oh baby its a triple

28 2 3

Sorry I just had to use it😂

Has anyone else started drawing on your arm out of boredom?

Because I started and I feel somewhat powerful with it.

I just drew a bunch of diamonds and connected the bottom to the top and drew it up to my elbow and put a bunch of little doodles on my wrist and rest of my arm and now I feel like I just drew myself a gauntlet😂
Who else got in trouble for this in school before quarantine?
I sure did
Sorry if I have been slow on my books I have been trying to find ideas for them
Also this was inspired by tuffyx go check out his\her books their fucking awesome

please don't come for me😅
I love you all
I hope you enjoy

You were writing some files on the new recruits in shadow when you heard your door open. It was Tina,but she didn't look like regular Tina.

"Hey Tina you look different" you said looking up at her. She was wearing all black instead of red.
"Me? No I look like this all the time" she shrugged handing you another small file.

"Midas wants us to do another mission tomorrow so be ready its a risky one" she said walking out of the room. "That.was weird" you thought but you just went back to writing.

You heard commotion in the kitchen and you decided to go and look.you peered into the kitchen to see Skye but not just one but them three of them. And they were unsurprisingly fighting over the last soda.

"What the hell is going on in here?" You asked fully coming into the kitchen. Skye was reaching up for the soda while shadow Skye was holding it high in the air standing on the table. Ghost Skye was half way up from the floor onto the table."What are you looking at?" Shadow Skye asked. "Shade!" Ghost Skye said softly slapping her leg and falling off the table onto the floor.

"Skye?..Skye....and skye?" You said pointing to each of them.
"The names shade not Skye that's this loser over here" shade said glancing at the regular Skye. Skye looked up at her arms crossed and frowned.

"Im Sadie!" The ghost Skye said getting up from the floor.
"Skye explain now" you demanded crossing your arms.
"I can't they just came out of nowhere" skye shrugged

You left with your hands up in a I surrender way. You went to go talk to Tina about it. You looked into her room.
"Again?!" You asked looking at the three of them on the bed. They were watching a movie together.

"And what are your names?" You asked leaning against the door frame crossing your arms. I mean you had to get to know them somehow or you will end up mixing them up.
"Tntera" the shadow one said putting her hand up.
"Tntarika" The ghost one said putting her hand up.
And again you left confused.
They just sounded like off brand names but you just ignored it.

You went to check on Brutus next.
And not surprised, you seen two more of him standing there.
They were steadily arguing over who knows what.
You decided to just leave because you didn't want to get caught up in the argument.

You went through the hallway and into meowcles room again finding two more versions of himself just working out with him.
"Meowcles do you know what's going on and why their are three of everyone?!" You asked
He shook his head no and you left sighing loudly.

"What am I on?" You mumbled to yourself as you made your way to Midas' office. You didn't even have to look to know that it had happened to him too.
But the question is
What happened to everyone?

What happened for it to result in all of this.
You could hear them arguing through the door do you decided to just leave it.
Why is everyone arguing? You mumbled to yourself

Finally you made it to peelys room.
"Their can't be three of him can there?" You asked yourself in thought.
You opened the door and no doubtedly their was three of him standing right in front of you.

"Peely you too?!" You asked
"What? Oh y:n! I can explain" Peely said looking over at you.
"What?! What about her you never told us about her!" Shadow peely yelled
"Dude you are me!" Peely added
"He's got a point" ghost peely told him

"Peely am I seeing things again?" You asked as he walked to your side. "Well unless I'm seeing the same things then no your not" he said grabbing your hand protectivly.

"Well what about her?" Ghost asked
"What do you mean what about her? She's my wife" peely told them. Your face went red and you held onto his arm hiding behind it slightly.

"Well isn't that a miracle" shadow peely said sarcastically
"Ok who are you all and how did you all get here?!" You finally asked. Shadow peely took your hand and spun you around and caught you. "Well darling,we didn't quite get here on our own" he said lifting you back to your feet.

"Hey hands off she's mine!" Peely said grabbing your hand again pulling you behind himself. "Peely I need an explanation" you sighed heavily. "Well I don't fully know how they got here Midas must-have been messing around with something he shouldn't have and ended up multiplying me" peely said not taking his eye off of them.

"So how do we get rid of them?" You whispered
"I can hear you" Ghost peely said crossing his arms.
"Well I don't exactly know but we can't let the others see them" peely sighed
"Well its happening with everyone" you added

They looked at you as if you were crazy.
"Well then I guess were not much of a secret then are we?" Ghost peely said glaring at him.
"Just shut up ok! Its not like it will be permanent" he told them
"I don't have to shut up to you" ghost peely said crossing his arms
"But I am you if you haven't noticed" peely sighed
"Yeah and I listen to me" ghost peely added
"Then you should listen to me we are literally the same person" peely told him with a bit of frustration lacing his voice.

You and shadow peely were just watching them argue.
You looked over at peely and smiled. He smiled back and you looked back at the conversation when shadow peely grabbed your hand. You froze not knowing what to do. You didn't want to cheat on peely but he was peely. You were confused so you just let go of his hand creating an awkward moment between you and him.

Then out of nowhere ghost peely punched the original peely in the face thankfully not making a mark.
"Nice one Paris" shadow peely said highfiving him.
Paris? That's an odd name but you decided not to question it. "Don't think your out of the woods either" he said standing behind you and grabbing onto your waist.

"Hey I told you hands off! She is mine you little bitch!" Peely said grabbing you out of his arms. You were scatter minded. You didn't know who to listen to who to be with or if you were supposed to be with them either way.

Shadow peely then grabbed your arm pulling you into his arms.
"She mine! Now its settled!" Shadow peely said protectivly wrapping his arms around you.
"Parker I told you I'm literally married to her she is officially my wife!" Peely stated

"Guys stop! Please I'm not an object! Just put me down!" You yelled trying to get out of his arms.

He let you go and you stood up looking at all if them.
"Look guys you all can have me but I need you all to stop acting like two little girls fighting over a doll!" You told them.

"Make that three" parker said glaring at peely.
"Fine but how are we not supposed to kill each other while having you?" Peely asked
"I don't know but just don't" you told him grabbing his hand and standing beside him.

"I am going to go and talk to Midas to see how we can fix this and while I'm gone no-one is to kill each other" you said kissing peelys cheek.

"What no bye bye kiss for me?" Parker whined playfully.
"Im still trying to comprehend how your even here so don't expect any bye bye kisses until I do" you chuckled.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter because I had a lot of fun writing it for all you furbabiez and don't forget to go and check out tuffyx and his\her books their awesome and if you would like to suggest any ideas for any future chapters I will be happy to do them because I'm all out of ideas
Let me know if you guys want part two
And maybe a possible smut
Luv you all and have a great day and most importantly a happy one

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