you.

*time skip

You were finally done with all of the files and you placed them into your file cabinet behind you. You were tired and it was almost midnight.

You peeked into peelys room and seen he wasn't there so you went up to your own and changed into your lazy pjs.

Once you pulled your hair out of the braid you had it in you let it fall onto your shoulders completing the look. You walked back to Skyes room to see how she was doing and you heard her talking to someone. You pressed your ear up to the door and listened.

"Skye why didn't you tell me before?" Midas was asked "I didn't want you to think you did it" she whimpered

"Its ok even if it was from me I would love you either way" he whispered. You smiled and walked away now looking for peely. You spotted Tina in the hallway just aimlessly walking around.

"Hey tina? Do you know where peely went?" You asked she looked over at you. "Yeah he's in the lounge room...why?" She asked smirking

" I just want to see him jeeze stop teasing me already " You said playfully pushing her. "Ok just know I'm not stopping anyone from busting in" she said mockingly

You rolled your eyes and went to the lounge room And spotted him playing on his phone. You came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder making him jump.

"Hah I got you" you giggled wrapping your arms around him. "(y:n) you scared me I never knew you could be so quiet" he said kissing your cheek.

You hopped over the back of the couch and he threw his arm over your shoulder and you moved closer to him leaning against his chest. "Care for a movie love?" He asked pulling up Netflix on the tv. You nodded and he put it on a random movie.

As always you fell asleep about half way through the movie he actually did as well. You were cuddled up against him and he had his arms wrapped around you. He decided to lay on the couch instead and so you got comfortable laying on his chest.

* Time skip

You were woken up by slight laughing coming from behind the couch you and peely were on. "Guys go on" you groaned lifting your head up from peelys chest not wanting to open your eyes.

The laughing got louder. "Guys I said go on nothing happened put whatever you have away and go on" you squeaked sitting up. You were still on peelys lap which made you blush only making the situation more unconvincing.

"So how did you like ' ' seeing peely ' '?" Tina asked bursting out into laughter. All you could do was lay back down and bury your face in peelys chest blushing harder.

"Go away guys!" You squealed accidentally waking peely. " (y:n) what is it? " he asked sitting up. You were still clinging onto him as he did bringing you up with him.

"Guys what's going on?!" Peely asked seeing everyone who was behind the couch . Everyone except midas. He wasn't the teasing type.

Skye then bursted out laughing along with brutus. You and peely were annoyed. Peely gotten out from under you and left you on the couch still tired and he shooed them away.

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