fluffy paws

13 0 3

Im gonna leave this one a surprise

You were running through the agency halls to your bed room as fast as you could.

Panting heavily you finally reached your room.
The door was locked and it has already started.

Rapidly trying to unlock the door.
Your nails had became claws and fur rapidly star to grow on the back of your hands alerting you.

You finally got the door open and shut it quickly behind you.
You closed the curtains and it was already too late.

Your mouth became numb as large fangs pierced your gums making them bleed.
This has only happened to you once,last moon,so it was still a new experience.

Peely didn't know neither did anyone else and you wanted to keep it that way.

You tried to stay as calm as possible as more fur traveled up your arms reaching your neck.
You throat stung making you growl and hiss at it.

Trying to keep your balance you walked around your room.
You ended up becoming dizzy and fell to your knees with a soft thud.

Peely was in the lounge room when he heard a growl come from your room.

He shrugged it off until he heard things being thrown around.

Skye came to him confused and worried.
"Uuh peely? I think you might want to check up on her" she said her voice shaking slightly.

"Whats wrong?" He asked getting up from his seat.
"I don't know but she sounds angry,that or there's an animal in there with her" she shuddered

"If it was an animal then I don't think it would be throwing things around" he chuckled
"Well she doesn't throw things when shes angry so something must've upset her pretty bad" skye shrugged

Then a soft but alerting growl came from the room.
It was pretty loud almost like a roar.
"Ok never mind there might be an animal in her room" peely said making his way up to your room quickly.

The first thing he spotted were the claw marks on your door handle.
He then knew something was up.

He opened the door slowly spotting you.
You were on all fours covered in fur and panting heavily.
The room was a mess
Things were crushed and thrown around.

There were claw marks on the walls.
Your blankets and sheets were torn your pillow was shredded.
Your clothes were ripped and a few pieces of your shirt clung onto your neck and paws.

"Y:n?" He asked fear striking him.
You looked up at him your expression softening.
"Y:n your a...a werewolf" he murmured to himself in disbelief.

Your ears went back and you walked over to him.
He stepped back still scared. You looked my up at him and he admired your new form.

You had a wolf body but way bigger than a regular one.
Your fur pattern was basic but beautiful.
The tips of your ears were white and you had a grey underbelly.
The main color of your fur was a midnight black

Your paws were red like you stepped in paint.
You had a few marks under your now glowing white eyes.
They were purple as if someone painted them on.

Your nose was a soft pink and your large fangs peeked from the edge of your mouth.

you whimpered softly and stepped back trying not to scare him.
He tilted his head and you looked up at him tilting yours.

"Can you talk?" He asked
You tried to but you just let out a small yip.

"Ok then I guess not,well how long does this last? What am I supposed to do with you? I can't just have you walking around here,what if the other agents see you as a threat?" He asked himself.

Then Skye came around. Peely seen her standing at the door way.
He closed the door behind him quickly making sure she didn't see you.

"What's wrong with y:n?" She asked
"Nothing she's fine" he Lied.
"Then what was all that noise?" Tina asked budding into the conversation.

"Well-" he was cut off by Skye squealing.
He seen the door open and Skye was running over to you.

"PUPPY!" She squeaked hugging your neck. She began to pet you and nuzzle your soft fur.

Out of curiosity Tina peeked into the room.
"UUhh Skye, that ain't no puppy" she chuckled

"Its not?"


"Then what is it?"

"Thats y:n" Peely blurted
Tina and Skye looked at him like he was crazy.
Midas came into the room curious of what's going on.

He jumped at the sight of you.
"the hell?!" He blurted out

"So uh Midas?" Peely started
Midas touched the wall slightly sending a small stream of gold your way.

No-one noticed but you sure did and tried to run from it.
Knocking over a bunch of things you tripped a few times only making it go faster.

You accidentally kicked a small piece of wood from your bed and it flew scratching skyes cheek pretty badly.
It shot into the wall stopping in its tracks.

Skye let out a small yelp and you stopped and looked at her.
Her cheek was bleeding badly and the gold reached your paw and stopped when Midas noticed Skye.

Peely tried explaining but was never able to due to Skye.

You whimpered softly and your ears bent back and your tail tucked between your legs.

"Y:n it's ok" peely said trying to calm you down.
You ran out the window and jumped onto a balcony and onto the ground and ran as fast as you could trying to get as far away from them as possible.

*time skip

You finally reached some place you felt safe.
It was under a small tree on a hill.
Your usual get away place.

You didn't want to be around anyone at the moment.
You felt guilty.
Like you were a problem.

Sitting under the settle tree moonlight hit your fur making it glow softly.

You peered down at your now golden paw and whimpered.
You layed your head down on the grass under you and huffed.

There was silence.

Then footsteps appeared behind you.
You felt a soft hand stroke your fur.

You perked up and seen Peely.
"Hey y:n" he whispered softly.

You looked away.
"Hey its alright, he just got scared" he smiled sitting next to you.
You layed your head on his lap and he continued to pet you.

"Do you want to come back now?" He asked
You got up from your seat signaling you did.
"Ok then come on" he said standing up next to you.

You started to walk beside him and eventually came back to the agency.

After some explanation you headed up to Peelys room.
"You had better not tear everything up like you did in your room" he chuckled crawling onto his bed.

You hopped up next to him and curled up resting your head on his chest. He giggled gently and ran his fingers through your soft fur making you smile.

"Your new nickname is puppy now" he smiled kissing your nose.
You growled softly at his remark but eventually fell sleep beside him.

You woke up blinking hard at the sunlight that peered through his curtains. Turning towards him you realised that you only had your undergarments on and blushed.

His arms were wrapped around you reassuringly.
You smiled at his presence and nuzzled his neck burying your face.

"Morning" you smiled
He opened his deep brown eyes and smiled kissing your nose.
"Morning puppy" he smiled

"Ugh don't call me puppy" you groaned playfully

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