leaving for good part 2

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Hiya beebs
So If you don't know what one punch man is please check it out
I have been all sorts if caught up in it lately😅
Its an anime series you can find it on hulu

Anyways here's the part 2💗
It has been a month.

Your parents gave up hope on finding you.
Peely had become very worried on where you were ever since you have been reported missing.

You woke up with a sharp pain in your stomach. You had a small pair of Shorts on along with a hoodie that covered the shorts.
"I need something to nibble on for now" you thought.
You went to check you phone again but it had just recently died.

Sighing heavily you decided to go and get something to eat Checking your backpack for any extra money.
"Damnit I'm out" you mumbled.

You were gonna have to find any way possible to get food or money.
You zipped up your backpack shoving your blanket into it.

You pulled it over your shoulders holding onto the straps tightly keeping you head low under the hood of the hoodie.
Even though you had a pretty good disuse you could be recognize easily.

You had a grey beenie on covering most of your hair.
You pulled out a few strands and dyed them blue with wet chalk.
You expected it to be a bright blue but it looked more silver than anything.

You looked around for any possible way to get money before just heading out into the crowd.
You walked out of your small hide out and just wandered.

You were hungry and homesick.
You knew walking around on an empty stomach for long periods of time wouldn't be good but just sitting around and waiting wasn't going to do anything either.

After walking around for a bit you came across a tv in a window. Many people were gathered around it.
It shown the news and on it you spotted yourself.

It was the report of you missing.
You tried to stay as calm as possible trying not to give yourself away.

You looked up at the screen letting the hoodie fall from your head unknowingly. The small crowd started murmuring and you became nervous.

A guy yanked your bennie off letting your hair drop onto your shoulders.
You gasped sharply Trying to get it back from him.

He had a large hoodie shadowing his face.
You couldn't see any features of the man.
He held the hat up high over your head as you reached for it.
"Look its her! Its y:n! The missing little girl" he shouted.

"No stop give that back!" You squeaked.
It seemed like everyone was staring at you making your heart race with fear.
You reached for it again.

He pushed you back making you stumble and fall hitting the side of your head on a brick making it bleed.
It stung harshly and unforgivingly as blood trickled down the side of your face.

You let out a small cry and held your wound.
He leaned over you and you seen that it was the same guy so you had seen when you first arrived in the city.

He chuckled and you kicked his face as hard as you could breaking his nose.
His eyes watered as he stumbled backwards giving you a chance to get up.

The crowd kept you from running so you had to face this guy.
Your life depended on it.
You tried to grab the pocket knife from your pocket but it wasn't there.

He held it in his hand.
You had no clue how he got a hold if it but what you did know is that its gonna be 10x more dangerous facing him.
You felt fear strike you again as he charged at you.
You ducked out of the way from instinct and swung your leg suddenly tripping him.

Amazed at your newly found strength You seen you had angered him and decided to do your worst.
He leaped for you and shoved you to the ground making the knife in his hand slice your face pretty badly.

All you seen was red.
The red of blood temporarily blinding you.
The knife had cut over both of your eyes not blinding you completely thankfully.
You screamed painfully.

Scared for your life you kicked his throat making him choke.
You booked it.
Running through the crowd knocking into many people.

You didn't stop no matter how much you wanted to.
Your vision was shielded completely by the sticky blood.

You were now playing with fire taking your chances with anything.

Still running you ran into someone knocking both you and him over with a groan.

Hissing at the new stinging pain in your chest and arm you sat up unable to run any longer.
"Oh my god are you ok?" He asked coming to your side.

"P-p-lease don't h-hurt me" you whimpered out of pure fear and agony.
"Here,open your eyes slowly" he informed holding your head in his hands.

You obeyed.
Opening your eyes slowly he wiped away the blood from your eyes.
You squinted softly at the bright sky letting your eyes adjust.

Then in front of you you couldn't believe what you were seeing.
There right before your eyes sat Peely.

You started crying hard hugging onto his chest.
He held you tightly crying as well.

"Peely i-im so sorry" you cried into his shoulder.
"Shh its ok um here now,nothing will hurt you anymore" he whispered softly running his hands through your hair.

"God how I've missed holding you in my arms" he whimpered.
"H-how did you f-find me?" You asked pulling away wiping the tears from your eyes instantly being met by the stinging pain from the scar.

"Well me and the crew all headed out searching for you throughout the City because that's the only place we haven't checked" he smiled softly hugging you again.

You held him like it was the last time you would ever see him.
Your heart swelled with love and affection both towards and from Peely.

He lifted you up into his arms. He pulled the backpack onto one shoulder and carried you out of the city and towards the agency notifying everyone about finding you.

You clung onto his torso not wanting to let go.

He eventually arrived at the agency.
No-one was there yet so he carried you into the kitchen sitting you on the counter.

"So do you want to explain to me now why you ran away?" He asked grabbing a few napkins damping them slightly with water.
"Well ill explain layer now isn't the time" you sighed

He took the napkin and wiped away the blood that covered your eyes.
Hissing at the stinging pain he wiped over your scar.

"Y:n what happened your all sorts of hacked up" he chuckled
"Alot honestly" you giggled childishly.

"I don't know why someone would do this to my little baby" he smiled kissing your forehead softly.
"Yeah me either some people are just sick" you huffed
"Well at least your ok" he smiled

"Yeah" you responded
Then the other agents arrived.
Skye found your first and ran into you engulfing you in the biggest hug she could give.

"Hey Skye" you squeaked laughing slightly
"Where were you?! You had us worried sick!" She asked

"Well lets just say I faced the devil himself today" you chuckled
"I can see that" tina said from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Thats gonna scar up really good" brutus spoke walking passed her and over to you.
"What?" You asked confused
"Each scar tells a story,and yours tells it real well" he chuckled ruffling your hair.

"Yeah your gonna be telling it for years on end" tina smiled
"Huh,well that's what I get for thinking I can just run away from my problems" you sighed playfully
"Yeah well sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't" skye shrugged

"Alright come in lets go clean you up" Peely chuckled

So that was my part two💗
I hope you furbabiez enjoyed
I hope you all have a great day and most importantly a happy one💗

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