hidden feelings part 2 (smut)

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So enjoy some smut you earned it for coming this far

enjoy the chapter💗

It was really late at night.
Peely had just got done with finishing homework and decided to go to your dorm for a bit.

He wandered through the hallways and finally found it.
He could hear something inside.
They were soft murmurs.

After he heard you he went to open the door thinking it was locked but it wasn't. It opened silently and the murmurs were more clear.

he seen you with your head down on the table buried in your arms. visable bruises,scratches and cuts shown on your arms and torso still bleeding meaning they were recently made. You only had a small crop top on with your underwear.

Peely blushed but was hurt by what he had seen.
He never liked to see you cry or See you get hurt let alone see the aftermath.
He seen two bottles of alcohol sitting empty in front of you and one in your hand almost empty.

"Y:n? Are you ok?" He asked
You perked your head up looking at him.
You wiped Away your tears quickly and got up from your seat trying to hide the bottles.

"Peely,..uhh you didn't knock" you slurred trying not to sound drunk as shit. "Yeah the Door was unlocked" he said now closing it.

"Well...you....you need to go" you managed to say trying to get your mind in check so you could actually speak.
"What? no! Something's wrong you have bottles of...whatever sitting in front of you and Brusies all over you and you tell me nothings wrong?" He asked
You struggled to stay standing.

"Bottles?" You asked the drowsiness finally taking over.
"Yeah those things on your table" he said pointing to the bottles behind you. You gave up and sat back down laying your head on your arms.

He looked around before asking anything else and spotted an open container of pills. He knew you would never take anything you weren't prescribed so he checked the label.
"Y:n what were you doing? Your allergic to these" he said.

"So what" you said bluntly
"SO you could die from them plus your drunk so you'd take them without a second thought as well...did you take any?" He asked
"No,but was about to..and im gonna" you said slurring your words and reaching for the container.

He threw them away.
"What the hell is your problem?!" You whined pushing him.
"Y:n you could die from these!" He said trying not to make you any more angry.

"Ok and?! Who gives a fuck about me?! Absolutely no-one that's who!" You whined stumbling to your bed laying on your back putting a pillow over your face.

"Y:n please tell me what happened and why your doing this?" He asked calmer now. You sighed and moved the pillow sitting up still quite tipsy.

"I got jumped" you finally stated holding your head in your hands.
he sat next to you.
"now Why would you try to keep that from me?" He asked sitting in front of you.
"Because I don't want you getting hurt trying to stop them" you cried wiping away tears.
"Y:n I won't get hurt" he said looking up at you sympathetically

"Since when did you start caring so much?" You asked looking at him your eyes lidded.
"Since when did I stop?" He replied

"Is that a confession?" You asked trying to stand up.
"Well you said no-one cared about you" he sighed sitting you back down. "Well no-one does so what's the point of being around if people constantly want you dead" you asked tears arriving to your eyes unmercifully.

"I don't want you dead"

"And why?"

"Because I love you" Peely sighed softly
"You love me?" You asked smiling.
"Always have" he chuckled
You hugged him tightly and he hugged you back.
He was mindful of your wounds and sat you back on the bed.

You started not giggle as he wiped away the blood.
Your laugh was soft and cute.

He never heard you laugh before so that made him smile.
Once you were all cleaned up he decided to stay the night at your dorm because he didn't want anything else happening to you.

"Come on y:n your drunk and you need some rest" he said smiling.

"No! I want to have more of time with you because you are my special" you said letting yourself speak whatever came to your mind first.

"That doesn't make any sense" Peely chuckled
"You don't make any sense" you replied
"So what are you saying?" He asked

"I need you tonight" you replied almost instantly.


"Yeah i have only one bed no roommates and you know what who cares who's wandering around outside and hears us I just,...need you" you fussed leaning off the bed almost falling but he caught you.

He blushed heavily and layed you back on the bed laying next to you. "Y:n go to sleep" he whispered running his fingers through your hair.

You sat on his lap and he sighed propping himself up with his elbows. He looked up at you and you giggled childishly almost evily.

"Are you sure you want to do it tonight?" He asked
You nodded smiling still drunk unknowing of what you were doing.

He sat up and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he slithered his arms around your torso.
He started to softly kiss your jawline working his way up to your lips.

Your lips locked softly and his hands wandered down to your waist playing with the waist band of your panties.
He layed you down on your back not parting from the kiss.

He tugged the panties off and his hands slid down to your thighs turning you on easily.
He knew you were venerable so he didn't want to take you for advantage.

He slid his own pants off adjusting his boxers. You could feel the evident bulge against your heated core.
You moaned softly against the kiss signaling him that you wanted more.

You soon felt his member press teasingly against your clit.
"Peely please" you fussed gripping the bedsheets.
He shushed you quietly and you felt his rod slowly enter you.

The feeling pleasurable.
Your walls clenched hard making both you and him moan softly yours a little louder than his.

"Fuck!" You moaned gripping the sheets hard.
He moved slowly making the feeling only grow.

"Faster!" You whined
He did gladly. You moaned louder with each thrust.
His hips connecting with yours giving you his full length.

Your moans were cut off by each thrust.
You could feel your orgasm drawing near.
Peely lifted you from the bed letting you ride atop his member.

This only drawn your orgasm closer.
"Im near" you moaned grinding harder against him.
He held your waist helping you reach your climax. Your eyes were forced shut and you arched your back as you rode out your orgasm.

Peely pulled out quickly and came hard onto your thigh.
Your body fell limp onto his chest and your breathing was heavy.
Peely got up leaving you on the bed slowly calming down and some he wiped your thigh and layed next to you pulling the covers over you and him both.

"I love you Peely" you mumbled holding him close
"I love you too y:n" he murmured holding you closer closing the gap between you and him.

He buried his face in your hair as you wrapped one leg around his. You fell asleep not long after and he did as well.
So there's your smut for tonight\morning\day whenever you see this
I hope you all enjoyed 💗
This one was a bit more complicated to write since I haven't been writing much smut but I will catch up on it so don't you worry there's more to come

Love you all have a great day and most importantly a happy one💗

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