maya at it again

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About a month later you were assigned a mission with peely . You gotten your gear and met up with peely at the boat. "Hey peely you ready?" You asked getting into the passenger seat of the boat.
" Yeah I sure am" he chuckled sitting in the driver's seat.

Midas had assigned you and peely to find Maya and bring her back. Now Maya has multiple shadow bases and since Brutus was off today he was not guarding the grotto so you have a 50\50 chance of finding her there.

Once you arrived you snuck in from the top landing in the water just barely missing the edge of the helicopter pad. Peely came in right after. Luckily none of the henchmen noticed. "So what now?" He asked looking around

You had henchmen on both sides of you so you had to get rid of them there was no sneaking around this time. You brought out your assault rifle and peely was borrowing tinas boom bow.
You swam around to your left and he did his right. With the henchmen missing each shot it was pretty easy to defeat them.
You both met up again at the hallway being greeted by a few henchmen that surprisingly didn't notice.

"Damn these henchmen are stupid" peely commented whispering
You nodded in agreement and spotted a vent above you. You signaled him to go up into the vent and he boosted off of your hands and made it successfully. You found two rooms. Their were henchmen guarding the way in front of you so you had three decisions.

1 go to the left and make your way through the connecting rooms and hallways shooting any henchmen you might see
2 shoot the ones in front of you and alert everyone
3 go to the right and travel through there

The only problem was they could possibly over power you.
You decided to take your left. You shot multiple henchmen and went through numerous halls stepping and leaping over them as they fell to the floor one by one. You then heard more henchmen and a feminine voice.

You didn't know if it was maya or If it was a female henchmen which would be questionable because you never see any around.
You heard a nearby crash and gunshots.
"Must be peely" you mumbled looking around for a vent. You found one right above you. It was already open from when one of the now dead henchmen.

You hopped off of one of the nearby desks and swung onto the side tossing your assault rifle inside and you pulled yourself up into it.
You followed the sound and found peely cornered by three henchmen both aiming guns at him. If he shot one he would die if he didn't either they would turn him into Maya or they would shoot him anyways. You peeked the barrel of the rifle through the vent seems and shot one immediately killing it.

Both of the henchmen looked around for where you were and you shot another one again. Peely finished off the last one and you opened the bottom of the vent. You looked your head and shoulders out as if you were hanging from a tree still holding onto the sides.

"Nice work" you said sarcastically
"Why thank you" he said back in the same manner but smirking. You giggled before hopping out of the vent. He patted your head on a humorous mocking way. You rolled your eyes playfully before heading out. You didn't see anyone henchmen only the ones lying on the floor.

"You really cleared this place out didn't you?" You said tapping his arm with the back of your hand. He smiled and you heard the voice again. It was coming from an office. You carefully walked over not to step in any traps or trip over the henchmen that stood there on the floor lifelessly.

You pressed your ear against the door and heard maya and a male voice similar to midas. You were confused and before peely could say anything you placed a finger over your lips signaling him to be quiet.

You tried to slowly open the door turning the knob only to find it was locked. You sighed silently and shot a bullet into the door knob without scare in the world. The door swung open and you and peely immediately headed inside aiming ready for anything that may occur. Anything except one thing.
You looked around and before you could think you heard a gunshot from behind you.

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