hidden feelings

17 1 6

Hiya beebz💗

Yeah your the baddie in this one

Your also depressed
Not surprised because


Yeah I'm lonely
But anyways this is another youngerpeelyxreader For the celebration of the 40th chapter and 30 furbabiez💗

I don't want to do another collage one so its high school and you have a dorm.



You were in your second period class


Boring as usual

You sat in the very back Of the class because of all the fights you would start with the other popular kids in your class.
And of course you were one of them.

You weren't paying attention to the teacher and instead you were making paper airplanes. You had your eye on this one kid.
You didn't know his name but god did he mess you up just by looking at him.

You snapped your fingers capturing his attention. You aimed the airplane at the teacher. You glanced at him and he shook his head but you nodded and threw the plane at the teacher hitting the side of his head.

You made the entire class laugh. You propped your feet up on the side of the desk leaning your chair back. He turned around and immediately looked at you.
"Y:n" he started
You pointed over to the kid.
He looked at you like you were crazy.

"No y:n you can't just blame everything on Peely" he said crossing his arms.
"Ooh so that's his name" you thought out loud on purpose making the class giggle.
"Y:n detention now!" The teacher yelled

"Oh I'm sorry were you talking about me or Peely" you said sarcastically.
"Y:n" he grumbled
"Oh I'm sorry I thought his name was banana boy" you said grabbing your things and standing up from your desk.

"I hate you" Peely mumbled as you walked by.
"And I hate you too" you said poking his shoulder playfully.
He rolled his eyes and you walked to the door stopping right in front of it.

"Y:n go we don't need any more of your nonsense" the teacher sighed
"I will be back my morons!" You announced walking backwards out if the room with your arms up making the class laugh.

You made it to Detention finding another teacher in the room along with many other students you knew.
"Whats up retards" you smiled setting your bag on a desk in the back if the classroom.

"Eh y:n you got the homework for tomorrow?" Fade asked
(Yeah this may or may not be cringy but hey I've never been popular before so I don't really know what its like)

"No actually" you shrugged
Then Peely came in.
"Heyy it's banana boy" you threw your hands up like you just won something.

He rolled his eyes and sat in the opposite corner of the back of the room. You made your way over to him sitting next to him.
"Hey,soo what are you doing in here?" You asked

"Why do you need to know?" He asked turning away.
"Because you seem too....innocent" you smirked
"What just because I'm nice it doesn't I don't have a bad side" he scoffed.

"Well its because I'm impressed you got in here" you shrugged
"What?" he looked at you.

"Yeah I usually never see the good kids in here" you said kicking back off your desk making your chair lean back.
"Soo does that mean your a bad kid?" He asked looking over at you.

"What?" You looked at him and kicked a little too far back on your desk and fell back hitting your head on the wall. You accidentally kicked one of your books up while you fell back and it hit you in the face making the side of your forehead bleed.

"Ow" you said making Peely burst out laughing.
You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked at him. He was laughing hard he covered his mouth hiding his adorable laugh.

"You just love seeing me suffer don't you" you said rolling off the chair and sitting up. He caught his breath and you put your chair back up in its regular position and sat in it looking at him.

He looked over at you still smiling.
You couldn't help but smile at him.

"Your bleeding" he said pointing at the blood trickling down the side of your face.
You snapped out of your trance and only then noticed the blood that was now trailing over your eye and cheek.

"Ah! Killer book!" You yelled playfully pointing at the book that hit your head.
"Ok ok y:n go to the nurse" the teacher chuckled
"I can't walk straight can Peely come with me?" You asked pretending to not be able to see straight.

She rolled her eyes and escorted you both to the nurse.
"That was a lie wasn't it?" Peely asked nudging your side.
"Yeah it sure was" you scoffed walking beside him in the hallway.

You finally reached the nurse.
You slid your hands in your pockets and followed Peely inside.
"So miss y:n this is the third time this week you had came in here" the nurse laughed
"Yeah I need a quick patch up" you shrugged sitting beside Peely.

"Another fight?" She asked grabbing a patch from one of her drawers. "Nah math attacked me this time" you shrugged letting her wipe the blood from your face.

You seen Peely holding back his laugh.
"How did math attack you?" She asked trying not to laugh herself.
"I fell back out if my chair and accidentally kicked a math book making it hit my face and here we are" you chuckled as she placed the small patch on your wound.

"Y:n I told you no more leaning back in your chair" she sighed softly going back to her seat.
"Well we all know I never learn my lesson so I might be back here again soon" you blufed

"Ok well if I see you here again I'm gonna have to call your father" she warned playfully.
"Ok ok you don't need to torture me" you said sarcastically making her chuckle.

You walked out still beside Peely.
"So I will see you after school in my dorm if your not busy" you said walking in a separate direction from Peely.
"Bye y:n" he said smiling
"Bye banana boy" you said turning towards him still walking backwards.

So he's there will be a part two guarantee 💗
and it will be here soon
And yes it will be smut
I need to catch up on it anyways
I hope you all enjoyed
Have a great day and most importantly a happy one💗

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