your bitch smut

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Shit im fangirling again😂

Why do games have to make characters so hot!!

Like their messing with my emotions I love someone but they aren't real so I'm never going to actually meet them or be able to see them IRL!!!


anyways This is another younger peely x reader and you and him are still in high school so enjoy

You were walking into your school.
You were slightly embarrassed because you had recently gotten into a fight with a popular person and won but were jumped by her gang right after school.

Everyone knew.
And your uniform only made it worse showing off your scars and bruises. Thank god peely was there to help or you wouldn't be able to walk.

Your uniform was almost like something you would see in an anime movie or a Yandere game.
Super short skirt
Collared white shirt with a black tie in which you had forgot so it made the collar droop showing your cleaveage
You had knee high socks that were white as well and some black shoes

Your hair was Normal and it rested on your shoulders.
You tied to hide your face behind your books as you have gotten many stares from others.
Mostly guys because of how much you were showing.
You were against the school dress code because of it but you had to cope because one more suspension and your expelled and if your expelled god knows what's waiting for you at home.

You reached your locker and opened it. You tried to find a spare tie but it was no use. You grabbed your books and closed your locker seeing peely across from you.

"Hey peely" you greeted waving. You walked over and hugged him kissing his cheek. "Hey y:n,are you doing ok today? I see your name is really getting around isn't it?" He chuckled

"Yeah I'm surprised no-one has found out about us yet" you said rubbing the back of your neck. You and peely were very close no-one had known you and him were practically together people always thought you and fade were together but you didn't even like him.

"Hey y:n,now what are you doing over here messing with my friends?" one of the Popular girls asked
You recognized her. Who wouldn't.
Her name was dusk, sanctums girlfriend.
She had rue and dark bomber behind her.

(A:n back again bitch)

"What do you mean your some what ''friends" were messing with me" you replied. "Well I've heard different" she said getting closer. You held a blank face with your eyes lidded giving a small spark of Attitude to your expression.

"Oh my I'm so scared" you teased putting your hands up sarcastically surrendering.
"You need to-"
"Ah! Wait wait oh my let me just go and grab my friends because god knows I'm never going to have confidence to do anything if someone isn't watching me" you said mockingly and imitating as if you were grabbing someone from the crowd that was now surrounding you and her.

"Oh so you want to go there now y:n?!" She said getting angry
"I can go anywhere I want and you know what your always following so it doesn't matter where I go because you only follow the people with lower reputation and why hmm let me think,maybe because you know their less popular,just so you know your Highness your only chasing them up while you're bringing yourself down" you said initiating her again.

You could tell she was furious.
"Well y:n I don't rely on banana boy over here to come and save my ass when I'm getting jumped" she said pointing over at peely who was holding back a laugh from your recent comment.

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