a younger time ago

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This is a new youngerpeelyxreader and you were 15 and he was 16 only 5 months older and in highschool and You and him were both juniors.
I'm sorry for keeping you furbabiez waiting for So long I had lost my tablet for a while and my charger broke so....yeah
I would also like if you guys would comment any suggestions for any further oneshots or if you guys even want a part two I will add some smut if you guys would like 😏
Any ways I hope you enjoy
Luv you lots and remember have a great day and most importantly a happy one

You were in you second period of your class and was already fed up with this day.
You had felt with a lot already and you weren't even halfway through. A bunch of guys were getting on your nerves. They kept teasing you and trying to ' ' get at you' ' as they liked to call it.

The bell rang and you honestly didn't want to go out there. You were in the verge of snapping on those guys and that wasn't usual for you and you didn't want to in the first place because it could ruin your reputation.

You got up from your seat and grabbed your things. You walked out and made your way to your next class as quickly as possible not to run into anyone you didn't like. You kept your small throwing knives in the pocket of your skirt and a pencil in your hair that was tied up in a pony tail.

Then just as you thought you were safe and could get to class without running into anyone you were greeted by the guys zooming pass you with their skate boards knocking your books and papers out of your arms.

"Hey beautiful" the leader of the group teased. They were all seniors and they were charming yes but they can be real asshats. the leader was a guy named sanctum and he was the most respected because of his powers. His brother drift was the same age but a lot kinder and didn't have as much reputation as him.
"What do you guys want now?" You groaned getting onto your knees and picking up your papers and books.

" my my looks like someone's got an attitude are you on your period? " he asked teasingly "no but I can still hurt you" you growled. He stepped on a book you were about to grab almost stepping on your hand but you remained calm.

"Do you mind?" You asked looking up at him. " yes I do very much" he chuckled kicking it across the hall. The four if he people in his group which were durrburger,sunny,rue and chaos.
They grabbed your books and papers out of your hands and threw them. You didn't bother to have a reaction you just stood up and brushed your surprisingly short skirt off.

"So now that you haven't got anything to distract you with why don't you let me-"
"Yeah no whatever it is you were going to say I'm not going to do in not that stupid to think I have got to listen to a bunch of dicks" you said cutting him off.

You seen you had sparked something in rue and a small smile pulled at your lips. "I can see your enjoying this aren't you?" The asked crossing her arms like the little brat she is.
"I am enjoying this as much as you get dick which is how many hmm let me count absolutely none so I guess I wouldn't comment if I were you" you said sarcastically

She was shocked to see you getting like this so she pouted. "Hey nobody I would suggest shutting up before I do it for ya" durrburger said pushing your shoulder. "Oh please do daddy" you teased sticking your tongue out.
He huffed and looked back at sunny.

"Oh is daddy to scared or does he know he isn't a match for me?" You growled. You were suddenly pushed to the floor by sanctum . "My my looks like someone's got an attitude" you teased. He went to punch you and you moved just when he was about to make g him hit the floor with a loud bang.

This attracted attention from the people who were roming the halls. They all pulled out their phone as you got up standing a decent distance from sanctum. Rue came to his side and the rest of his group was back in the crowd.
"Oh so you want to go to bitch?" You asked smiling .

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