torn wth tears (smut)

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Hiya furbabiez 💗

I have been feeling really inspired to write lately but when I go to write nothing comes to mind! So I just put random things down even if its the most common thing to write😅

Stupid writers block

Anyways enjoy the one shot💗

it was the next morning and you hardly gotten any sleep.

Skye was passed out beside you and you stayed by her making sure nothing happened to her.

You didn't know if it was even morning and you lost track of time.

You didn't know what chaos had planned today but you knew it wasn't good.

Skye started to wake. You looked over at her as her eyes opened and she looked around.
"You ok y:n?" She asked
"Yeah,you?" You responded

She nodded softly and silence fell over the dark room again.
"Do you know what chaos is up to? Or if the others are even coming?" Skye asked

"No,don't think like that,the others are coming hopefully" you sighed.
You were afraid that if you didn't get out you'd end up bleeding out or chaos might torture you more.

You knew they already had everything out of Skye which wasn't much but you weren't going to say a word.

You could hear Skye tugging against the ropes and you were worried. "Skye what are you doing?" You asked
"Trying to get out for the millionth time now" she strained

"What?! No if you have tried to get out for the millionth time now then you should know you can't get out I have already tried with all my might" you told her.

"Well I can at least try" she said continuing to try and get out.
Then you heard a snap.
Looking over you seen that she had snapped the rope that held her wrists together.

"Hah! I did it" she smiled
"How?" You asked in disbelief
"The ropes become weaker with each try" she explained getting one of her arms out of the ropes grip.

Once she had both of them out she untied the rest and started unting you. Even though her wounds stung with each movement she did all she could.

You were free but you felt like it only hurt worse.

Trying to stand you only fell back down.
Skye wandered in the darkness finding the door.

You knew you didn't have much time until chaos found you so you had to hurry. Getting up again the wounds stung but you had no time to lose so you stumbled you way over to the door by Skye.

Gunshots could be heard through the door.
"Whats that?" Skye asked
"Must be the other's" you mumbled

You pulled out a hair pin from your messy hair and started to unlock the door.
"You know how to pin lock?" Skye asked amazed
"How did you learn?" She asked as you fumbled with the lock.
"My parents used to make little drills and pretend to capture me when i was little but with the use of this skill I get out pretty easily" you shrugged
"Can you teach me?" Skye asked
"Maybe later" you said finally getting the door unlocked.

You opened it and tumbled out first seeing Midas.
"Y:n? Skye?" He said looking over at both you and her who were on the floor trying to get up.

"Yep that's us" you replied getting to your feet.
"Come on we need to get you out of here" he said coming to your side.
"Awe but I wanted to stay" you whined sarcastically

He continued shooting at the henchmen protecting you for however long he could until he got back up.

Peely then came around seeing you.
He ran over and hugged you softly aware of your wounds.
"God I've missed you" he whispered letting go.
"I've missed you too" you responded smiling

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